What Is Stronger Dilaudid Or Oxycontin 40 Mg? (Page 27) (Top voted first)


I have been on Dilaudid for over 2 years now and I can't seem to get off of it. I'm under a doctor's care, but anyone who is on it knows it's very addicting! I think like everybody else, it's no good if you take it orally. It's only effective other ways. I always run out of Dilaudid before my prescription is ready to refill and recently I filled a script for oxycontin 40 mg to see if they could replace my 4 mg Dilaudid. However, I took 1/2 of a 40 mg. and felt nothing. An hour later I took my 4 mg Dilaudid and it seems to have worked. But they are very short lived, that's why for chronic pain they like to give these stupid time release pain pills. How many mg.'s does equal the same amount of Dilaudid? I also would like to know if anyone has ever tapered off of Dilaudid? You get really sick when you try to get off of it, really intense vomiting and stomach pain that lasts forever. I have never stuck it out, I always end up in the emergency room. All they do is give me a pain shot of Dilaudid and a prescription for it as well and send me home. They think there is something wrong with something else. I have even tried to tell them but they either don't want to get involved because I'm under a Dr.'s care or they are just stupid. I hope someone has the best kicking advice, I'd rather be straight or just be one of those once in a while users (RIGHT)!!!

547 Replies (28 Pages)

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Oxycodone can be 2 different drugs depending on the Mg oxcodone like 5 Mg and 10 Mg are considered percocet. Oxycodone any higher like 15 Mg and 30 Mg & 60 Mg is considered roxicodone.

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I used to be a "painkiller" NAZI accusing everyone using them as addicts or weak. After I was hit by 4 cars resulting in my first spinal injury and then assaulted by two strangers who kicked my back in with steel toed boots resulting in a ruptured disc, I had to rely on pain meds to have a life. I asked God to forgive my judgmental attitude and now thank Him for compassion. A backache is not what chronic pain is. It is incomprehensible, unrelenting pain and trust me - you do NOT abuse your pain meds when you have this level of pain. You make sure you take them as prescribed, no alcohol, it's not about a PARTY THING. It's about having your life back. I don't ENJOY any of these meds - they simply help me walk, work, and live without excruciating pain. I've almost passed out from the pain - and lost weeks and months of productivity trying to be TOUGH. That is unnecessary and a good doctor understands. Judge not lest ye be judged. You never know when you will have to eat those words. I sure did. People who abuse pain meds for recreational fun are getting busted - they are shutting them down and they should - it makes it harder for those of us who need medical help get treatment. It is important for us chronic pain sufferers to follow doctors order's, don't self medicate and find ways to get physical therapy to keep us strong - it actually helps to take less meds, fights depression, and gives much needed energy.

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I know this post is old but Shelly I know how you feel. I am in pain every single day due to 2 car accidents plus an ankle surgery. I have tried therapy and nothing helps. I am only on norco 10/325 and I don't take them for a buzz, and prob couldn't get one if I tried cause my tolerance is so high. I won't ever touch needles because I lost one of my best friends of a heroin overdose 3 months ago. All these people judging, walk a day with chronic pain and see how you feel then!

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Jenny, I agree with you. This persons post is not positive at all. Personally feel it's a little suspicious. Hopefully everyone here is not desiring to learn how to abuse medications.

I am unsubscribing to this site, due to the nature of some others posts.

I wish everyone well. Please take care of yourselves.

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Who are you talking to? I am in pain every single day and rely on norco 10s. I understand chronic pain better than most people! I have severe nerve damage in my neck. So stfu

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You may never see this, but "suck it up?" I once had a colonoscopy and the doc said that he'd never seen a man tolerate what I went through when they had to push so hard (due to my colon being attached to my abdominal wall) that they perffed it. O.k., so here I am 12 years later without much bone material left in my hips. I've had several surgeries where they just keep removing bone spurs and shaving down bone that grows abnormally. Then! I had a routine MRI in Oct. Not until Feb did I start having pain. So doc looks at MRI to reveal a ruptured disc, two other bulging discs, and bone spurs throughout my spine. I do go through withdrawls pretty badly when I go down on my oxy, but they just switched me to Dilaudid. So, we'll see. But if I just "sucked it up" I'd be screaming all day, and I'm not a wimp.

