What Drugs Can Show Up As A Benzodiazipine On Drug Test
UpdatedWhat prescription drugs can show up as a benzodiazipine on drug test? I take Xanax(2mg daily)), which is obviously is a benzo), Adderal (90 mg daily), and Zoloft (200 mg daily). I recently took a drug test, and it came back that I was taking 5mg of Benzo's but I only take the 2 mg of Xanax as prescribed each day. Thank you!
2 Replies
The Sertraline in the Zoloft has been known to cause false positives for Benzodiazepines in the less expensive, non-certified drug tests.
Learn more Zoloft details here.
Learn more Benzodiazepine details here.
Did they send the same to the lab for more precise testing?
I'm on a drug rehab and my urine test came back positive for benzos. Can a lab confirmation test finally rule them out
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