What Is The Name Of Disease That Caused By An Immunity To A Certain Antiboitic
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There is a sign that a person must wear gloves and masks before entering a patient's room. There is a name for it but I cannot remember it. I think it was an immumity to a certain antibiotic.

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Probably C-diff. It's transmitted by fecal matter... yuck, huh? Usually is contracted in hospitals

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I believe the name you are looking for is MRSA. This is an infection that once one person gets' it , it seems to go viral. "Yes" you do need to wear gown, gloves and mask.

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If you refer to the link I posted, you'll see that healthcare workers may be at risk, due to the fact that they are there around people that may be infected, for long periods of time:


If you scroll down, you'll also see a list of various preventative measures, such as regular hand washing, protecting open wounds and etc. that you can use.

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Yes, I found out it is Mersa. I am in contact with many in a nursing center and was wondering if it is really contageous and what I should do to keep from
geting it other than eschew the whole scene? Should there be definite warnings at the facility? Several years ago, notes advising gloves, gowns, etc were advised before going into the room wih a person with Mersa. Not so now, where I volunteer.

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Were you possibly thinking of MRSA? It's usually pronounced like mersa and means the person has infections and complications that are resistant to Methicillin and related antibiotics, which makes it very difficult to treat and makes them easily susceptible to other illnesses.


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