What Is Doxytet (Page 2) (Top voted first)


my 13yr old daughter was prescribed doxytet by the dr. for her pimples on her forehead, instead her cheeks is becoming dry with a rash, is normal or should i take her off the tablets

25 Replies (2 Pages)

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my boyfriend just had a drop recently,was it caused by me n he was given doxytex to treat it
should i be worried?go to the clinic to check or

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I had a miscarriage and was given Doxytet.l hv been bleeding for a week.when will this bleeding stop?doxytet.

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Is it safe to eat antibiotics every month?I had a miscarriage on January since then I have been suffering from lower back pains and I have been antibiotics in the clinic but they are not helping.

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my face wont stop itching after i've been given doxy at the clinic, its swelling and its almost a week now I cant even go to class, what should I do? it hurts

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i went to the Dr he give me doxytet, so i asking if i can have intercourse when am drinking it?

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