When Does Nustrate Wear Off
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Hi, I was supposed to go for my Ada inj. on the 26th of December but I skipped it where by my last inj. I had was on the 25th of November 2015. So for 26 days now I had no inj. and ever since I started using it in November my period cycle changed this year and I go out a lot of white milky discharge or clear jelly ones. I'm always unprotected during intimacy with my partner so I would like 2 know how long before it wears off and does the discharge mean i am pregnant?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi was taking 2 month's inj I experienced spotting then I stopped to take it but still I was expecting spotting even I stopped taking and I ask nurse from the clinic to help me about my spotting then they offer me birth control pills the my spotting stopped about 2 months since from then I didn't to have my 2 months last of last month I experienced my period twice but last I didn't have my period and I was experience white discharge itchy but this month I'm spotting non stop and non itchy issue

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If you skipped your last dose, then there is a risk of pregnancy.

It is normal for your period cycle to change and to experience discharge as a side effect of it, as well as from going off of it, as your body tries to balance your hormones back out on its own, again. The FDA also states that you may experience spotting, PMS-like symptoms and weight changes.

The only way to find out if you're pregnant is by checking for it.

When was your last period?

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