What Can I Take Amox Clav 500mg For
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Can I use Amox Clav 500mg for a sinus Infection?

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Can i take. Amox/k clav 500_125 tab for toothache infection

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Have been having severe sinus infection with yellowish bloody drainage. Fever, chills, headaches, facial pain, coughing.Went to ER last wednesday had. X-ray said no pneumonia but possible COPD. Quit smoking June 2010 said I needed to go see Dr. Wife scheduled appointment on Friday but wasn't able to go with me so daughter went was there for two hours & receptionist told us we didn't have appointment so if needed care go to ER again. Went home without being seen. I'm 35 miles from hospital & clinic age 56. ER Dr told me to take robitussin with expectorant & prescribed cough syrup with codiene. This hasn't helped I tried returning to work today but they sent me home. My wife rescheduled appointment but can't be seen till Thursday. I realize you shouldn't take medicine of someone else's but I can't wait till Thursday. My daughter has amox tr k clv 875-125mg, penicillin vk 500mg or doxycycline 100 mg from previous illnesses which would be best to take as I can't wait till Thursday to start feeling better & I don't want to loose my job for being off work so much.r

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Amoxicillin with Clavulanic Acid is a generic for Augmentin and is an antibiotic that can be used to treat many types of infections.

Have you consulted your doctor? It is very important this medication only be used if an infection is actually present.

Learn more:


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