What Pharmacies More Likely Will Have Oxycodone In Jacksonville Fl As Of March 2012 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am a legit patient with many issues some including 2 surgerys on my spine.. 3 disc bulges, 5 herniated disc and more.. I have been on medicaid for 3 years now and they have paid for all of my oxycodone.. if that isnt legit enough i dont know what is.. when the state gov is actually paying and keeping track of your scripts what more proof could i offer.. but now it seems i can not find a pharmacy that will fill any oxycodone.. I am a local in Jacksonville also.. please if anyone can help please.. i do not abuse or distribute i just take what i need to help me be active with my 3 children and live a normal life.. now im going through withdrawls and beyond that if i beat the withdrawls then im having trouble getting out the bed or walking or even sitting too long.. its not a good life .. the medicine really does help me live a normal productive life.. please if anyone can help.. any ideas at all my family and I would be more then grateful thank you

92 Replies (5 Pages)

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i have two different problems alex i get my perscriptions from ft lauderdale because my doctor had me sign an ''agrrement'' that i would see him for twelve months i live in orlando and cant find anything here or in south florida

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Hey I saw you were asking a reply, its getting worse, My fiance was going to walgreens on Sanjose. they would LIE to people and say no. They had them and ONLY gave to people who were regular customers. then the DEA 2 months ago shut them down. My fiance has been to 47 pharmacies today. They all say no, or we only fill for OUR customers in OUR zip, or yes but you have never been here and my favorite is Yes but iys $8.87 a pill we dont accept insurance that comes to $1000.00. Is that right? Shouldnt it be 1st come 1st serve? Now we have to worry about detox. if its soo hard to find why do doctors prescribe them? This frustrates me soo badly!

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Now they are admitting they have them but they ONLY fill for the "regulars" Oh and BTW went to see Alex, he said he didnt write it. Someone got mad because they wouldnt fill his stuff! Sorry to rain on your parades!

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FYI: The CVS pharmacy's in the Green Cove Springs\Fleming Island area only carry the 15mgs, that's what we are being told anyways. They said they stopped carrying the 30mg.

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I'v had low bone density for yrs. This detcted by a freaky breaking of bone in my foot. I've had a much more severe and painful incident since. I also have been determined disabled by social security and multiple physicians. My main short acting med is roxicodone 30mg.This current regimen is so far effective and helps with attempting to try and work again. But It is extremely difficult to find the oxy30s, and thereby destroying my ability to follow physical therapy and my hopes for getting better.

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Email me xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy} remove spaces leave oxycodine in subject and Doogie the 1st person to respond I will give info to, I just cant give it to everyone and hurt MY chances of finding my fiances meds

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I wrote this july 3rd post #36
DEA Administrator - Michele Leonhart - Called Out by Rep. Jared Polis - Watch on youtube, This women is ruining lives here in florida Now I understand the comment every druggist gives when you have a script for oxycodone it is just "I don't feel comfortable filling this for you" My family my friends and myself have all heard this EXACT same line from workers in walgreens cvs and all the other stores. Now I know why the cleaning up of the pill-mills was done so fast and furiously. Where law abiding people in severe pain are treated like criminals only because they're in pain.

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I was shocked reading all these posts about oxycodone. I thought I was the only one being treated like a drug addict. I live in Gainesville, Ga. and ever since I moved here in Nov. 2011 I have been treated like a drug addict every where I go. I have osteoarthritis which is very, very painful and I think it is terrible how these pharmacies and some of these doctors treat people like me who have legitimate pain. I hope you do an expose on these pharmacies and doctors who are so mean and hateful to people like me who hurt so bad who get treated like they are criminals all because they are in horrific pain.

