What Is The Best Generic Version Of Wellbutrin Xl - Watson Or Anchen? (Page 5) (Top voted first)


My doctor will not prescribe generic Wellbutrin XL but my insurance will no longer pay for brand name drugs. I will have to pay about $7000 per yer for what I am taking now (3 of the 150mg Wellbutrin XL brand name per day). I am reading that the problem with the generics is the time release mechanism and not the drug itself and that some are better than others. Anybody have experience with the generics made by Watson and /or Anchen?

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OMG I have had the same problem with Actavis! I used to get my Wellbutrin XL filled at Target pharmacy because it was the only one who carried the Watson generic to which I had no symptoms and it worked great. Well, now they switched to Actavis and within a week I had symptoms. I am having the exact same symptoms as when I one time filled my prescription at Rite-Aid and they have a generic by Teva! All of the symptoms you just described! I am so mad if they aren't making Watson generic anymore because then I will have to get on name brand Wellbutrin. So frustrating!!!

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I too was doing well with Watson and was surprised when the FDA made them take theirs off the market; but have switched to Anchen -- which has since been bought by Par but they are using the old Anchen one -- and have found it to be good also. So, I suggest you try another generic until you find a good one. Again, just based upon my experience, altho I know we do not all have same reaction, I would suggest the Par. (BTW, it is getting hard to keep up with the company mergers. You might be interested to know that Watson actually bought Actavis but decided to use the Actavis name! I guess since Watson's wellbutrin generic was taken off the market, they simply began to sell the Acatavis one. When I got my last refill and saw that the vial said "Par" I became annoyed with pharmacist until he told me that Par had purchased Anchen and was using the old Anchen wellbutrin generic. Hard to keep up.)

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was told by Valeant to call direct success pharmacy. Direct Success Pharmacy sends your patient WELLBUTRIN XL® within 5-10 business days after prescription has been submitted. What Can Your Patients Expect To Pay Out Of Pocket?

Prescription Coverage - Maximum Anticipated Out of Pocket (per 30 day supply)
If insured with commercial prescription plan: $0
If insured with Medicare prescription plan: $50
If insured with Medicare but don't have prescription coverage: $50
if you don't have prescription insurance: $50
If insurance doesn't cover brand name WELLBUTRIN XL®: $50

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I've been taking Wellbutrin XL 300mg for almost a year. This refill the pharmacy gave me Mylan-bupropion XL. I'm feeling really edgy, irritable, and down right depressed. Is there a difference in these drugs. If not in the drug in the fillers?
Ready to bang my head against the wall here.

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I just called Direct Success Pharmacy and signed up for their program (it's currently being processed by them). I asked the Direct Success Pharmacy customer service representative and asked if their 3-month supply of Wellbutrin XL 150mg for $150 is the exact same medication which would cost me over $900 at the local pharmacy. She assured me that it is. I then asked how could there be a price drop from $900 to $150. She told me that Valeant is attempting to compete with the generic manufacturers since the previous price precluded many from obtaining brand. She also said that many were signing up and indicated that this is a good thing, presumably because selling large quantities will make up for lower cost. She also said there is no guarantee how long the program will continue but at the moment they have no indication from Valeant that it will be. Of course, there is always the risk of cancellation.

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Welbutrin XL, 150 and 300, direct success pharmacy sells only Valeant manufacturered pills and its sent from their pharmacy direct success in New Jersey NOT Canada. Dont believe me check it out for yourselves and stop posting derogatory statements because I am taking it. I take the 150 and the 350. I have no reason to lie. I receive it from Direct Success Pharmacy out of New Jersey and it is outside packaged correctly, brand and dosage stamped right on the pills. google DIRECT SUCCESS PHARMACY. 30 PILLS NO MATTER WHAT THE DOSAGE FOR 50 DOLLARS. If you cannot afford this go to Valeant's patient assistance program and fill out the form its a sliding scale of your income....I think it covers up to 35000 yrly income. But dont believe me? check it out for yourself. I know the direct success is the real deal, I am taking the pills.

