What Is Zerodol P Used For
Updateddear doc i am having a pain in my upper back shoulder and neck. some one introduce me to zerodol-p is it good for my pains
HI, Ken!
I'm not a doctor, but I can provide you with information about this medication. :-)
Zerodol-P contains the active ingredients Paracetamol and Aceclofenac, it is used to treat pain, fever and swelling.
Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach irritation.
It may help with your pain, depending on what's causing it. But you should check with a doctor to make sure it's safe for you to take it.
You can learn more Paracetamol details here and you can find more Aceclofenac details here.
Is there anything else I can help with?
i am having a swelling and pain in my right ankle will zerodol-p or tramadol hydrochloride help me
dear doctor,
I am having a serious head ache, also includes tense muscle pain in the shoulders, lower back neck and legs. I am also subjected to itchy rashes on my face and these are symptoms of chikungunya . Could you pleas help me by knowing the right kind of tablet i must take for this sickness?, ive recently started using the zerodol P. Must i continue using this tablet or stop i am very unsure.
Ihave a foot ucler which the doctor said is cause by poor circulation vain problem so I have burning swelling and pain d doctor prescribe zerodol p and gabapenti.apo 100mg will that help
i have tooth ache
what can i taj=ke to reduce the pain
this tablet using for mouth open for gutka?
I have bleeding piles since 34 years. Is there any injection for this or medition with put operetoon
I have pain in my left arm nd left breast last nyt ,l am 40. Yrs is it suitable for take this..... My Dr. Gave me when I had pain in my neck nd back
Zerodol p is relief the body pains
My mother is having a sciatica pain in her left leg... Can you please advise some remedy?
I have a back musel pain. Should I take zerodol p?
Iam having pain in chest ribs inside, i got bike accident i fell down on road the bike handel hitted on my right chest
My mother fell pain on her hand and leg , and water is insided in the hand and leg, the whole body change colour to whitewise ..so give me some name of good madicine and there uses
for teeth pain use combiflame tablet morning 1 & evening one but consult doctor it is better(combiflame is elders only use)
I had loose motion because that I got leg pain. Doctor gave me zeradc-P for leg pain .. is that advisable
I am suffering from mild fever and also having cold .
I have had a bad fall from my staircase. X-ray shows fracture of 11 ribs posteriorly; doubtful fracture of 12th rib in the T region of lumbar vertebrae.
I m having pain in my both shoulder and hand. There is small swelling on the back, lower side of the left shoulder. My maternal uncle who is a doctor in railway prescribed me Zerodol p and Pantop dsr.
Can i take this medicine or not.
My inner ear has imbalance says the ENT, and I feel very very giddy when lying down and terrible giddiness when I get up from my bed. Ent prescribed Zerodol -P and Stemetil and Aciloc-Rd and Avxit. Please tell me what are these tablets really for. PLEASE
Most Recent Replies:
I m suffering from ankle pain. Zero doll p is safe or not for me?
I have swelling on both the feet and pain in right ankle. I have been put on zerodol p. Please let me know if there will be no ill effects.
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