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Dear Chanel 47 I have multiple problems with about every part of my body I have been on Roxicodone for many years and due to the abuse of other people it has hurt the ones that really need it I even have letters from my doctors advising them of my condition and that I am not a drug addict or alcohol abuser nor do I have a problem keeping my script straight I have been on pain medications since 1997 when I was in a horrific car accident and spent close to two years in the hospital and nursing homes while they put me back togeather I have had the same doctors for over 12 years I suffer in pain 24/7 I can only sleep for two hours at a time even with a sleeping pill the most sleep I get is 4 hours at a time so you can imagine the fatigue I feel on a daily basis and it takes me forever to get ready to go somewhere so I try to plan my day for a 1pm appointment I must get up at 5am because I have to sit and stand for 2 hours before I can start moving around I live by myself and oxycodone was the only thing that was helping me move around and get chores done. I am in so much pain I can not sit or stand for over 20 minutes sometimes less before I have to lay down on my right side (because the left side hurts to put any preasure on it) for 30 minutes in order to get the pain to settle down enough to get up and try to do something again. It put a lot of preasure on my 25 year marriage so I had to leave before I drove him crazy because he could not take the sadness and me saying all the time i hurt so I could not fix dinner or just the vibration of the vacume cleaner will put me down for a day and when you are in this much pain unfourtently no one understands it and before my accident I was the same way I never understood it and was against people getting medicare or medicade and I still am against law suits that win people million of dollars when really they may end up with 2K and the lawyers get rich. Now I understand I have had 12 surgeries and was scheduled for 2 more plus Chemo Therapy before I joined pain management in 2000. And I can glady say I was able to put off those surgeries and Chemo, however I had to have an arterial artery stent put in my heart in 2009. It took 3 years to pay it off and the syptoms are coming back again. I decided to let nature take its course. While I was going through the sugeries I picked up Hep c I am supposed to be going to a heart and liver specialist but I can not afford any more care and keep a roof over my head I only eat once a day to keep cost down and it may only be a pack of romain noodles. I have lost a lot of weight but I can not afford new clothes so I try pinning them or a friend of mine finds clothes being thrown away and that it what I am wearing Thank god for him but I had to get rid of that friend due to he was stealing from me. I really don't have any friends anymore nor any family support or children. On the outside looking in you would think I had it made I am not bad looking and clean up well but the only time I do this is when I have an appointment I must go to the doctors at least 2-5 times a month I live off Social Security and alimony and do not qualify for any extra help due to my 401k's and owning property but if I cash in my 401k's I loose 70% due to fees and tax's I am only 52 years old. I have good credit and will do anything to keep it that way even if it means going a month without groceries. I am what they call undernourished. My medical bills last year where 14k this includes lab work,medication and doctor co pay's I I have a dog and maintence on the house I have to keep up as well. My credit cards have saved me so many times I can not count. I use my credit cards during the donut whole times one of my medications even half price is $230. I depend on my tax check to pay down my credit cards and I always pay more than my minimum due but they are still climbing fourtently due to my good credit I have high lines, I always paid them off in full when I was married. I am not going to sell the house my ex husband lives in for we would never be able to obtain that property again and it is almost paid off I know I am not budging much but why should I give my money away in this economy to wind up having to go on Medicare which allot of doctors will not take Medicade non that I am seeing now won't and i am limited to what they can do for me because Medicare will not cover it I have 10k in dental work that needs to be done but you could not tell it from looking at me because the problems are under my caps which all have to be redone I went to the dentist in February and they told me I had 9 cavaties all hidding under my crowns I had 5 crowns put on by a dentist I saw from 1978 to 2010 he did the crowns and within 6 months I had cavaties there where there were none before it took me a long time to pay off the 5 crowns about 3 years all my money goes to doctors my house and dog. My furniture is 20 years old and I don't see any new furniture in the future I keep it clean and it still looks good. O.K. now I better stop I am going into the bLAh blAH BLAH

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The DEA let all the pillmills slide until so many people were dying so now Michele Leonhart in all her infinite wisdom suddenly decides to completely shut all the oxycodone down without any consideration as to who actually needed pain medicine and who just wanted something to sell or get high on Watch how crazed the head of the DEA is on You-Tube, Google Michele Leonhart gets grilled.

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Ive had spinal surgey and have heard every excuse if the meds arent available why can the doctors prescribe them

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I would love for someone to help us. Were suffering becase of the pill problem. I need help. I follow all the rules. I have had the same Dr for over 6 years and use the same pharmacy. But now I can't get my meds. Watch can be life threttning. When you have been taking pain meds this long you can't just stop.

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It's not the Dr's fault the system has been broken. As far as they know, there should be the pills they prescribe, available. They aren't prescribing anything illegal I'm sure.

