What Is White Pill With Upsidedown V, P In Center Of It And 110 Other Side
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8 Replies
did u find out the name of the pill 110 white oblong made by advance pharmaceuticals it has an upside down v with a small p inside the v
Cephadyn is a light blue tablet. The white pill with the "AP 110" is possibly an acetaminophen.
Okay, first, for Alexis, there are not tablets on the U.S. market that contain 25mgs of Hydrocodone, it is only available in a maximum of 10mgs.
That said, I did some more searching and I finally found an identification for this tablet. The logo is actually meant to be an A, with a P inside it, it's the logo for Advanced Pharma.
This is a Cephadyn tablet, which contains 650mgs of Acetaminophen and 50mgs of Butalbital, it is usually given to people that regularly suffer from tension headaches.
Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and stomach irritation.
More details:
Is there anything else I can help with?
what was the website where you found the pill with 110 on one side and the v with a d inside it on the other side? I found a pill just like it and I want to see a picture before i confront.
I found a pill simalar ans it has a big V and a little tiny d above it, ansd on another website it said it was a 25mg hydrocodone/ 225 mg acetaminophen
yes it was found in the US. and it is a V with a P right inside the V. its white and oblong. please help me to find out what this asapIII
I tried several searched in our various resources and I am just not finding anything that matches that logo description.
Was it found in the U.S.?
Is it actually like an upside down V or is it a triangle?
Is the P really in the center or does it sit at the bottom of a triangle?
looking for pic or description of what a white oblong pill with 110 impring and upside down v with p in the middle of v is?
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