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I have been on 8mg of Dilaudid every 6 hours for 6 years now. If I run out I go into horrible withdrawals for a week. I am going to go see a Doctor to put me on Suboxon and this will get me off of Dilaudid without withdrawals. I just had neck surgery a week ago and the doctor has me on Dilaudid every 4 hours. I feel no pain but now Dilaudid is not as effective like it was 6 years ago. My advice to you is that you need to find a Doctor that can put you on Suboxon. Lots of Doctors can not write prescription for Suboxon. Good Luck

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there is a oxycodone 12 hour and a right now oxycodone/roxicodone which is just as good if not better than dilaudid i cant even take a whole fast acting it knocks me out where i can take a dilaudid and i have have spinal surgery and 6 hip replacements plus femur transplant and prefer the oxycodone/roxicodone

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in my experience, a 40mg OC is waaay stronger than a 4 mg dilaudid.
For me, I think it's because Dilaudid is morphine, not oxycodone.
Morphine never relieves my pain, but oxycodone does.
My Dr. says everybody is different though, so this is just an opinion based on my personal experience.
Morphine sucks, for me.

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I appreciate your warning that dilaudid and oxycontin should never be mixed together. The person who recommended that they should be mixed together to get the desired result seems to advocate abusing the two drugs in a dangerous manner. My brother died from an overdose of oxycontin. So mixing dilaudid and oxycondone together, is not advised. Nor is it medically proper advise. Thank you.

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Dilaudid is stronger than oxycodone but I only take dilaudid intravenously when im hospitalized. It stops the pain immediately. At home I was on 100 mcg fentanyl patches and they work great for pain but they were too strong for me due to my size. I went down to 75 mcg patches n I still would be pain free until I would have severe attacks where I had to be hospitalized. I'm just tired of all the pain meds n I discussed it with my doctor and I recommended him to lower my dosage because when I tried to stop taking it on my own I wasn't able to get out of bed. Withdrawals was worst than the symptoms I was experiencing from my illness. Now I have gone down to 25 mcg and I still felt some withdrawal symptoms but they aren't as bad. Next month im going down to 12.5 mcg and I will be starting the new year off free of pain meds if it's the Lord's will. I have my days where im in pain but I try to fight it. When I can't my dr gives me dilaudid shots but I have never been dependent on dilaidid as long as I have been on it for over 4 years now for weeks at a time. When they stop giving it to me and send me home I have no remaining craving for it but to me its the best pain med ever.

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yes. try this. I was on subs for a while. Your w/d will be next to none. my back pain was so diabling I could not get out of bed. After 2 surgeries I still have problems but Getting off subs using this method will work. Positive thinking. Some ppl on forums really hype things up about subs. Erase it from your memory and know your own strength. You'll do just fine my friend.

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April, I'm sorry to hear that. You had legit pain, then got mentally addicted to chasing the high. I'm sure physical addiction followed. People forget there's 2 types. Cannabis/pot is mentally addicting but has no physical addiction or physical withdrawal (hence why people fight to legalize it). Alcohol , along with every other drug, are both. Anyway, I stray off topic.

A dr should have recognized, your addiction and slowly tapered you off it. It's actually very irresponsible (and illegal in some states) for a Dr to prescribe narcotics (or benzopines), over time, then cut you off. People end up having seizures, in a coma, or die from withdrawal (has to be massive addiction though). Usually it's 7-14 days of hell for opiates, but benzos must be tapered - even at my low dose

Anyway .... After you got cut off, you probably had 7-14 days of hell while you physically and mentally went through withdrawal....

.. But mental addiction can take YEARS to conquer. As long as someone was really in pain. Took meds as directed... Then I have sympathy.

When people see multiple DR's misuse Rx, I have no sympathy.

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Oxycontin was reformulated within the last 2 years. If anyone attempts to dissolve or cut it, or alter it in any way it becomes inactive. They did that to discourage tampering by people wanting to feel high. Dilaudid is stronger but if you're working with a pain specialist they should be able to figure out how to taper you off Dilaudid while switching you to something else. I prefer time release stuff with a short acting drug for break through pain.

