What Pharmacies More Likely Will Have Oxycodone In Jacksonville Fl As Of March 2012 (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am a legit patient with many issues some including 2 surgerys on my spine.. 3 disc bulges, 5 herniated disc and more.. I have been on medicaid for 3 years now and they have paid for all of my oxycodone.. if that isnt legit enough i dont know what is.. when the state gov is actually paying and keeping track of your scripts what more proof could i offer.. but now it seems i can not find a pharmacy that will fill any oxycodone.. I am a local in Jacksonville also.. please if anyone can help please.. i do not abuse or distribute i just take what i need to help me be active with my 3 children and live a normal life.. now im going through withdrawls and beyond that if i beat the withdrawls then im having trouble getting out the bed or walking or even sitting too long.. its not a good life .. the medicine really does help me live a normal productive life.. please if anyone can help.. any ideas at all my family and I would be more then grateful thank you
Noel.... if you really do Work for the TV Station. Then why hasn't It been on Television?? This is a epidemic Now Disabled People are Suffering In Pain Because The DEA Has Put So Much Fear in Pharmacist. They would Just Rather Tell You A lie Than Fill A Legal Prescribed Prescription. So Now We Have The DEA Making Healthcare Choices. Only My Doctor Should Make. The DEA Has Caused So Much Suffering. And nobody Cares
I live in West Central Florida and my husband who is 67 and has been on oxycodone for many years for a host of pain issues went to Walgreens to fill his script, which he did for years and they told hi that they did not have any( 30's or 15's) and wouldn't be getting them in until March. This was in January. His Dr had to switch him to morphene. Then a few days later he overheard a pharmacy Tech saying that they did have the oxy's but were giving them out only to those patients that they knew. My husband went to the Manager and the following month, he had them filled, no problem. I had just had surgery in December and in January but was on 10mg 2x a day and I had no problem filling mine. It is now March, so I hope that the poor people who really need this medication for moderate to severe pain are finally being helped. The problem comes from some people who go to Doctors who write scripts so freely for any reason here in Florida and they run out and the companies that supply them will not give them any more. Things were bad here for a long time. It didn't matter what Pharmacy you went to, they all said they were out. I am getting off of them, even though I still have pain because I envision a day when this will happen again and the people that really need them will not be able to get them at all. God Bless You all, Carol
Wow, One pharmist stands up! That's mighty cool of you Alex but I bet 7 out of 10 people get results at your store and most likley depends when they ask if you have them or not. Don't get me wrong Alex your setting an example for other pharmacies but will it catch on? We really need to read the other posts and really look and see who we complain to. Complaining to each other won't solve anything. We need to complain to the right people to get results. It dosent matter what issues we have with our bodies or what surgerys we've had. IT IS A PERSCRIPTION ISSUED BY A GOOD STANDING LICSENSED DOCTOR! Since when the pharmacys get the authority to judge people on weither or not TO HONNOR A VALID PERSCRIPTION! And the pharmacys wonder why they get robbed. Oxycodone IR is a very effictive and not only that affordable! People with out insurance can't afford almost $1,000 dollars a month for a 30 day supply! It dosent matter if every drug was (tamper proof) the addiction will be abused one way or another. The D.E.A has found more than one case of drugs being used incorrectly and most likley noticed this drug is a huge reason why other drugs that cost more and (tamper proof) aren't being sold and it takes a couple billion dollar a year business owners to feel threatend and lobby to the right politics to get results. Why do you think politics fight over a spot in congress when they spend 3.4 million in advertisement to get the spot ITS NOT THE YEARLY SALERY ITS POWER! They aren't bothered by there income or way of life. Absolute power=Absoulte corruption. They can stall this issue but the facts are IT IS AN EFFICTIVE AND AFFORDABLE MEDICATION people can afford! I feel even waiting more than 2 days to get your perscription filled is garbage. Many doctors have perscribed other drugs but now there in shortage to and a matter of time before they have a certin number they can produce a month. I've personally been threw everything everyones going threw and often wonder how do other people work 9 to 5 and take care of a child much less more and continue to handle a normal life when they have to wait a week or more for there medications or spend 3 days looking and still not locate their medications? I bet the welfair,H.U.D and food stamp offices are pretty busy not to mention the methadone clinics and not to mention when people can get dosed ALMOST 300MG"S OF METHADONE A DAY FOR $10 with company's working with and threw the city THAT'S A PROBLEM WHY DON'T POLITCS BOTHER THEM? I have the same issues everyone else has and of course would love a place that can meet my medications needs monthly any pharmacy that can help call Jason 904-654-5317 Leave message.I live in Orange Park,Fleming Island Jacksonville FL area. Hopefully something I've posted makes sense and bothered the right people to do something about it. Thanks for reading guys!