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The problem isn't only in Florida/Georgia/the south. I live in NY(right near Manhattan) and I have been taking oxycodone for years(as well as a long acting opiate that has been switched a few times over the years, I am currently taking methadone as my long acting medication). Last year something horrifying happened a few towns over from where I live. Some skell went into a small mom and pop pharmacy, MURDERED four people(two of them workers and two of them customers) and made off with a load of hydrocodone products. A few months after that in a different(but nearby) town there was another robbery in which the robber demanded oxycontin and cash. Just so happens an off duty FBI agent was picking up his fathers cancer medication and stepped into help. Sadly the off duty agent was killed. The robber was also shot dead by the police. Because of these atrocious murder/robberies a huge amount of pharmacies refuse to stock oxycodone products at all. They are posting signs on the door stating "we do not carry any products containing oxycodone." They aren't even stocking percocet. I used to be able to get my oxycodone 15's(I was taking the 15's and recently had my dosage increased) filled pretty much anywhere though I stuck to a mom and pop pharmacy because for a long time I was taking Opana ER and that was a very hard medication to find in any strength over 10mgs. Since the one pharmacy stocked the Opana ER 30mg tabs I would just get everything else filled there and if they didn't have the medication in stock they would order it and get it in either later in the day or the next morning(depending of the time you asked them to order it). So in an area where oxycodone tabs were readily available they are now like trying to get the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The chain that I find the most helpful as far as stocking oxycodone is rite aid. They also don't rip you off if you don't have insurance. 180 count of 30mg tabs cost 114.00 which isn't bad considering some of the posters said some pharmacies charge 10 bucks a tab(come on that's practically drug dealer territory). For those of you that really have a problem finding the oxycodone(luckily I haven't been that unlucky...I usually am able to find a pharmacy at some point after hours of searching) if you have to go days without I would consider switching to dilaudid or morphine(you just have to play with the dosage to make sure you have adequate pain control). OR you can ask your doctor to prescribe the 5 or 10mg strengths and just double the amount you are allotted each month. I find that it's much easier to find the lower dosages(you can find the 5mgs pretty much anywhere...target, walmart, grocery store pharmacies, walgreens, duane reade, CVS, rite aid, kmart). Also for higher dosages try healthmart pharmacy. I never had a problem getting 15mg tabs(they have a healthmart across the street from the hospital where I go for pain management and I just checked..they have locations all over Florida as well as the rest of the country). Anyway best of luck to everyone and remember NY is struggling as well..you guys aren't alone!

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To be honest filling my oxycodone 30mg script has become more trouble than its worth. I really am sick of running to 40 different pharmacies in a span of two days when 8mgs of dilaudid pretty much does the same thing as a 30mg oxycodone. The DEA needs to keep it's nose out of the drug companies business. First it started out reformulating Oxycontin. I used to take Oxycontin 80mgs every eight hours and I took it for years(and I took it the right way...swallowed whole). Purdue was forced to reformulate it to make it crush resistant. I gave the new stuff a chance but I found that it was half as strong..one 80mg tablet felt like one 40mg tablet...my pain spiraled out of control very quickly after the new Oxycontin was put on the market. My doctor then put me on 40mgs of Opana ER which worked surprisingly well. I was quite content with the switch and I stayed on the 40mg Opana ER tabs for three years. Then Endo pharmaceuticals was forced to reformulate Opana ER to make it crush resistant...just like Purdue did with Oxycontin. The new formulation of Opana ER was just as disappointing as the new formulation of the Oxycontin. I gave it a chance but it A) Killed my stomach(the old Opana ER NEVER upset my stomach) and B) It only lasted for two hours(when its supposed to last 8-12 hours). So again I had to switch my long acting Opiate. Now I am taking methadone which is okay, it's not nearly as good as the old oxycontin but it gets the job done. Needless to say big brother should really stay out of it. Junkies are going to find a way to abuse even the supposed tamper-resistant pills. I was scanning a message board where the topic was all about the new Opana ER and someone had already cracked the case...they figured out how to abuse the new "tamper-proof" version of Opana ER. Those abusers who can't "crack the case" will just turn to those medications that can be abused easily or they will turn to illegal drugs.

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xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}

oxycodone 15 or doctor 30

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Due to people robing at gun point and the LAW you CAN NOT call over the phone. I have had a TON of pharmacies say no then they did have them or some say come in I cant tell you over the phone and NOT have them! Sorry calling is NOT an option!!

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HEATHER POST*****post number 47****
please contact me asap ...xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}
I need to speak with you have a few questions or to text me xxxxxxxxx {edited for privacy}

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do you know if they are still carrying the 15mg oxycodone my MOM HAS TERMINAL CANCER FIBROMIALGIA MANY NUMEROUS HEALTH ISSUES NEUROFIBROSIS and I can't find any that have her methadone 10mg or the 15mg ...please contact me asap if you hear that they have them ...Im having to take her back and forth to hospital every other day it's getting ridiculous ...she has been on these MEDS for 20+yrs beat it once but now they don't think she can she has allergies to aspirin and she can't take ibuprophin or morphine due to her pancreatits
contact info xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}

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I can not call or email this site doesnt allow it it X's it out sadly :( We just filled his 30's 56 for $468, we have insurance BUT they dont accept it. His doctor randomly drug tests he wtaches u pee, and he has 2 go 2 a hospital for MRI's EVERY YEAR!!

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