What Medications Can Cause A False Positive For Methamphetamine (Page 4)
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Can certain over the counter medications or prescription medications cause a false positive for Methamphetamine in a blood test?

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No they most certainly not long as u have a prescription

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My Dr drug tested me because I take neurontin. He said they treated them like they were a narcotic. I failed the test for methamphetamine and I never used methamphetamine. He took the meds from me. Can he do that?

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You saw no sign he was BACK on methamphetamine?! Lol that alone should make your response invalid.

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I failed a drug screen today for my doctor for methamphetamine!!! Never touched it. Could not comprehend how I got methamphetamine in my system so automatically I assumed I was drugged by a co-worker, until I did some research. Started taking ranit for acid reflux twice a day for the last 3 weeks. Bingo think I found the culprit!!! Looks like I'm back to chewing on chalky antacids.

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I just tested positive for methamphetamine and now have no doctor...He dropped me. I have not done any dope, only my prescriptions... Zantac, Xanax, Norco, Demerol. Help. What can I do?

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Where can we find the list of all the drugs that can show a false positive on a drug test?

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What can i take over the counter instead of zantac? I keep failing a urine drug test for methamphetamine and i am on parole. Please someone let me know what else i can take that wont test positive!

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I'm sincerely devastated and concerned as I just tested positive for methamphetamines today at my state probation office but am absolutely sure that I have not used anything in anyway shape or form of any illegal drugs in over 3months!!!! I currently am prescribed medication adderall 30mg 2x daily, lemectal 25mg 2x daily, xanex 1mg 3xdaily, levrroythroxin once daily, and now I'm also receiving the cure for hep c. Harvoni and am scared and absolutely terrified that somehow I have obviously missed the fact that somehow maybe one or more of these meds created a false positive so is this possible when they test for both amphetimine and methamphetimines both of which were positive??? Please tell me how this could have happened with me being 100% sure that I've not used any methamphetemine????

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Phentermine, I was on that along with a vitamin b12 shot weekly. I took a three hour class with the prescribing Dr before I was even allowed to fill the RX, its the strongest diet pill on the market. I list ten pounds the first week. Then relapsed back to meth. It was definitely the phentermine

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Sorry to burst your bubble. I am on felony probation and have to drop twice a week. I take omeprazole twice a day every day for 10 years. I recently failed for methamphetamine and long behold my test came back negative and it was due to the omeprazole. So it is true it can show up as meth.

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The zantack shows a false positive I find this out because I'm on corrections and get tested randomly they have send mine to lab I take zantack 2 times daily it shows a false positive every time

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I was wondering if you knew or could find out if the listed medications can show a false positive for methamphetamine and amphetamine? I had a UA for pain management and came back with an extremely high positive for methamphetamine and amphetamines. I admit that I did dose about 4 or 5 days prior to UA and this is after being clean for 20+ years, but did admit to start using again over the last couple of months. However I don't think it should have been as high as it was after 4 or 5 days. Any way here is the list as well as some OTC I took 1-5 days prior to UA: Albuterol inhaler, Cymbalta, Depakote, Savella, Imitrex, Zomig nasal spray, or any of the nausea medications like Phenergan (I think is how it is spelled). I have a few more but can't remember the names and don't think they would cause a positive for methamphetamine. I also took Nyquil, I have a Vicks nasal stick I used, I also took some nasal decongestive tabs (don't remember name). I also used some OTC acid reducers (Prilosec and I think I had some Zantac thrown in there). My other medications are for pain only: Percocet 10/325 and Morphine 10 mg. Which surprises me that the test for the Morphine was negative. So I tested high positive for a drug I had not used in 4 or 5 days and not at all for my Morphine. Funny.
Anyway, any help is appreciated.

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I also had a positive for methamphetamine result yesterday. The lab tech asked if I take anything for heartburn those will happen sometimes. I take Prilosec. Praying she is right. Cause I damn sure haven't done any! She said they will send it to a regular lab and the test will show it was Prilosec. Hope she's right about that too!

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It's because of the rantidine. Rantidine shows up as methamphetamine in urine drug screening. I see this everyday where i work.

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Hi, I take a drug test every month and for some reason I keep coming up positive for methamphetamine! I haven't done drugs but I do take prescribed medications though: Xanax for panic attacks, paroxetine for depressions, Ibuprofen for pain, buta/apap/caffeine/codeine for migraine, metoprolol for my blood pressure, and albuterol inhaler for shortness of breath. Can any of these cause a positive drug test for methamphetamine?

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Thats so true. I go to a methadone clinic and their tests are so cheap and people there are doing good and stayin clean but because i have hep c i dont metabolize things like someone who is healthier and littler than me but i have been prescribed xanax since i was 13 yrs old. I'm 34, so my benzo levels max out. I only take them as prescribed. I am not allowed ta be at a stable dose meaning im to sick ta b able to continue my sobriety what should i do?

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I took the same thing and have never done methamphetamine or seen it myself. I tested positive for methamphetamine and I'm pregnant. The lady treated me like I was some kind of criminal. I showed her the box and the children's cold meds I was told I could use, then found out I couldn't be taking it. Very first time I ever tested positive for anything any day of my life. Talk about baffled, most certainly.

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No. Donna has nothing to do with it. If you were a chronic cannabis smoker (i.e. mainly blunts or a higher grade) then it may take more than 60 days to completely clear your system. I didn't believe I smoked that much either but I stopped May 17th went to do a drug test June 30th and was still dirty. I took another one July 17th and was clear.

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The same thing just happened to me .i passed my lab tests but the disposable cups shows dirty for meth.i stopped taking the product.

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your generic zantac is what causes the false positive. my husband is awaiting a knee replacement and got referred to a pain management clinic for a false positive drug test for methamphetamine and has since failed another urine screen for meth, so i have done some extensive research on all the medications he has been prescribed and generic zantac is the most probable medication as well as the most common prescribed among those who have tested falsely positive for meth.

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