What Can I Take With Fluoxetine(prozac) (Top voted first)


I have been taking 60mg generic Prozac for about six months. These days I'm feeling like it's not quite controlling my depression. With my doctor's permission I tried raising the dose to 80mg and it caused me to sleep straight through the entire day. Does anyone know of another antidepressant that might work with prozac but not knock me out? Paxil was wonderful but stopped working after about 3 years as well as wellbutrin and zoloft......all taken by themselves. I would appreciate your suggestions, thank you.

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If you have successfully taken Paxil before and it stopped working, there is no reason you can't try it again, as long as there has been some time in between that you've been off of it.

Learn more Prozac details here.

Learn more Paxil details here.

Sometimes that's all it takes for a medication to start being effective again, because the only reason it stopped working was due to your body getting used to it. As a matter of fact, many doctors have their patients take med holidays to take a break from their most effective medications to try to keep them working as long as possible.

Have you discussed such a possibility with your doctor?

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Hello, and I am sorry to hear that you are not managing your depression. Fluoxetine is normally taken in the morning and doesn't have much sedative effects.. Please ask your doctor to re-evaluate your depression and precribe something else. I normally prescribe Amitriptyline 50-100mg at night..It makes you sleep but it is very good for depression

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