Where Can I Buy Butesin Picrate?
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Where can I buy this ointment, if not in the U.S which countries still sell this? Thank you

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I have used this product for many years for burns and found it to be really good. I was pretty upset when it went off the market . I still had a full tube of it and have been very stingy with its use. I still works very well. I would however like to get some more as I am now just about out of it.

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All my life we used this product, Butesin Picrate for burns, and insect bites. I have an old tube, it still works. But it's down to the last ointment drop!

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They removed the metaphen and sold it as Butesin PIcrate, Butamben PIcrate. At least they removed it from the label.
But my tube is on the old side. Is there a substitute that works as well for burns?

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I too have been looking for this Butesin Picrate 1% ointment but with no luck what so ever. As this was the best burn cream I have ever used and/or heard of. I have recently contacted many compounding pharmacies (today is 4/4/16) and also several of their suppliers after I found the article in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding publication titled "Butesin Picrate 1% ointment" vol 12 no. 2 p149 Mar/Apr 2008 which has the list of ingredients and how to make it. No one these days has either ever heard of this product and/or can not get the main ingredient "butesin Picrate" to make the ointment.

the only substitute that I have found that works similar to this fantastic burn cream is straight yellow mustard. Not Dijon, not brown mustard and/or any other flavored mustards, but simple straight yellow mustard, like "french's yellow mustard".

I learned this quite by accident, about 4 years ago, I was at a restaurant and I ordered a "sizzling fajitas" entree. Well, the waitress made a big mistake. She wore her oven mitts as she brought my burning hot metal plate with sizzling food to my table, but she put the hot metal, oval plate in front of me, (she forgot the wood plate underneath that they normally have). but the plate wasn't set right and was off to the side, so I instinctively reached down to move the plate, and burned my 4 fingers and thumbs on both hands. I was in so much pain, I had tears.

The waitress came back a few minutes later with a plate of yellow mustard and two plastic food prep gloves. She then said "Trust ME", (I shut my mouth but you should have heard what I was thinking as I was upset at her LOL) she then said, "I know this sounds crazy, but yellow mustard is a natural burn cream, not brown or Dijon mustard, but straight yellow mustard. Spread the mustard over the burned areas and then put these plastic food prep gloves on to keep the mustard moist and you can also eat without making a mess with the mustard on your hands."

Being in serious pain, I followed her advice and amazingly, with in a few minutes. The pain went away! And to my surprise, there was no sign of the burns the next day. Since then, I once accidentally burned my hand on a red hot metal piece as I was helping someone weld my snow plow. It hurt bad, and I grabbed a pair of my friends disposable plastic surgical type work gloves to keep grease and paint off, and drove down to a local grocery store and bought a Squeeze bottle of French's Yellow Mustard. (time elapsed from the actual burn to the time I applied the mustard was approx 10 to 15 mins) I spread the mustard on the burn, put the plastic glove on and in several mins the pain went away.

I have also used the yellow mustard on sunburn and it stopped the pain, or small burns on a stove and put the mustard on my finger and then a band-aid to keep the mustard moist, every time it worked. I also wondered if it might work if you burned the inside of your mouth on hot coffee and such. Never tried it, but I would definitely chance the taste of a mouth full of mustard versus having a blister on the roof of my mouth any day, if it happened to me.

I hope this helps everyone, please pass this info on. Anyway, here it is, my natural remedy suggestion for burns or sunburn. Yellow Mustard! Also, If you go camping, boating and/or any other time you have a first aid kit, you can grab a handful of those condiment , "yellow" (***not Dijon or Brown!!***) mustard packets at your local deli, along with a few disposable surgical gloves, and put them in your first aid kit to have handy. I hope it works for you!

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From what I can find, your best bet would be to call Abbott laboratories directly to see how you can purchase this medication. Here is a link to the contact page of their webiste: abbott.com/abtcontactus

I hope this helps!

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I had my mom ship me a tube from Chile. SA. My mom had this in our house since we were kids. Its the only country at the moment I can purchase it from. Abbotts Lab Chile.

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I would be interested in locating butesin picrate. Do you know how I can do this?

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