What Doctor Will Prescribe Klonopin Near Peabody, Ma?


I have been suffering from PTSD since my military years. The VA hospital used to prescribe them to me but then somehow they decided to prescribe Neurontin instead. Which btw completely mess with my vision! I have to squint and wink or close one eye to focus!! Anyway I would prefer a doctor who will get me back on the Clonazepam/Klonopin or even Xanax for my own sanity! Anyone know of someone please help a sister out!

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My friend lives in Danvers Mass and he sees someone at a place called Salem? I don’t know I don’t live there but it’s called Catholic Charities or use to be called that. This doctor will ask a litany of questions he tells me and if choose to walk on egg shells with this guy then go see him. Name is Dr Uzigarra. I’d hate to be a slave to any doctor because that’s what some do. Or ask your primary. If you're over 50 you should have no problem. Good luck. Most aren’t taking any new patients because of this virus.

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Try Melrose Wakefield Behavioral Health in Woburn. It’s right down 95, so not too far from Peabody.

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