What Will Help Nausea From Amox K Clav?
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What would help nausea from amox/k clav 875? The mild nausea turned up on the second day of taking it. The pill looks to me as though it was designed for a clydesdale horse. I can deal with that, but the nausea's adding insult to injury, in my book. Thanks so much.

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Symptoms had cleAred,was told to stop taking.

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I have COPD,have sinuses draining, went into chest with thick green yellow mucus coughing up and blowing out. Been on antibiotic since Thursday.I'm so nauseated for 3 days now.

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Hey Geogria,

For a simple, cheap, and effective option I'd highly recommend trying peppermint essential oil to help with the nausea you've been experiencing. I'm not sure how severe it is, but I've used peppermint oil in the past for a similar situation and got instant relief by putting a couple drops around my neck and/or forehead throughout the day.

If all else fails, I would still encourage you to contact your doctor about this issue to see if you need to switch over to another antibiotic in the meantime.

To my understanding, most antibiotics are only prescribed for up to 7-10 days depending on the type and severity of the infection. How many days do you have to take it for?

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Amoxicillin + Clavulanate Potassium Details

Hope this info helps!

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