What Is Going On With The Methadone Shortage
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my mother is terminaly ill we cant find her medication anywhere in volusia county florida she take methadone 10 mg tabs for pain she has'nt had any in three days I don't know what to do

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I am trying to find out about the current shortage in Jacksonville, Fl. of Methadone. Ever since Feb 24. 2016 cannot find my Methadone 10 mg meds. Anybody still unable to find Methadone or is the shortage over for now?

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I recently moved away from Jacksonville FLA & was being given 90 10mg methadones per/mo & 120 10/325 vicadins per/mo. I was getting them thru a Shands hospital clinic called The Elizabeth G. Means clinic on 21st street. The drs name was Dr. Mar Jaminal. If you have proof you've been getting them & what for Dr. Jaminal should help you. I brought my disability paperwork with me & my pill bottles on 1st visit & he gave me my prescs. (i had to get an xray even tho my conditions aren't visible on xrays! They said its just a requirement) Hope this helps! Please let me know!

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As far at this current date and time, There are NO schedule 2 narcotics through mail order of any kind. I have heard this from many reputable people so I thought that I would let the people out there know. There is a small chance I am wrong but Im 95% sure Im right. JUst check with the mail order companies before and ask before doing any business with.

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I also take 10 mg. methadone 220 mg per day for chronic pain. I was in an automobike accident and had my face crushed. I can not find my meds anywhere in Jacksonvile FL.. This is horrible. Methadone withdrawals from a high dose is the worst pain ever. I don't understand how this can happen and whoever is responsible is getting away with it. What's going to happen when someone has serious withdrawals and god forbid dies. Becaue I almost did when I was n the hospital. They gave me another drug but because of the high amount of methadone I take I had seizures, spiked a fever of 105,7 and was unconcious. I just don't understand how this is happeneing.

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Hi John,

I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. You're definitely not alone, as it seems like everyone in Florida is having complications trying to fill their pain management scripts, no matter the dosage.

The best thing I can recommend trying at this point in time is an online pharmacy. You may have to wait for shipping, but I'd say it's better late than never. Your best bet for finding reputable online pharmacies would be to see the list which the NABP (National Association of Boards of Pharmacy) maintains through their VIPPS certification. You can see the following page for more detail: nabp.net/programs/accreditation/vipps/find-a-vipps-online-pharmacy

If you choose to go this route, I'd be interested in knowing how it works out for you in the end.

I hope this info helps!

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There are MAJOR shortages of nearly all opiate based medications in South Florida due to the pill mills there. I live in North Florida and sometimes have to accept partial fills until my pharmacy can order more to finish the script. Also, due to our crap Governor and the minions in the Florida Legislature, they have unilaterally taken away the ability of legitimate physcians to treat patients with true pain issues. Additionally, those butt heads limit the number of pain medications a pharmacy can order/dispense per month. Because so many people get opiate based medications from pill mills that they truly don't need (not in pain just sell the pills for HUGE) profit those of us who need it have to suffer. I've heard stories of people getting oxycodone 30mgs X 4 a day and get 120 a month. The cost at a pharmacy if you don't have insurance is around $85. They then sell the 30 mg tablets for around $25 apiece which makes them not only "legal" drug dealers, but makes those who need it suffer.

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Try to find out if they have the liquid instead. Or see if they have the 5mg pills. If not her doctor will have to prescribe something that is opiate based until you find a pharmacy that has it or until it becomes availale again. This is happening in other areas as well.we'll

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