What Pharmacy In Spring Hill Fl Has 8mg Hydromorphone Stock (Top voted first)


who knows what pharmacy has generic dilaudid in stock in spring hill Fl. 34606?!

3 Replies

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In order to find out which pharmacy has this medication in stock, you'd probably have to go in person to each pharmacy that you intend on having it filled at and ask them in person. Reason being is that most pharmacists will be reluctant to tell a complete stranger over the phone if they have one of the most potent narcotic pain relievers in stock.

If you are having trouble filling a script, I have heard that others are trying Walgreens Mail Order services with better success.

Is there anyone else in Florida who can suggest what has or hasn't worked for you, in so far as filling your prescription?

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I was having a big problem getting my scripts filled for different scheduled drugs over the years like Dilaudid, Morphine, and Methadone. The chain pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens, WalMart, Publix, etc., don't carry them because of the prohibitive regulations that make it not profitable enough to worry about the potential security , deal with all the regulations, paperwork, politics, and other issues. So the best option is your local hospital, especially in a rural community. Almost every hospital has a pharmacy that is open to the public and I have had no problem getting my scripts filled at the hospital. You know they will stock it because of the use by patients at the hospital who had treatment and are being being discharged with scripts and the a lot of Dr. offices in and around the hospital. Good luck, hope this helps.

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Can anyone please help me with finding a pharmacy near melbourne fl that carries hydromorphone 4 mg manufactured by rhodes? Thx very much.

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