What Is The Best Generic Of Lamictal? (Page 9) (Top voted first)


I've been taking the generic for Lamictal for about five years. Recently I've been feeling different at about the beginning of the year. I use to take the white ones but now I am taking a generic by Taro. What is the best generic for this drug? I never really payed any attention until I started getting this crazy migraines. If anyone has any insights it would be much appreciated.

216 Replies (11 Pages)

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Hello everyone! I am so sorry I just fell off this board for a while...and have now replied to a bunch of posts, haha. I’ve had a serious case of the “can’t even’s” lately. If anyone remembers me I had switched from Teva to Unichem (since Teva discontinued Lamotrigine and Unichem is what my Walgreens has now), and I think I’ve been on it long enough to give my overall feelings on the matter, just shy of 1 month now. So, I swear this stuff is different, or rather, my body absorbs it differently than Teva? I started out pretty unnerved having to switch my meds at all, and I still have fleets of aggression I didn’t have before. My boyfriend has also noticed I’m a little more scattered than before and I am like that more often than I am irritated. As far as the highs (hyponania) and lows (depression) go, those are thankfully still manageable or not even noticeable just as with Teva (yay!); it’s more the emotional side effects that I really don’t like now and I wish I could switch back, buuuut that is not possible. I guess Unichem is pretty good as long as you can control your emotions?? I had some headaches during the initial transition but not too much else physically. Gaaaah after having something that worked so well, finally, after years of trial and error, now it seems I’ve taken two steps back and this is still so frustrating. The struggle is real y’all.

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Re: Linz (# 132) Expand Referenced Message

I too am doing pretty well w Taro. I'll report if I have issues down the road.

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Is anyone having good results in shifting from teva to unichem lamotrigene for seizure control?

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From Teva today:
Thank you for contacting Teva Pharmaceuticals Customer Service. Teva Lamotrigine 100mg Tablets are temporarily unavailable at this time with no release date. We apologize for the inconveniences you have experienced with the availability of this product. Please contact your pharmacist or physician’s office for an alternative product. I hope this information has been helpful in addressing your concerns. Thank you for contacting us and enjoy the day.

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Re: Laura (# 140) Expand Referenced Message

Teva has officially discontinued lamotirigine. They issued a formal statement. I saw it somewhere. It’s such a bummer. From what I’ve read, Taro and Cadista seem to be having the best results, if you’re looking for replacements.

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Re: Laura (# 138) Expand Referenced Message

That sounds like withdrawal symptoms to me. Sometimes Dr's increase the dose of different generics of lamictal since some generics can be up to 20% weaker than (I think that’s right) brand, so 20% weaker than original. I talked to the fda about this and they actually told me, generic drug manufacturers evaluate their own products and then they report the finished product to the fda! So who knows what we’re really getting.

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How is Taro working for everyone? Are there any additional side effects? Have you had to change the dose at all?


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Re: Ashlie (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

Ashlie - thanks for this. I think you are exactly right. I halved my dose and a couple days later, started to feel more normal. I never could tolerate going over 100mg (unlike most) , not even a little. I do notice I still have a couple symptoms, so I'm undermedicated, but at least I'm not miserable like before. Just waiting for this month to finish up so I can go to a different pharmacy and try the Taro brand.

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Re: Lisa (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Alembic is the worst. I took it for 4 days and have severe breakthrough seizures not to mention side effects itching and dizzy could even stand was taken to ER room twice once by ambulance. I have been going round and rough to special order TEVA. I just checked their website and TEVA no longer manufacture lamotrigine. I have looked at all reviews and decided to go with Mylan generic. I am scared to death to try it. I have a few bottles of TEVA laying around but my Dr. Wants to see me in a few weeks to see how the Mylan product works so I guess I have to take it.
I would not recommend the white pill 200mg ALEMBIC manufacture to anyone at all. I did research and it has additives that make it less effective. After a few days on it not only breakthrough seizures but look up cluster seizure..where they happen for a long period of time. I was at my sister's and had at least 7 seizures lasting from 1am to sunrise with some semi alertness in between and screamed so loud though them all. I normally have nocturnal tonic clonic seizures..i can say being semi conscious on the brand they gave me was the scariest experience I have ever had in my life. If anyone else had had reactions to this brand let me know. If anyone is on Mylan brand please let me know how well you did on it
thanks in advance.

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Re: Cassie (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Hi there. Have you tried other manufacturer yet? I'm running out of Teva and very sceptical about switching. Teva lamotrogine is discontinued

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I was wondering how Taro worked out for you.
I also was wondering if anyone had tried Mylan manufacture.
I am to start it soon being that TEVA is no longer available & that Amebia aka Northstar manufacture was 100% horrible and made my seizures return and had horrible side effects.
Has anyone ever taken Mylan manufacturer?
I'm on 200 mg 3 times a day along with Keppra 500 mg 3 times a day to control nocturnal tonic clonic seizures

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Re: Gus the Greek (# 155) Expand Referenced Message

How have you found TARO so far?

I am about to switch.

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I've been on the brand name for a few months now after having bad reactions to 4 generics. I have it down to 200.00 a month but still expensive compared to my 10.00 Teva copay. I am confused at why Taro didn't work for me and seems to be working for most of you. Walgreens ordered it for me. Do you guys think I might have got a bad batch? Should I try getting it from coscto? I'm disappointed that Teva would discontinue a product that was helping so many people. The brand name is even different than Teva, but I don't have side effects so that's good. This experience has made me question every generic medication.

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Daughter changed to taro after teva was no longer available levels stayed the same no seizures. Now walgreens says they can't get taro anymore. Where can we get it?

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Re: Fonzi (# 161) Expand Referenced Message

What??? Walgreens can’t get Taro? I was taking Teva, thenTaro. I really don’t know what to try now? If the FDA didn’t allow to +20%-20 from brand. This is the root of this problem.

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Re: Lisa k (# 160) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been taking lamictal for 19 years. Perhaps you and your DR need to try increasing , my guess, or decreasing. Also Incase you don't get your lamictal blood level checked, you can maybe that would help.

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Re: Fonzi (# 161) Expand Referenced Message

Can you try a different Walgreens? Sometimes a certain Walgreens can get a little finicky. What general area of the country are you in? I am assuming the US.

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Re: Fonzi (# 161) Expand Referenced Message

Costco by me stocks Taro by contract (re: that is their default brand at least in California where I am). You do NOT need to be a Costco member to use the Costco pharmacy (I think that's due to law). If you're not a member just tell the door person you're going to the pharmacy. Call ahead and ask though. You can call other pharmacies too and ask if they can get Taro for you. Say that's the only brand that works for you. Many will try to help.

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Re: Raechel (# 164) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in Green Bay, WI.

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Re: Cmg (# 162) Expand Referenced Message
have you had any experience with Torrent Brand.
I was on Teva for 10 years until Teva stopped manufacturing. I was then on Northstar manufacture and had seizures and rash and horrible side effects...so they changed me to Mylan which I loved now Walgreens can only get Torrent manufacture and NO other companies have any they are on back order. Torrent manufacture is in India. I am very scared to take it.
I guess I will call around to Walmart instead of Walgreen and see what manufactures they have or are able to get.
Has anyone had experience with Torrent brand.
I have a bottles of TEVA that are expired from a different dose way back if all else fails I will take them
The pharmacy says the lamictal issue is a mess right now

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