What Is Better Razo20 Or Pantacid 40mg For Gastric Duodonal Ulcer
Updated15 days ago i've black stool.
after check up endoscopy result gastric & duodonal ulcer. usg report grade 1 fatty liver.
doctor prescribe pantacid40mg & other doctor prescribe razo20 .
what is beter for me?
1 Reply
Razo contains the active ingredient Rabeprazole and Pantocid contains the active ingredient Pantoprazole, both are proton pump inhibitors that are used to help reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach.
Learn more Pantocid details here.
Learn more Razo details here.
Both have been proven effective and there is really no way to say which one is more effective or which would be less risk for you, since they are so closely related.
The only thing you can really do is try one and see if it helps.
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