What Is The Difference Between Oxycodone 15mg And Oxycontin 80mg (Page 2)
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We found a bottle with two 15mg of oxycodone and two 80mg of oxycontin. Our friend had passed away and no one is sure why. While cleaning out their room we found this bottle with these in it.
Stephenie, misinformed by Big Phil and Verwon, neither of them are correct on their response... Percocet contains Oxycodone and Tylenol not Aspirin. The pill you mentioned Oxycodone 15mg HCI Contains Hydrochloride, hence the term (HCI). These ingredients are both contained in Oxycontin also only it is extended relief which is the only difference between the two. In The Percocet, the Tylenol is the active ingredient not the Oxycodone. In the Oxycodone and the Oxycontin the Hydrochloride is the active ingredient. Neither medication would not be as effective without the Tylenol or the Hydrochloride.
Hey do u live in hagerstown I need some information on meds I was prescribed if u would please post back id appericate it thanks
Nancy, what is or isn't a lot of medications to take can be a very relative thing. There are people in this world who take way more than you do in a day and there are people who take a lot less. It really depends on what condition is being treated and what works for you.
Some people can get pain relief just using one medication, while others require a combination to get effective relief, just like what you are taking.
The main problem you run into when you take many medications, at once, is a potentiation of the side effects.
For instance, the Morphine and Oxycodone are both narcotics, which may cause side effects like nausea, drowsiness, constipation and dizziness, so taking them both can make those much worse than they would be, if you were only taking one of them.
And there are always risks to taking medications and using them long-term, but in many cases the problems associated with not using them are much worse than those from taking the medications.
The Lorazepam is a Benzodiazepine and this class of medications is known to be habit forming, with long-term use.
My main concern, when I see someone taking this many medications, is that sometimes more are added, by their doctor, to treat the side effects of others, rather than resolving the side effect problem.
As an example, since the narcotics also act as depressants, rather than adjusting their dosage, if the person complains of depression or mental health issues, the doctor adds something like the Zoloft to treat those symptoms and this really just compounds the problem, by adding something else into the mix that can cause more side effects.
Thus, that is something that you are really going to want to watch out for.
Is there anything else I can help with?
i take morphine sulphate 30mg er 3 times a day, oxycodone 15mg 4 times a day, lorazapam 1mg 3times a day gabapentin 3 times aday, zoloft 100mg 1 times aday. is that a lot of medication to take allat once , ihad back surgury back in december
Make sure you take evidence from the doctor that prescibed the meds to you. I have fibro and have trouble managing my pain. What all are you taking for it
Stephanie, they are the same medication, the narcotic Oxycodone is the active ingredient in both of them. Therefore, there is no different between them other than the dosage and possibly the formulation.
You didn't post the markings on the pills, however, the difference may be in the formulation. Oxycontin is a time released formulation of Oxycodone, which is meant to be taken ever 12 hours.
And the other tablet may be an instant release or a regular release formulation of Oxycodone.
Narcotics are often prescribed this way, so a person can get some pain relief, with a regular or instant release tablet, while waiting for the time released on to start working.
The medication may cause side effects, like: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and constipation.
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joann, your best bet is, at first, to let your medical records speak for themselves. Make sure you either take a copy of them with you, when you go see the new doctor, or that you have a copy of them sent to his office.
This enables them to see why you are on the medication and what other medications you may have tried that didn't work for you, as well as details on any tests performed and etc. As long as their have been no red flags that made any doctor suspicious that you were abusing medications, many doctors will stick with a current treatment protocol that's been working for someone, rather than switch and start all over.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I have fibroymyalgia, besides other medication i've been taking oxycodone 10/325 I have been taking for 6yrs to manage my pain it works good and although im still in pain i am comfortable. I just moved to different state and have a doctor appts. with new physician.. Will he most likely prescribe the same meds as my own doctor,, uuggh i hate going to a new doctor,, i've had the same doctor for 13 yrs. and i'm nervous.. i dont want the new docter thinking i'm a junkie because i aske him.. i've always taken my meds as directed and don't abuse them but i know how some doctors feel about prescribing narcatocs.. what do u think.. please my appt. is in 18 days and i want to know how i should approach my questions.. thank you
Oxycotten is one of the strongest nacodects prescribed the other is basically perkacet without the asprin big difference between the two as far as strength oxycotten is way stronger that the other..hope it helps
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