When Can I Take Hydrocodone After Suboxone


I have taken 8mg orange suboxone tablet over the course of 3 days. I regularly take hydrocodone for chronic pain and a torn labrum in my hip. My last dose of suboxone was at 9am this morning, can I take hydrocodone tomorrow afternoon? Will it help my pain? I'm showing slight wd symptoms so far but mostly wondering about my hip pain.

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i am wondering the same thing. I'm stopping the 8 mg subs and my sub doc gave me a script for 3 20mg oxycontin and 3 15mg of oxycodone and said i shouldn't have any withdrawal. I'm afraid, but the subs have totally zapped me. Good luck!

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Hi I took a 8mg sub yesterday morning then I took percocet this afternoon. How soon can I take another sub? I have both the pills and script which is better to use!

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It's been 42 hours since my last 2mg sub, I just took 2 hydrocodone, will I be okay, I was only taking 2 mg twice a day for 5 days

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The time frame one should wait between opiates and suboxone (or subutex) and vise versa is going to vary for each individual.

Some patients recommend waiting for up to 24-48hours after taking suboxone before switching to the likes of hydrocodone/oxycodone, in order to get the most out of their meds - Others still find their pain meds to be effective after only 12 hours... But only you can use your intuition to decide what the most appropriate time-frame is for your unique situation.

There's also a few other discussion threads here on this topic that can be viewed at:

1. How Long After Taking Suboxone Can I Take Hydrocodone

2. How Long After Taking Suboxone Can You Take An Opiate

3. Suboxone and Roxicodone

Hope this helps!

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If anything it might be the tylonal in the hydrocodon helping more. But I take 8mg subs everyday for about 2 years and my doctor forgot to call in this weekend.‍ I am about 7 weeks pregnant and CAN NOT GO THROW WITHDRAWL. So I took 5mg hydrocodon mind you I don’t care about the high effect just as long as I don’t feel the sub withdrawl effects right. But I do feel lots better my last dose of sub was 2 days ago and the hydro is okish .

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