What Is The Most 30mg Pills You May Take In 1 Day Oxycodone30mg
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I take 8 30 mg tablets a day. It is not working as well as It could I have deveveloped a tolerence. What is the max the doc can give me per day in number of pills or miligrams.
Thanks very much for your help. I have life long pain from a rare nevre deasease that causes the worst pain I think someone could feel. It feels like you are constantly being stung by yellow jackets all over your body, but never goes away. Any answer will help. The med works Great. I just hope I am not at the end of the rope on dosage?
20 Replies
Hi my name is Teresa and I have had 18 surgery's since 2007 and I live in VA and was wondering if somebody can give me a name of a good doctor? I was going to a pain doctor and he had me on 20mg oxycodone 6 times a day which did help me but he closed his office, now I'm left without a doctor. Does anybody know a good doctor that would help me get back on my medicine, cause I am in a lot of pain? I've had back surgery, I've had stomach surgery, ect...
Re: Allison (# 6)
No s*** Allison. The ones that accuse are usually the ones that abuse. Plus he has no idea (Jimmy) how much pain he may be in!
Re: Bill (# 2)
Just currious but my doc only gives me 4 a day and I am 44 a former semi pro skateboarder and long time MMA player I have had 1 5 level fusion w/14 screws and 2 rods C-2-C7 from the back then a 4 screw fusion in the front on C6-7 , L2-4 same but no rods and then suffered 6 or 7 broken ribs that caused an internal bleeding and cloapsed my left lung and partial right had to have a upper thorax something something to remove the clots , but its not about me I get 4 30mgs a day with 2 100 mg moraphine extended . for all of my issues . I have been in pain management for 12 yrs so I totaly understand tollarence , im scared to ask what ur issues are cuz I have not seen or heard on a single DR in the Tampa area that presribes more than 5 a day. I have been told the DEA/FDA have a 6 per day cap so the DR's have wiggle room for people @ 4 or 5 a day. have you tried to get a long term OC like a 60 or 80 3 times a day? I found for my self that it does help make the blue 30's work better and last longer . only thing I can think of . If this is no help to you im sorry , but can I get the name of ur doctor ??? I want to set up a consult with him he/she sounds like they do not want you to hurt t all good luck!
Re: Kim (# 14)
Clearly you are not a person suffering from chronic pain. You cant understand until you have suffered. I agree the withdrawal is hell. people like you are the reason so many people r now suffering and it is not black or white. Take it from me, don't speak on things you don't understand!
I agree with you Phil, living with chronic pain and all of the new rules is bad.
You are at the max already. I went from 12 30mg Oxy per day to just 3 with the little help of 2 4mg Dilaudid. Being in chronic pain sucks. :(
Im sorry but long term pain use is absolutely not the way to go. Do you research how awful coming off these meds is going to be? Doctors are legal drug dealers. For every prescription they write, its funding their next trip to Bora Bora. Their first instinct is a pill, instead of offering a non narcotic and referring you to an acupuncturist or physio; some alternative. The drugs have minds so clouded you think you need it. And dont say i havent walked in your shoes, i have! I hated the narcotics and stopped cold turkey. I wish i could have sued these doctors. Hopefully, one day, prescriptions will be discontinued and the only place it can be dispensed in are hospitals.
ive been on oxycodone 30 mg for 6 years now i was taking 6 a day and now my dr states theres a rule she had to take me down to 4 a day she stated she was told she couldnt go any higher then the equivalent of 180 mg of morphine which bribgs it down to 4 a day i do have a tolerance now and looking for a dr to let me go back up to the 6 a day i live in northern arizona would travel to phoenix if i had to if anyone can help me i would appreciate it
I'm sorry if you cn make yourself stop thm you CNT need em...Since I hurt myself at the prison, I'm hurting to bad and wouldn't be able to function, think or walk, etc...
You're full of it! I have been on Oxycodone for 32 years and obviously have built a tolerance! I have severe RA and am on Disability. We have tried Fentanyl and Nucynta and the Oxycodone still works the best! I hate when people say you're a drug seeker! Spend a day in my shoes!!
at a pharmacy
where can i get my med's filled
I have found that I become tolerant after taking at least two 30 mg tabs of Oxycodone IR (no acetaminophen added), four times a day for about eight months. I plan to alternate with Dilaudid 8 mg x 4 times a day for six months or so. I will try to take just one every four hours, and when I get more tolerant of it will go to taking two every four hours (if needed).
I have alternated between opiates, with good results: maybe six months with Oxycodone and then change to Dilaudid for the next six months, and then back to the first one, a cycle. My doctor concurs that it is a good idea for me. I cannot recommend anything for you, but it helps me fight the tolerance somewhat.
Good luck, and be very careful, work with your primary care physician, to be as safe as possible.
I have taken four 30 mg Oxycodone at a time when I had REALLY BAD PAIN, it helps the pain relief, I certainly do NOT feel high off them, in fact...I have taken opiates for about ten years straight, and do NOT think that I can feel "high", nor do I want to. I make myself stop all meds for a few weeks at a time to prove to myself that I can; and the benefit of doing this is that my tolerance is lowered and the medication (such as Oxycodone or Dilaudid) are more effective.
I do NOT like the side-effects of taking opiates; and continue to look for alternatives such as more surgeries, and am looking into an oil (RSO or FECO) that has been getting amazing results.
It's highly unlikely your doctor is going to go higher than 8x per day. If 8x a day isn't helping much, it's time to change meds, not just take more. Upping the long acting pain med is the most logical step.
Who do you think you are? You're probably a drug seeker yourself.
If i were u Libby, no i wouldn't b concerned. I am actually currently taking 30mg oxycodone. I take 6 a hday. Sometimes 8
I a m taking 2 30 mil a day of the oxcycodone, my famiky is worried i will get hooked, i have been taking this for about 3 months now, shouls i be concerned??
Thank you so much for your answer. I go to a clinic that gives me 8 per day. They are starting not to work. Do you think I should ask the dr for a increase. The meds are very good. I don't want to change. I have had this dose for 8 months. This is for breakthrough pain. I also receive 3 units ms contin 30mg per day. I would like to increase that to 60mg or 100 mg 3 units per day. Do you think I am asking for to much. I am in alot of pain. Story to long to tell.
No, you are actually nowhere near the end of the possible dosing for Oxycodone.
The maximum dosage that anyone can be given in a day is actually 1,600mgs or 1.6grams, currently, you are only at 240mgs daily.
The caveat, however, is that you can't just jump to that high of a dosage, because it would risk overdosage, since your body isn't used to it. You must slowly increase the dosage, so your body adjusts to the new amount of the medication, each time.
In addition, anytime you increase the dosage, you will probably experience more side effects, for the first couple of weeks, as your body adjusts, such as: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and constipation.
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