What Im You Not Aloud To Have On Doxycycline (Top voted first)


what produts am i not aloud to have while im on doxycycline?

5 Replies

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Doxycycline is an antibiotic and it can cause interactions with quite a few other medications, but there are far too many for me to be able to list them all for you.

Can you post back with more information on what else you take regularly? I will gladly check for you.


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im 15 and about to start a ten day course. idk why gastro prescribed it, I'm worried about the side effects, are they strong... i do not feel like vommiting

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Case, if your gastro prescribed this antibiotic, it might be because they suspect, or have found you to have the H. Pylori bacteria, which can cause stomach ulcers. In such cases, an antibiotic is given to help eradicate the bacteria.

The side effects for it don't seem to be any more or less prevalent than those of any other antibiotic, you may experience some nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and a non-allergic skin rash.


Is there anything else I can help with?

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is it ok to take birth control and Doxycycline? I dont want any bad side effects happeneing

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I have metal knee and elbow implants..I get sick from Amoxicillin..will it be safe to take doxycycline for the dental work I need

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