What Is Epitec Used For
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my son's brain is fiaring to fast for his body and speach and our dr suggested that he use epitec 25mg twice a day (he is 9 years old). Our dr thought that this would work better than ritalin. would you agree and what are the warning signs i need to look out for.

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How they described it was, that his brain is working at the pace of a 13 year old. his attention span is not very long. our dr said that he didnt want to put him on ritalin as that would affect his moods and that is why he wanted to try Epitec 25mg twice a day.

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What do you mean by saying that it is firing too fast? I'm sorry, but I am not sure I understand.

Epitec contains the active ingredient Lamotrigine, which is an anticonvulsant medication that has also been shown to be effective in some people as a mood stabilizer.

Learn more Lamotrigine details here.

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