What Kind Of Pill Is Watson349
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It is a white pill with the words WATSON349 on the back.

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It is a lower dosage of a vic.

-believe me ive had horrible earaches all my life and been taking them for the ear aches their magic pills

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I was prescribed the watson 349 after I had a head injury with a mild concussion. Had headaches for weeks until I went to the doctor, he gave me the watson's and it obviously helped emensely.
Problem is I have become addicted. Now I get headaches when I don't have them. Be very careful! Use only what you need for the shortest period possible.

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Yes, I think they are the same.

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ip 109 is a hydrocodone 5/325 mg

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I was perscripted vicodin a long time ago,it was a white oblong tablet with ip109 on it. I was reciently perscripted it again but this time it says watson 349? Are they the same?

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That is a Loratab .5....basically known as a generic Hydrocodone 5 APAP

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I hope no one ever has to take pain pills. I had a bad accident with an 18 wheeler 6 years ago and now I am addicted to pain killers and have no life any more.

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i have pill that a V AND THE NUMBERS 35/92 ON THE OTHER,ITS WHITE

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watsn 349 is lortab 500 mg with alot of tylenol in it. they can be addictive espcially if you dont normally take pain pills

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a pill that has watson written on it is a loratab or can also be a perkaset i know this because i used to be addicted to both if you get perscribed that be vary cautious cause it is vary easy to get addicted

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It is generic hydrocodone 5mg/acetaminophen 500mg,name brand vicodin, lortab. This is a controlled substance that is highly addictive. Side effects include drowsiness, euphoria, dizziness, nausea.

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If anyone can tell me about a white pill with WATSON 349 printed on it.What kind of pill is this. Thank you.

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was prescribed to me for pain involving dental work, lable said:
5/500 = 5mg hydrocdone + 500 mg Tylonol

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just wanted to know what kind of pill watson is ans also IP

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