What Will Come With Snorting Opana Er
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I used to take 20's when i first got them, but then i had a massive G.I Bleed out, woke up one morning throwing up blood and wouldnt stop, They had to give me 12 units of blood, frozen platlets, and emergency surgery. then after they sewed up 5 places on my stomach the bleeding still would not stop. Then they flew me to another hospital where i went into a coma for 1 month. Its almost been a year and i still cannot walk and have massive nerve damage in my legs from severe infection and massive blood loss... Not trying to knock it because i loved it. but I love my life as well. But now i get 90 Opana ER 20's with 180 Roxi 30's every 3-4 hours for break through pain. and with the new round Opana 20's i dont think you can snort those anyway.

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In addition, the bioavailability of oxymorphone when insufflated is around HALF that of when taken orally, so you are always better to take by mouth. You can (as long as you avoid the Endo ER 'plastinated' tablets) also use the ER tablets when crushed or whittled and chopped finely, like talc, and dissolved in lukewarm coffee (no warmer than 65º as opioids degrade at 70) for fastest possible onset of action and the full amount of API being ingested at once - but take heed of the warning above; it is a VERY potent analgesic.
The only analgesic whose bioavailability is HIGHER when taken nasally is hydromorphone.

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I am sorry about your health issues but have you ever seriously thought about this I mean as a healthcare prof. I can't tell you how close you were to death if you didn't code at some point please take these meds as needed and rx because trust me been around awhile and have had lots of fun but at some point we all develope tolerance and that goes it may diminish slightly but you will never be as high as you want to be again, look I am old an ex junkie for many years and now I really need those meds and they hardly work for me whoever you are you are worth so much more trust me

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