What Drugs Counteract With Methadone (Top voted first)


i need to know what medications will cancell my methadone i take for pain relief

5 Replies

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Klonopin, geodone,

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My wife is doing weekends in jail, she is on 40mgs of methadone, seroquil and lamictal, she came back positive for pcp and marijuana or spice even though she does neither. can taking these drugs together make her come up falsely for this?

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U CAN take klonopin while taking methadone. I took klonopin when I was on methadone. ( with Drs prescription) I took it 4 almost 5 years while on methadone. Never a problem! I'm now on suboxone and continue. 2 take klonopin.

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Hi I am going through what feels like withdrawles but I am still taking the same amount of methadone I always have?? What could make this happen I really need your help??

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According to interaction checkers, Methadone interacts or conflicts with over 700 different types of medication.

If there is any specific drug or drugs that you intend on taking with methadone, I can look this information up for you and let you know if they interact. It would be a nightmare trying to track down and post over 700 possibilities.

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