Where Do I Fill My Oxycodone Rx In Norcross Ga
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hi my name is greg, i always have a hard time filling my scripts im wrote for 120 30s, 120 15s and 60 xanax bars. i had a bad motorcycle crash. im only 26 years old so most pharmacies think im selling them or shooting them. i could never shoot up gotta phobia of needles if anyone can help. u can reach me at 828 xxx xxxx. please help
10 Replies
Need help. Have serious neck herniated disk. No cArtilage in both knees. Need 40-80 mg Op or Oxy. Roxy. Anything. No more insurance. Help please
Can you still help some one getting some help
Hello i would like to set up a mail delivery fir my meds i have been on the same crap for six years and every year it gets harder. I got a legit script and doc both in ga and i live in ga.so everything is good i just have a hard time filling them. My pharm usually has them but the last few months it has gotten worse and i have to go weeks without.
hey you still good?
Yeah hit me up {edited for privacy}
If this is a "regular" RX that you fill monthly, have you considered using a mail order pharmacy like CVS? I have several RXs that I take on a monthly basis and have mine delivered through the mail. My insurance pays for this, and I actually pay less for my meds this way.
If you the same meds every month you can set it up to get them refilled before you run out. Also a 90 day supply is generally less expensive.
You can't get meds filles across state lines anymore u have to get them filled in the state where the dr is. This is because so many people were going to drs that just write what people want for money.
why can't my wife get her prescription filled of oxycodones? Script from GA.but she can't get fille d in TN why is this?
Would you be willing to sell any of those?
Well, the issue is really due to the fact that having two prescriptions written, for the same medication, in different dosages, is highly unusual.
The normal pain control regimen would be having one that may be the instant, or regular release formulation and the other being for the time released Oxycontin.
Pharmacists are actually required to watch for this type of thing.
Is there a special reason that your doctor doesn't have you on a time released medication?
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