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Thanks for the info on Direct Success. I ordered from them by phone today in 5 minutes. Cannot find Actavis version anywhere so I was really happy to see this thread. I will let you know how delivery goes.
Thanks again so much. 50 bucks is better than 330!

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Has anyone had good success with the generic 300mg bupropion XL made by Mylan? Thanks

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Like everyone on this forum I'm suffering with bad generic bupropion XL. I wonder if Geminiguy isn't on to something. The FDA is actually making it impossible for us to have relief at an even half way reasonable price. I wonder if a petition effort would have any effect. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the FDA would declare there is no equivalent to brand Wellbutrin XL thereby forcing the issue. Those petitions can be pretty powerful.

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I thought I would share my experience with generics in case anyone is still interested. I was first on Wellbutrin (brand name) about 6 years ago, and it changed my life. I came out of the depressive fog I had been in, started eating healthy and exercising, and lost 40 pounds in about six months. I maintained my new mental health (and kept the weight off) for a couple of years. Then my insurance decided not to pay for brand. I could not afford it on my own, so I switched to generic. I don't know what maker it was, but it was definitely not the same. I descended into depression again and gained the weight back plus some. I thought the generic was the problem, but everyone acted like I was crazy. So a couple of years ago, I decided to go off Wellbutrin and try other anti-depressants. They ALL had negative side effects for me. I tried a LOT of them.

Finally, in January of this year, I asked my doctor if I should try the Wellbutrin again. Of course, my insurance still wouldn't pay for it, so I got the generic. At the time, I had no idea about the generic recalls from the past couple of years. The first month, Walgreen's gave me the Anchen generic. It was only meh. Then they gave me Mylan, and it was better. The month after that, they told me they were experiencing problems with their manufacturer (Mylan) and gave me Actavis instead. I was dubious but tried it. And for the first time in years, I started feeling healthy again. The effect was noticeable after only a day or two. I lost about 15 pounds in two months, and my life was finally starting to look up.

Then, AGAIN, Walgreen's switched manufacturers on me, going back to Anchen. That's the one I described as "meh." It just confirmed for me that none of this was in my head. I suffered it out and renewed the prescription as soon as possible, making sure they didn't give me the Anchen again. I asked for the version they gave me in April, and they said it was Mylan. I knew as soon as I picked it up that it was wrong (the Actavis and Mylan look similar but not identical), but they insisted it was the right one. So I took it for a week and called them last night to ask AGAIN which maker I got in April. They finally told me that it was Actavis. Now I am stuck with three weeks of a generic that is not fully effective for me and am waiting to be able to get the Actavis, which is the only generic version that seems to actually work for me.

The good news is that Walgreen's said although they "usually" carry Mylan (they could have fooled me), they can order the Actavis for me if I give them enough notice. You can bet I will be doing that.

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I also can only take the TEVA brand. No one has bothered to tell me that they aren't making it anymore. My local walgreens carries Myan brand and my husband and I both get very angry, irritable, and impatient on the Milan brand.

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Hi Noelle,
I tried Mylan, only 100 mg, and it did not work well, feeling low without much energy. I have started the Global brand,
150 mg, and I am very happy with it! The depression is gone, my energy is back, and I feel "normal" (whatever that is). Hooray!

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For the record Brand is always the same. Theres never and difference. Theres no variation from month to month. It just simply amazes me why when you know brand works and the worst case scenario is it will cost you $50 per month why are these discussions still going on. Go to Direct Success Pharmacy and have your doctor call in the script for 3 months with 3 refills and you will be perfect for a year. Aren't you tired of being a human guinea pig? do you save that much with generics? and $50 is the worst case scenario.

