What Helps Clean Methamphetamine Out Of Your System Quickly For Urine Test?


If you take methamphetamine daily, what besides the 3 to 4 days of non use will help to clean it out of your system for a urine test?

54 Replies (3 Pages)

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Sir, quite certainly not. You might be out of luck.

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If I smoked Chrystal Meth 5 hours prior to urine test, will I test positive on my first urine drop from my bladder?

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So is there any way to pass a Medtox EZ cup (Icup)?drug test and it also has adulteration.. On Feb 28th Shelly took one Xanax and 3 adderall.. 12 days later on March 12, Shelly failed for benzo's and amphetamine(12 days) later she failed. Is there anything besides TIME that can speed up the process? Desperately seeking a way around these things.. Does anyone have any possibilities? All opinions are welcome.. But water does not work.. OmniRed does not work.. Can't use synthetic urine either.. Shelly has had another small encounter and needs help.. If Shelly makes it through this gauntlet .. She will not use again.. Please help!! ANYBODY?

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i have done meth for two days ...i have to drop in 11 days this is the first time i ever did it ...u think il pass a piss test ?

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i have done meth for two days ...i have to drop in 11 days this is the first time i ever did it ...u think il pass.....it the first time i have ever done it ..i weigh 200 i did like 4 1/2 g's

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I took half a gram of methamphetamine, how can I get it out of my system?

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Nothing to worry about.Cranberry juice or tablets can help too if your still worried

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Hi there i smoked methamphetamine on Saturday night then i stopped the same night. Do u think i will pass a drug test on Thursday morning. I need to know asap plz been drinking alot of water n baking soda to.

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Took 3 hits last one this morning and now I have to take a u.a. by 5

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6`2 150lbs high strung, had a lil marijuana and about a half a gram of methamphetamine on tuesday. Got to go to a probation ua on Thursday, facing hard time and broke... help please

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I have to take a meth drug test today, no later then 6:00. I started drinking the baking soda and water at 3:30and got finish with it at for. Now i am pooping my inside out. So what i am trying to say is i hope it works. I will at the place around 5:30-5:45. But thanks for the tip. Like i said hope it helps. I am under cps now and just got off probation.

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i used meth on wedenday and i take a drug test this tuesday will it be out by the

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Ur good, I can put my word on it. The only one I know for sure works is that purple stinger, but I gotta stay clean at least 24-48 hrs beforehand, and it's a mask

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Believe it or not...some people have a job and that's how they pay for their drugs. Some people actually USE not abuse drugs. Alcohol, for example becomes abused when you "overdo it" or choose to drive a car under the influence. Open YOUR mind.

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Sleep it off . Probiotics and water mixed in with some physical activity

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You shouldn't comment on things your completely ignorant to. Get educated on addiction before you talk, and don't be so judgmental. Your not anyone's higher power. Addiction is an illness no different than cancer. Would you say that to someone in stage 4 liver cancer?

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It's 12:00 am and i just had some methamphetamine. I have a drug test for the probation office at 2:00. Will i be clean by 2:00pm?

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Hey Kman...Why don't you get off the internet, stop passing judgement and open your eyes to the realization that free will is a b**** and addiction is a serious thing...Why don't you worry about yourself and mind ur own business.. Didnt ur mamma ever tell ya that if you didnt have anything nice to say then u should keep ur mouth shut... Why are you reading these threads anyway? You must have too much free time on ur hands...So maybe you r the one that needs to get a job. Stop judging folks and find a hobby that doesnt include sitting on the internet all up in everyone else's business... If you can think of something positive to say we would love to hear back from ya...Until then Thank You and have a good day..

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I know some of these are very old posts and idk if anyone still needs help BUT I've been in and out of the system for the last 5 years. I have been able to get my s*** together and complete drug court successfully sober and not trying to get around the system. It's so much easier but I totally get where everyone is coming from. Relapses happen and the people who talk s*** obviously do NOT know what they are talking about. Took me a while, but I did it. For about 8 months I was using fake pee. If your a female trying to pass within the next day and if they DON'T make you do the jump up and down cough thing then it's definitely the best way to go. You but a travel size shampoo bottle and if you can have the person pee for you right when your going to make it. But wash shampoo bottle out very well fill the bottle up and then put a piece of suranrap over the hole, take the small hair rubber bands and wrap that around the part where the lid goes to hold the suranrap in place. Then take black electrical tape and wrap it around where you put the rubber bands and over the rest of the bottle. Practice a few times before you actually do it because it's very nerve racking. Put the bottle up there and it needs to be up there far enough to where it can sit in place and it's not slipping out at all. But sit down take the cup and with the hand your holding the cup with poke a hole in the suranrap and that's it. It will actually sound like your really peeing too. I got away with doing this on drug court weekly uas for 6 months and then one time it wasn't temp. So that's how they found out....... if your a male the best thing for you guys IS the baking soda trick. you HAVE to do it exactly right but it works every time. Your gonna be miserable but you'll do it if you really want to come up clean. If any of you have a few days to a week. Be trying to sweat a lot and do the baking soda thing just to be safe. I've had methamphetamine stay in my system for up to 7 days... I wish you all the best of luck!

