What Is Sulfatiazol Con Penicilina Used For
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What does this drug treat?
18 Replies
Re: Roy (# 1)
I got this ointment in Mexico.
Re: Roy (# 1)
Purchased it in Los Algones, Mexico, just out of Yuma Az.
Re: Roy (# 1)
Oinment in a small round container
Re: Roy (# 1)
A friend, can you use it for boils
Re: Roy (# 1)
I am a repair man and I have a Mexican Grocery Store as a customer. I did get a burn on my arm and the cashier gave me a bar of soap and a 27g disk shaped container of the Sulfatiazol con Penicilina to treat the burn. Most of it has healed up but the last small scab has a small infection and small amount of puss comes out when I press on the scab. I stopped using the Sulfatiazol and that could be why it is making puss so I am going to put some on my scab and see if it heals up fast?
Re: Roy (# 1)
If I am allergic to penicillin, should I use this??
I would like to know what this is for Unguennto sulfatiazol con penicilina
Where can I get it in Marion, ILL.
Where can I find the cream Penicilina here in west palm beach florida, USA or any place in the states. Thank you for all your help.
You can find it at "yerberias" also some carnicerias or Mexican markets sell it.
I found it possible to purchase it in any state of mexico at any pharmacy in the city. You will almost always find it at a pharmacy in tijuana. It is very common.
I want to know where to purchase a cream I purchased in Mexico several years ago. Unguento Sulfatiazol con Penicilina
Can you use it on a healing tattoo?
Can I use Slftiazol as an effective treatment for scabbies
Is sulfatiazol con penicilina in ointment form (30g) available in the Chicago area?
this ointment is applied to various types of wounds cuts..ect. to help prevent infection and heal quicker
If my translations serve me correctly, this drug combines Sulfathiazole [1] and Penicillin [2], and is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. Did you come across it in an ointment, tablet, etc? I am curious to know...
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