What Is The Experation Date Of Acyclovir
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An friend gave me a bottle of acyclovir over two years old can it still be used for the same purpose at this time, or has it lost its affectiveness completely. With no symptons at this time I will often use this medicine unexpired of course just for its clealiness qualities in the vaginal area.

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What is your source for saying acyclovir lose effectiveness with time? It's not mentioned in the website you posted.

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It has probably not lost all of its effectiveness, completely, but if it is in a bottle that has been opened, such as one from a pharmacy and not a factory sealed bottle, then it does start to lose effectiveness, after a year. This is not one of the ones that gets dangerous or toxic, after its expiration, but it will probably not be as effective, as it was, when it was new.

The effectiveness duration can also be affected by other factors, such as storage, because heat, moisture and light will cause medications to break down faster, which is why you are told not to store them in a bathroom medicine cabinet, since that is usually a very warm, moist environment.

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