Many of the big chain pharmacies that say they don't have them are usually lying. I know this first hand by 2 experiences I had in the last couple of months. I went to a large chain pharmacy last month and they told me they had 3 of my 4 prescriptions, but not the oxycodone. Well I had been to numerous places and they were the only ones who even said they had my ms contin er so I had them fill the 3 so I could have some relief. The next day I went back to speak with the pharmacy manager and was going to ask for a recommendation for a similar medication since there seemed to be a shortage everywhere. After talking to him for a few minutes and explaining my situation he told me they had the oxycodone in stock, but they were trying to keep a low profile since they had an attempted robbery a few weeks prior and this was my first time filling there. My next experience came this month. I usually go to my local CVS, but had been getting treated poorly by those wonderful pharmacy techs(overpaid pill counters) and had gotten different answers each time I went. 1 day it was they had just ran out a day or 2 prior. The next night I went and was told at first they don't carry it, but after calling him out and telling him I've been getting it filled there for some time he changed it to oh we havent been able to get it in stock. I went the next day and was told by another tech that they haven't had the oxycodone in months. Well I was pretty pissed by then so I called her out on her lies and spoke with the pharmacy manager. I explained my situation and also let him know that not only I but countless of other long time CVS customers were being treated poorly to say the least. He apologized blah blah blah and said that he would tell his staff they needed to treat people with dignity and be more empathetic with people who are already in pain and not add to it by treating us all like junkies. He seemed genuine in his concern and basically told me that getting them was like hitting the lottery as they go quickly when they get them. He did tell me though to check back about the same time the next day which I did and was told that none came on the order they just received. That same night I went in when the late shift pharmacist was there and at first he also told me that he did not have it in stock. Well I spoke with him for a few minutes and told him how it was wrong for them to have signs up that say "pharmacists who care" when judging by my experiences and experiences of others that was not the case. I then said that I could not believe they did not have such a small amount of oxycodone (under 50 tablets) when a lot of these independent pharmacies would have them but wanted over $10 for each pill. Somehow he must have had a conscience and went and checked and amazingly the oxycodone fairy must have came by and left some because he said that he did have some and that my prescription would be ready in 20 minutes. Also I had a friend who went to a different pharmacy and he and the pharmacist happened to be from the same foreign country and they got to talking and the pharmacist told him that there is no shortage and that pharmacies have them in stock but are basically profiling or playing doctor and deciding who to fill for. I personally think some of these pharmacists are telling people they don't have them to either steal them or to ensure that their friends get them and not people with legitimate needs. From now on don't take no from a pharmacy tech. Demand to speak with the pharmacy manager and ask for an explanation as to why you are being treated like a second class citizen or junkie because you take a pill to relieve some pain in order to live a somewhat functional life. If you are not satisfied with that get there names and start posting them online and call their district manager and explain that you are being lied to and treated poorly. If enough people stand up for their rights and exercise their collective consumer power we can get results.
I have SLE Lupus which causes me to be in chronic pain on a daily basis. I have a child with ADHD and a child with cystic fibrosis so needless to say life must go on for me. I am on this medication because I don't want to be on anything stronger and I have been on this medication for years for legitimate pain reasons not to abuse or sell my medicine. It's gonna be an ongoing problem until a lot of the "pill mill" doctors are shut down. The problem got significantly worse once they made oxycontin into a safety pill. That being said it shows just how many people truly abuse the medicine now that they cannot misuse the oxycontin. I truly pray that this problem will get better soon. This month I had to physically visit about 50 pharmacies which caused my lupus flare and I have been in horrible pain due to driving all over town when I prefer to fill all of my monthly medications at one pharmacy. I would be willing to allow you to interview me and would love to share some of my medical records and reasons for needing this as well as share the struggle so you can get a first hand look at this epidemic.
