What Is The Problem With Finding A Pharmacy That Has Oxicodone15mg
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I am unable to find a pharmacy that has my prescription (Oxycodone 15mg, 120count)! Please help me find out the problem with locating a pharmacy that has this script., can u tell me if & or what the problem with manufacturers of this drug? Thank you for your help!
4 Replies
they do exist. i've been taking 15mg oxycodone for ten years now. you must be thinking of something else...
Yes, there are 2 different formulations available of 15mg Oxycodone, there is a regular release (Roxicodone) and a time released (Oxycontin.)
As to not finding it, it depends on what area you are in. Some pharmacies do not carry controlled substances, due to the risk of being robbed. I ran into this, when I lived in Maryland. I had to go to a specialty, pain management pharmacy to get my prescriptions filled.
Another problem can happen if you are calling around on the phone. In this case, even those that do carry it, will usually tell you they don't, because they have no way of knowing if the person calling is a legitimate customer or a possible thief.
If you have been calling, you should go into your local pharmacies, with the prescription in hand and ask them if they carry it, then you will get an honest answer.
Are there any other comments or questions?
I am in OH and have been on oxy 5/324 mg for about 3 yrs. I just filled a script yesterday that is 15 mg. It is a very small light green pill which has A 214 on one side of it. Just took the first one about 20 mins. ago and I feel better. Had back surgery one month ago, developed a cyst in the canal and need another surgery in two week. The pain after surgery was unbearable in my legs so I am grateful for this relief!!
Dear Ms. Loretta,
I think that the reason why you can not find Oxycodone 15mg is that it only comes in 5,10.20 etc. mgs. I have never heard of 15 mgs or any other Oxycodone that ends with 5mgs. Check with your doctor to make sure that the script is right. Or, I may be wrong.
Is there anyone else that have ever heard of 15mgs of Oxycodone. Please enlighten me also
Thanks everyone.
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