What Can Cause A False Positive For Codeine?
UpdatedI take MS Contin and Percocet and Klonopin. My pain management doctor says my last drug test was positive for codeine. How can this happen? I am allergic to codeine and haven't taken any other medications.
12 Replies
Percocet is *similar* to codeine (oxycodone is a semisynthetic derivative of codeine) but it should not show as codeine on a drug test, but may depending on the method of testing or accuracy. Morphine (MS contin) can potentially metabolize in to codeine so that is my best bet. It IS possible to get a laboratory positive for codeine (and even morphine) from consuming poppy seeds. Source: I work at a drug testing agency and have personally tested this method with my connected laboratory. Poppy seeds contain codeine (the poppy plan is the primary ingredient for every opioid and opiate on earth).
Can I test positive for codeine for taking a night time and day time medication for a cold that contains acetaminophen + dextromethorphan + phenylephrine?
I have been taking a 1% Tincture of Opium 10mg/ml for 10 years and never had an issue until I moved to the Twin cities. Now when I test they are saying that -while they expect morphine and codeine to be there- they say my codeine levels are too high. THe lab says it should be 3 to 1 morphine to codeine, and my sample shows 2.25 to 1 morphine to codeine. I told them i take generic Percocet for my shoulder and take Lorazepam as needed .5 mg tablets, but they still won;t budge. I never had any issues before Minnesota
I took Ibuprofen, Mucinex and I ate 3-4 jalapeño bagels and can't figure out how I tested positive for codeine?
I got a false positive for codeine but I take wellbutrin, losartan, gabapentin and use inhalers (qvar and pro-air).
I went to the emergency room with acute pancreatitis. I was injected through my IV with Toradol on March 1, 2017 for my stomach pain..Two days later I had to take a urine test at my pain management clinic. Surprised at the results of the test it showed codeine in my urine. I have checked all my meds and none have codeine in them. My pain doctor was abrupt with me and told me I had taken codeine. I have not taken any codeine. None of my meds have codeine In them. I realize codeine is a pain reliever. The only thing I take for pain is oxycodone 10mg. Why would the urine test show codeine in it? Does Toradol contain codeine?
Can anyone help!! I'm on probation. Been drug testing for 8 months. Always neg. l have a script for norco for my back. Just tested at two different places and tested positive for codeine and l haven't taken anything with codeine in it to my knowledge. The pharmacist told me it could have been in the norco. My probation officer violated me and now l have to go to court! Help!!
I just recently read about this. I don't recall who did the study, but it was someone reputable. Anyway, it has been found that the tests done in the doctors office from which they get immediate results, show false-positives or false-negatives in 40% of the time. You should ask the same question on your internet browser so you can print out some of the items that address this issue. That way you'll have some backup in case the pain doctor makes an issue out of it. By the way so you know, codeine is not the only thing those tests give false-positives for. Good luck!
I am freaking out. I just got fire from my pain management because codeine showed up in my system. I have not taken any at all. I checked all my meds. Now I will not have the pain medication I need. I am so sick to my stomach. Why won’t tgey believe me?
I have a prescription for ibuprofen 800mg and I failed a drug test saying that I had Codeine in my system... but the 800mg Ibuprofen is all I use. Is there Codeine in prescription ibuprofen 800’s?!? Need to know ASAP please... Thank you.
I failed a urine drug test at pain mgmt for codeine because I took Alka-seltzer sinus allergy and cough liquid gels.
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