I am not in Jacksonville, but live in NE Ga and it is the same here. My fiance has a host of back problems and cannot get her prescription filled. Even the pharmacy she had been going to for several months, (CVS), suddenly hired a new part time pharmacist who was there last month and she felt that my fiance's doc was writing her for too much, so they would not fill it and will not now. She had been getting the same amount filled there every month. Substances like alcohol and cigarettes kill more ppl each day than the idiots who abuse pain meds do each year, and neither of those two products have any medical value to the human body at all, but are for the most part uncontrolled. Pain medications which do have legitimate medical benefits to a large number of ppl are being eradicated though??? What possible sense does that make? There is no point of even going into the fact that my fiance has now lost her job because she has been unable to come back to work because its the same thing that is happening to millions of people and until people start calling the DEA, or they're local representatives and taking action to stand up for they're now non existent rights then its open season on pain sufferers in America. Also, until the news and media starts doing stories on the people who are suffering needlessly instead of every junky who died somewhere from an overdose nothing will change and the media will continue making the problem worse. Actually, the news media needs to start putting pressure, as well as pain patients on the DEA....interview them and ask why the drug dealers are able to get they're scripts filled without any problem but legitimate chronic pain sufferers are not. Point out that because drug dealers do not take it and can spend time getting fake ID's for every county in they're state, as well as driving around for as long as it takes every day to find it that they get it all and first but chronic pain sufferers cannot and do not do those things so they run out. For crying out loud though, if every single legitimate chronic pain patient would stand up for they're God given rights as a human being and quit cowering in silence because of the dehumanizing scare tactics of pharmacies and start calling everyone, every senators office, every congressman, the governor, heck even the presidents office, and especially the DEA then this growing problem could be stopped in a month or two. Also, if you are part of the media then either do something to show these kinds of atrocities, or make your lot with the type of people who followed Hitler and be done with it.....as well as your own soul.
I've been trying to get my prescriptions filled in Jacksonville for the last 2 days with no success. I stopped by the Walgreens on Normandy near 295 early in the morning and after handing the pharmacists my prescriptions she looked through them and then told me she did not feel comfortable filling them even though I've filled at that same store before and have been a Walgreens customer for years. I asked for an explanation and was told that she didn't need to give me one. She would not even give me her name so I took her picture which she actually posed for like it's a joke that shes messing with peoples lives. I've been reading tons of posts and know there are a lot of people in the same situation being treated disrespectfully. We really all need to form an alliance and boycott these stores that treat US as criminals even though they are the ones fighting criminal charges. People should just start posting their stories on all the social networking sites and complain and spread the word via Twitter and facebook. I'm sick and tired of these over paid under trained glorified pill counters abusing the power they unfortunately have. How can a multinational multi bullion dollar corporation whose specialty is selling prescriptions always say they are out or backorder yet some hole in the wall pharmacy like Beaches pharmacy on San Jaun always have them but they charge over $10 a pill.
Why don't you try calling and see how that works for ya.
I hate when people who have no idea what you're talking about put there nose in were it don't belong.
hello don't know if you have done or want to do another story about people in legitimate pain not being able to get their meds while these local mom and pop pharmacies are getting away with price gouging people at 10.00+ now you tell me who can afford that...only the dealers or junkies who trade it for other drugstore...Dr.'s need to start calling in random blood draws or hair testing ...every patient should be checked for needle marks also i witnessed numerous people bring in urine so thats why i say blood test all the way
then they will know is legit and who isn't plus they (Dr.'s offices need to send patients to do tests and new mri 's randomly at local hospitals or places they know the mri's can not be bought or faked ...we really need to do something about this me and my mother have these same issues i have a few difcerences but most a genetic .. we live off disability so we can not be afford to pay such out ragious prices...and now everytime she starts going into detox she goes into seizures and it completely terrified my children ..my deaf daughter thought she was dying and was screaming and unconsolable ...something needs to be done and done
asap..to soothe price gouging because the dealers are through only one getting them us real patients who truly need them can not get them..there is something truly wrong with this...im hoping. you can get the word out there and help us..here is our contact xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}
Hello, I am a disabled vet with numerous problems and was just told today, as my meds are due tomm that the pharmacy is not carrying them anymore. I am sick of being looked at as an abuser because I am on pain meds for a service connected disability. I don't know where to find my meds now and I am on 30 mg of oxycodone. The military facility does not carry them and just because there are a users out there does not mean people who actually use them legit are abusers. I'm tired of this. Alcohol is a drug but there are liquor stores everywhere. Same with cigarettes. It's sad that the people who actually need them cannot get them.
It's ridiculous! I've been filling my oxycodone script at the same pharmacy for over a year. Suddenly they are at their limit and can't fill them until the first of the month. The only reason I take this kind of medicine is because I can't take acetaminophen. It's crazy that it's easier to fill morphine. I use the same doc, same pharmacy and never try to manipulate the system. I have an illness that is ravaging my body and I'm in constant pain. This medicine isn't for recreational for me. The abusers are probably the only people not suffering!
