What Colors Do 2mg Liquid Ativan Come In? (Top voted first)


I am trying to find out if what i have, is what i think it is, but i am not sure what color liquid lorazepam comes in. If someone could help me by answering, id be so grateful.


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I got a bottle that's green as well and minty flavor..I'm sure its lorazepam.

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Just because it may be a particular color doesn't mean it's Ativan/Lorazepam, so it still wouldn't likely be safe to try using it, because there are many other things that it could be.

Learn more Ativan details here.

There is no color coding for injectable liquids, so they can be whatever color the manufacturer feels like making them, or not have any, if they so choose. Most are clear, or may have a slight yellow tint to avoid the use of dyes that some people may be allergic to.

Just from a quick browse online, the ones I am seeing images of are all clear liquids, but as I said, that doesn't really mean anything.

Is there any label on the bottle? Where was it obtained?

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It's green. Bottle says lorazepam but it was open when i got it. That's why i was wondering if it came in green.

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Re: stacy1234 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

If it’s open you should have discarded it. Open means used - by no telling who! Yes, the bottle is green and clear with clear liquid and will stay lorazepam and whatever dose. It’s as simple as looking at the bottom for the manufacture and looking it up! Be safe!

If these people “get” this, wouldn't they have a box or label for instructions?

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I was prescribed liquid Ativan and I wanted to see if all the liquid Ativan were the same color and if it all tasted the same or if there is a better way for it to not taste so bad?

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Re: stacy1234 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

No, it's clear liquid. The color represents the mg to ML conversion. Like taking a 2mg lorazepam pill is like taking 1ml of liquid lorazepam if the bottle said 2 mg per every 1 ml.

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