What Infections Do Augmentin Tab Cured, Can It Cured Chlamydia?
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i went to doctor last week cause last friday when i pee there was a blood after i pee but no pain, i just wondered so i went to doctor on monday to have urinalysis and the result is that i have pyuria.. and the the doctor said i have a UTI, i search what cause UTI, i do hold my pee sometimes at work but not always.. i never drink much softdrinks cause i am very conscious of my health i drink lots of water, and i have a proper hygiene too, and now i wonder how i get that UTI so i search again about the cause of pyuria it says that it might be a cause of STD. like gonorehea or chlamydia .. and its my 3rd day taking BACTOLAV doc's prescription but there were no available BACTOLAV in the pharmacy i just got one, the pharmacist recommended the Augmentin Tab.. i wanna know what i can get with this med? i mean what infections that will cured this? i still have to go to doctor to have another test for my urine

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Does amoxicillin- clavulanate(augmenting) 875-125 MG for tablet treat gonorrhea or chlamydia

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my doctor gave me med its vaginal suppository NEO-PENOTRAN ( for 7 days ).. i also have a yellowish discharge actually i was taking a pill which is Dian 35 for my pimples and i guess i need to stop taking that pill..and im afraid of what might be the result on my pap smear test :(

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Cheska, unless it is associated with some other problem, cervical erosion isn't a big and it occurs very frequently. Many women experience it, at one time or another, and never even know, because it happens to be at a time when their doctor isn't conducting an exam.

It is such a benign condition that it usually doesn't even require treatment.

You can learn more about it here:


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ohh i guess u answered my question and i am a bit enlighten now of what's happening to me :) but im just sad and worried i just got home from my gynecologist and she found out that i have a cervix erosion.. ( can't help to cry ) :(

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thank u very much... :) i just notice a discharge and i have been to gynecologist and i already have done my pap smear ( it was scary ) and just have done my vaccine against HPV..

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If you're living with herpes or other STDs, this may help. HerpesGroups. com is a safe and unique community for singles with herpes to connect with others in the same situation.
You can find support groups to talk about symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, meet new friends and even find love with someone that understands what you go through.

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There may not be any real root cause of your UTI, other than bacteria, which have caused an infection. Sometimes it just happens, even if you don't have any underlying reasons to cause it.

Augmentin contains Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid and it can be used to treat many types of infections and it does contain the same active ingredients as the Bactolav.

Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

Learn more:


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