What Does Doxepin Show Up As On A Urine Test??
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I need to know if it shows up as anything on a standard U.A. and if so, what does it show as? I have to take monthly tests for work but don't want to get in trouble just for taking one of my old Doxepins when I need one. It's a 'drug free' work place and they won't care if it's from my old prescription or not, they will just fire me. So any info would help. Thanks.

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I just want to know if the sleeping med doxepin shows up in a urine test as anything? Please help me to know. Thank you.

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Re: cshep (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Doxepin is an anti-depressAnt used to also help w/insomnia.
Doxepin will possibly show up on a 13-panel UA as a tricyclic anti-depressAnt, which is tested for.
However, MOST employees use a standard 5 or 7 panel test

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I gave one doxepin to my husband because he couldn't sleep, but now he has a drug test in 2 days. Will it stay in his system or show up on his drug test? He has never taken it before. Is it a benzodiazepine? Someone help! If so, what do we do? He's been at his job for 38 years. Please help!!!

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I am taking viibryd 20 mg and doxepin25 mg capsule at night I still am not sleeping and I get agitated too! I don't know what to do! I don't want to aggravate my dr again either! Then I get depressed because I am gaining weight too! I even got so upset I punched a window!

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Do you know which ones will cause the Benzo positive test?

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Doxepin pops hot for benzodiazepines when combined with some scripts.

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Tell me how long does doxepin 75 mg to tack 2 at bedtime.also using diazpam 10mg to take three a day.please tell me if either are barbiturates? What do you over the counter to pass the drug can i take.

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I take doxepin as a sleep aid, even though it may be normally prescribed as an antidepressant. In this instance, using it once, or on occasion, MAY be beneficial. I think to say it doesn't help unless it is used regularly may be misleading, depending on why it was prescribed.

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i take a 50mg pill Apo Doxepin pill every night at bed time. I will be doing a urine test for a new job. it is a current perscription from my doctor. will it show negative on a urine test and should i get a line from my doctor pertaining to this med???

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No, that was everything covered, so thanks! Its an out of date script my doc gave me for help sleeping so when Istopped having cronic insombnia, I only take one now and then to help me sleep, which like I says, works. But they fire if the perception is out of date, which this one is. I dont want to go pay for another appointment and script when I have so many old ones. Like I mentioned, he said they were to help with the sleeping problems. Again, thanks for taking the time to answer.

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Okay, the first fact of relevance is that whether or not they are a drug free workplace, they cannot, under federal law, deny anyone the use of legally prescribed medications. The only policy they can have is against using them illegally. If someone has a current, legal prescription and they fired them for detecting it, they would have severe legal problems on there hands.

There are only certain exceptions to this law, such as in the case of airline pilots, because being under the influence of certain medications, such as narcotics, could endanger far too many lives.

The second fact of relevance is that since Doxepin is a Tricyclic antidepressant, taking just one and not taking them regularly is not going to have much of an effect. To be beneficial, it has to be taken all the time, on a regular basis.

Third fact is that it's not a current prescription, so if they did detect it, for some reason, you could still end up losing your job.

However, as a Tricyclic antidepressant, that is the only thing it shows up as on a drug test, so they would really having to be doing an in-depth, extensive test to detect it.


Is there anything else I can help with?

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