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It's complete an utter chaos, s***s, vomiting, hot sweats/cold sweats, heat flashes, potential seizure, and can lasts up to a month, most often two weeks, my advice is to tartrate down off them I had a TBI, and am in horrible pain, but I decided I didn't want to be on them any more, kicked 3 10mg narcos, 4 1mg Xanax IR, 4 1mg Xanax XR, 2 1mg sublingual Klonipin, 25 mg of Librium, 5/10mg of Valium 3 for the 5/twice a day for the ten milligrams, and 1mg of halcion, not to mention regular klonipin, 2mg of that a day as well, 10 10mg of dexadrine, 30mg of flexiral a day, 300mg of fieracet, 50mg of Tramadol; twice a day, promethazine 25 mg 4 times a day, 400 mg of seraquel XR, 200mg of seraquel IR, 45mg of Buspar, 30 mg of namenda a day, 450mg of welbutrin, and 500mg of soma 4 times a day, I was a drug addict, addicted to the medication my doctor gave me, and consumed an ounce of marijuana a day and a pack of cigs everyday and I was tired walking around like a zombie all day, and put the image in my head that I no longer want drugs to rule my life, from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed, and I got to admit the detox of all that stuff felt wonderful, it feels excellent to be sober! Mind Over Matter, keep the concept in your head and I have faith in you, also I would highly recommend that you tartrate down from them, I know you take 4mg of the hydromorphone a day, but I don't know the frequency or variable; in other words the nature of this question is how often in real time do you take the hydromorphone?

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Well Sandy,I had to go about a week without any of my pain medicationsdue to my pharmacy had not count the fill correctly and the new employee had gave me 45 pills short and that was a bad week for me. I ended up in the ER three times but I'm okay. I must say though,i sure had alot of sleepless nights ,in which I'm going thru that as we speak! And thank you for making me feel special because i was on your mind. You were on mine as well. Until we speak again,try to stay comfortable and as pain free as possible.

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Man... I almost answered this when I realized that it’s from about 10 years ago.... but while I’m here... my 2 cents for everyone else: 40mg oxycodone, according to most charts I’ve seen (many seem to vary a bit) works out to be around 15mg hydromorphone. Remember, of course, that you MUST compare ORAL to ORAL, IV to IV... or you run the risk of shocking the life out of yourself (but only for that last little bit there). Not funny. Here are a few other things I’ve slowly and reluctantly learned over my chronic pain career:

a) This s*** is NOT for chronic pain. Chronic pain is best (imo) handled with psychology, education, meditation... any kind of stress reduction, coupled with the acceptance that this just might be as good as it gets.

b) If you attempt to make your pain “go away” with opiates, you are beating a dead horse. The gold standard for pain relief is about... like... 30% from almost any drug out there. The only 100% option involves messy stuff like not breathing, hanging, etc.

c) If you are truly looking for a way to change your life, opiates are absolutely one of the answers but the costs far outweigh the benefits since the benefits are so few. Sick, tired, still as sore after you plateau, marital and other psychosocial issues change for the worse. Weight loss, poor nutrient uptake... you name it.

Narcotics are for acute pain. Appendix? Thanks. Broken arm? Sure ... but “This back has and always will hurt”? No way. It does not work. In two weeks you’re used to the [kinda s***ty] feeling and you need to go ask the man for more. And that ain’t right. Learning how to cope and live with your pain is possible, albeit difficult.

It is NOT as difficult as putting the pieces back together after your life explodes. If I’m going to take a dependence-causing, addictive and dangerous drug, it had better be one I enjoy... like alcohol or nicotine. There are, as you know, illegal compounds that work just nicely for pain and are far less dangerous than opium based products.
Also read, read, read ... Ted talks are great for understanding pain in a way that your doctor may not even have considered. My time’s up but I hope I helped ten years after the post. LOL

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I know Medical Marijuana has proven itself helpful in place of narcotics and is not lethal. You don't have to smoke it and some places put them in capsule forms. I just wish that the FDA and DEA would make a "controlled" substance prescription for people with chronic pain.

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I was on Oxycontin ER 40mg twice a day w/Lortab 10s for breakthru since Dec of last year. I have no medical ins, and dont qualify for any state aide. I had to come off of the OC's because I couldnt afford them at 300 dollars a month for generics, plus another 50 for generic Tab 10's. He put me on Dilaudid 8mg every 4-6 hours. It might just be because I was at such a high dose of the OC's but I am finding it very difficult for the dilaudid's to help at all. I had it in the hospital and it worked great, but the pills, atleast at this dose, just isnt working. Any suggestions?? I am a low income family, and have very limited options and 400 a month on just the pain meds is ludicris!! And to think all this could have been avoided if some punk kids parents were actually watching them at the skating rink and not allowing them to flick skittles on the rink (which btw, you DONT rollover). I have seperated my tailbone from the rest of my spine, my right hip requires surgery as it is 2 1/2 in out of alignment with no cartilidge left in there because it was dislocated in my fall. Now I can barely walk with my kids ( 4 of them under the age of 10) let alone skate, or do much of anything wit them, most days I do good to get out of bed and get dressed on my own.....

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