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It's in New Jersey, That's the US though some people may disagree, lol. Just do a web search, everything is there, it's the greatest thing in the world. It's not going away and it's sponsored by the manufacturer who wants it to be priced within just about everyones budget. One day it may stop but I really don't think so and if I wasn't on Brand I wouldn't be up now writing you, I would be sleeping due to depression. I also take other meds but this is the main one and the one that is responsible for me being able to function like I'm 100%… If you haven't tried brand give it a try, isn't your life and basically your day to day well being worth that? I have tried all the generics and nothing comes close to Brand and the ones that did didn't the next month. I have had four solid good months since I used Direct Success and it's no accident that I feel the way that I do. With brand out there at $50 a month max this topic shouldn't be continuing anymore, no one has any excuses anymore. No more Canadian crap, no more generics, nothing but the real thing which if you have insurance may be free… There are a few people that I read about that the brand didn't work but that was only a few out of almost 700 posts. I don't think those people really know for sure, it takes time before everything falls into place. I will tell you anything else even if it's good won't be eventually because it varies and must be made differently batch to batch. Brand is always the same and helps everyone who should be on this almost every time. Not everyone needs this drug and probably shouldn't be on it.. If you should be on it, look it up, call them, they are really helpful and will make getting it simple. Since I'm on it I'm a different person, my old self, no problems at all and its definitely brand because I bought brand the month before I found out about Direct Success for over $350 for 30 pills from a local pharmacy and when it came I checked the bottles and pills, 100% identical exactly.

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Yes, I use Walgreens pharmacy and instead of my usual Mylan bupropion I got Zydus. Within 3 days on 300mg of the Zydus version I've started feeling needlessly angry, irritable and on the edge of crying; my heart is pounding and it's difficult to think straight enough to write this. Now I'm very curious if others are feeling similarly.
If this is all Walgreens will carry then I have no choice but to switch pharmacies (they don't do special orders for Medicaid patients).
I used Anchen bupropion for a few years and have been on Mylan for at least a year now. Those 2 generics worked similarly for me: not GREAT, but no bad side effects.

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I feel very similar! I was taking Mylan XL 300mg, and Walgreens gave me Zydus this time. It has been terrible. I am hopeless, crying, and actually craving a cigarette! I am also extremely edgy and quick to react negatively. Zydus got this one wrong.

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Thanks for posting the site for Zydus Jezi. Honestly I don't know how you folks made it on Zydus for weeks. I started one day ago, basically I have had two and a half pills, and I have jitters, high heart rate, no focus what so ever, and I doubt I will sleep well tonight even with my normal night meds. You bet I will be posting and seeing my pharmacy tomorrow to get my changed back to Actavis for now. Again thanks for all of you that posted. I think I have all the generics on the market now and by far Zydus for me is the most dangerous.

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I'm so glad that I found this thread! I have had to take generic Wellbutrin for the past 3 or 4 years and the difference is ridiculous. I once told my doctor that on a scale of 1-10--with name brand Wellbutrin I was at a 9 or 10; generic I'm at 5; stopping completely puts me at a 3 or lower some days. I'm looking into the direct success program now, I never knew it existed. Thanks so much for sharing this. Wish me luck!

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I received my Wellbutrin XL 300 mg at my front door today! I'm all smiles! :-) ? YEA! :-) took it about 3 hours ago. I can tell you that I do not feel that "Angry, overwhelmed, grumpy, GET OUT OF MY FACE & LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!.....feeling that I felt while taking Actavis's generic bupropion 300 mg XL. I do feel rather Chilled and Mellowed out - way more calm. :-) Not necessarily that "High on life, happy, Hey everything's okay feeling that I used to feel taking name brand Wellbutrin, (btw, I've been taking this medication for over eight years now so I truly know the difference between all of the generics, Vs. name brand Wellbutrin, and the difference that I feel in taking each one) Anyway, only my first day, 3 hours in, back on Brand :-) I will report back to you all in about a week to let you know how it further goes! :-) as of now I am VERY HAPPY that there was a way to affordably get back on the Brand name Wellbutrin XL 300 mg, that used to work so WONDERFULLY for med :-) ?

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I had the same experience with Par -- I took 3 refills and it was "weak". Then the 4th refill it was as good as the Watson & Teva always were and the Activis sometimes was. Par and Activis had a very definite problem with consistency from batch to batch. And Watson and Teva have been pulled off the market. Somehow all the testing ended up making things WORSE by taking the better generics off the market and leaving the inconsistent ones! I am totally willing to pay $50/month for name brand, but I sure liked paying $9/month for a generic that WORKED!

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