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How much do you weight? How tall are you?

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I know this is an old message and I hope you passed. Just in case you did or didn't. If you still want to know for yourself or anyone else. From what I have read. How soon it gets out of your system depends on how often, how much, and how long you use it. Plus depends on your body mass index and how fast you can burn it off depending on your metabolism rate. I don't know how accurate personally. But so far most have said if it's a urine test to drink plenty of water and or cranberry juice 48 to 72 hrs before test. But keep in mind it will vary from 3 to 5 days to be clean. Federal law says up to 5 days. Blood test is almost impossible to pass. It's not only more accurate and instant but the detection is 90% extremely sensitive. That test take from days to anywhere from 30 to 90 days. All depending on if they decide to retest or go to the extensive of the hair follicle test which can detect use dating years back of use. I'm only speaking through research not experience but also knowledge of what I was taught through some of my medical training. Sorry for the book lol. Hope this helps in anyway possible for anyone who needs it. In the meantime. Good luck!!! I forgot to mention. If you can try to sweat it out as much as possible. If you do, make sure to drink plenty of water but don't over do it. Pee could end up being too diluted. Plus you don't want to overheat or pass out. Just sip water every 10 to 15 mins at a time. DONT GUZZLE down a lot at once.

Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

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I took methamphetamine on Friday around 6pm and possibly have to test Monday at 7pm. Will it be out of my system by then?

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I've never seen anyone inject cancer or smoke it in a glass pipe. Addiction may be an illness but I'm not sure you can really compare it to cancer. Just saying.

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Sweating it out of your system. Water too. You want to stay hydrated when you plan to sweat a lot. Plus you need water to make sweat right? Besides, staying clean, I think that is the best way to try to cleanse your system.

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LADY, You are AWSOME! I know your post is very old, but I just wanted to put it out to you. ALL you said is 100% CORRECT!! and you are also compassionate. I only wish there were more people like you. Honest, real, and give a sh*t still.

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Baking soda does in fact work. 3 tbl spoons in a glass of warmish water. It's nasty af so try not to puke. But you drink it 2 hours before your test. Pee one time at home before your test. Then drink lots of water. It is a temporary 2-3 hour window. It might give you explosive diarrhea so be careful. Lol. It does work. I have done it and my friends have done it. I have used all the way up until I drink the baking soda water. (like I said it is nasty as all hell. I've never tried it but maybe mixing it with cranberry juice or something will help make it more bearable). Another method that works for methamphetamine AND heroin is pectin. The stuff you make jello with. Just mix a package in some Gatorade 3-4 hours before the test and your golden. Hope this helps y'all!

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Did you find a solution that worked? I need help now

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How exactly do I take the baking soda? Please help. I last dosed on Friday and for the first time in months I have to pee for probation Tuesday morning. Super worried, please help if you can. I see so many different instructions on how to take the baking soda thing.

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I have been clean for two weeks from math...relapsed for 3 days. Drug screen in three days a very detailed screen. How do I pass this but have the suboxone in my system. Help

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How can u compare "choosing" to use which ends up in abusing sometimes to cancer? If u make the choice to use, then know whats involved making that decision istead of waiting til after to starft panicking bc of a drug test most of these people on here knew they had to pass within days! ! People don't "choose " to get cancer so there is no comparison between a drug user/abuser/addict who "chose" to try it knowing it could be a possible addiction and an innocent cancer patient who didn't ask to get sick and didn't have a choice! Like my jest friend who's been in the hospital for over 2 mos bc she has cancer.. Again..for the 4th time which she did not ask for and is fighting for her life ! Don't be so quick to compare the two without actually thinking about it first! Unreal!

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