My main question for you is...how are you checking with the pharmacies to see if they have it in stock?
If you are calling them, then it isn't likely that you will get a straight, honest answer, because they have no way of knowing if the person on the phone is a legitimate customer with a need, or a potential thief.
Therefore, the only way you can really find out is by actually going into the pharmacy, with your prescription in hand.
I was calling but stopped as i know by many responses i have seen to similar questions.. but then as i read more it seems everyone is having trouble regardless of going there or not.. so i was just checking to see what pharmacies are more likely to carry what i need.. I have been to the hospital many times and they told me to see a pain mngmnt doc so i did.. now i am being prescribed this and its like im looked at so bad and cant seem to find it.. why is this? Im told by doctors to do something and i do it.. then i cant get it and its back to the hospital..
I just wanted to see if anyone knew what pharmacies would be more likely to have it in stock in jacksonville fl.. please if you can help at all it would be greatly appreciated please
I have called but also went to see them.. I started off going to the hospital which told me to see pain mngmnt.. so i did.. then when i received prescriptions i go to fill and cant fill.. then im back at the hospital and with multiple MRI and Xrays and all the legit paperwork even the state gov paying for all my work I still cant find what i need or get what is supposed to help me.. please i just wanted to know what pharmacies in jacksonville fl are more likely to have Oxycodone in stock.. i know there is no way to tell exactly who has what and when but just need to know who usually or more then likely would have them in stock.. please help.. please i have children i can barely play with and take care of because i cant move most of the time without some sort of help and the hospital just tells me to do what im doing but thats even a problem now.. please help
Hello Doogie;
I know exactly how it fills to be turned away by every pharmacy in town. I am like you, true patient and I'm sick and tired of being treated like a junkie everytime i go and get my prescription filled. The Pharmacist is not a Doctor, but they think that they have a right to look at you and judge if you really need the medecation or not. I find that out one day when i went to get it filled at one of the most well known pharmacies and he looked at me from head to toe and said;" Your pretty young to be prescribed this medication, what is wrong with you for the doctor to give you this?" This was 7 years ago and i never went back to that Pharmacy again.
I put $130.00 in gas in my car just driving around looking for Oxycodone IR 30mg one month. They can not tell you on the phone but I dont know why one cant tell you buy looking on the computer or something if another one as it or not after they have seen your script especially if i get them at that pharmacy every single month. Anyway, it seems that I have always found them at a big chain Pharmacy, and away from the highway exits. I think that alot of people, especially in J-ville, get on the highway, get off at every exit and try those pharmacies and so on til they find them. So stay away from those. And the little pharmacies r just serving their regular patiences most of the time so that is a waste of time also. Here are some pharmacies that carry them but cant promise if they will have them when you go. Walgreens (get their shipments on Thursdays they said), Winn-dixie, Publix, Target and Wal-mart. I heard CVS does not carry them at all anymore so I have'nt tried them.
Well good luck to you and hope this problem is solved soon.
Verwon and Doogie, It dosen't even matter if you wentin person. When my husband handed them his 30 mg script and they said that they didn't have it, he asked about 15's so he could go back to his Pain Management Dr to change his script. The wouldn't even tell him if they had the 15's or not and said it was a Federal Law and could not tell him. They also, as others here have said, wouldn't try and help by calling other stores in their chain. The only reason that I got mine is I walked in with a script for 10 mg and they just filled it. Again, God Bless You all, Carol
Doogie...I am a reporter at CBS 47 in Jacksonville...I think this must be very frustrating for people who are really suffering and in pain like you bc some people abuse it. I would love to hear your story tomorrow. Please post a reply to me (you) or anyone else in the Jacksonville area, with this problem.
Hey Doogie;
Me again, my mom works at the hospital and her roomate just had her hip replaced. She was sent home with Roxy 30s and got them right away at Target. My mom said that she asked around at work and a lot of peeps told her Target. So i would try Target if i were you. Good Luck!
I would love to give you my story.. i have an even better story that i was planning on contacting a station about but would love to talk to you.. i tried posting my email but it wouldnt let me..hope to hear from you soon and ill give you my phone number from there
Editor's note - In order to protect privacy, we do not allow individuals to post their personal contact information on our discussion threads (except in some very rare cases).
I would love to give you my story but it will not let me post my email
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