What Pharmacutical Companies Make Oxycodone Er
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What drug companies make oxycodone er and what pharmacies in San Francisco,CA.?
3 Replies
Sorry but have to disagree. I just had back surgery and on 30mg of oxycodone and pharmaceutical company is Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Inc.
I am sorry, but the controlled release formulation of Oxycodone, which is sold under the trade name Oxycontin is only manufactured by Purdue Pharma, there are no longer any generics available on the market.
Even the ones provided by the Ethex Corporation are manufactured by Purdue and carry the same marking, they are just an authorized distributor.
As to what pharmacies carry it, in any given area, since I am not in those areas, I don't know. However, calling them will usually not get you the correct answer, because they have no way of knowing if the person on the phone is a legitimate customer or a possible thief. This causes most of them to tell you they don't carry it, even if they do.
are there any comments or questions?
What drug companies produce oxycodone er; besides Purdue of course? Thanks so very much - Memphis1-13-2011
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