Wellbutrin Forums (Page 6)

Recently active Wellbutrin forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Wellbutrin and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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Can I just stop taking 150 mg xl wellbutrin, it is my second day off and I do t feel too bad. Are the withdrawal effects yet to come. My pharmacist told me to take one and then skip one and so on till I was finished, but I have read that is not a good idea. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ## My pdoc wanted to wean me off of 150 mg Wellbutrin XL completely. But she told me that taking it every other day would be too much of a jump. Instead, I should take 150 mg one day and 75 mg the next. However, brand Wellbutrin XL is not available in 75 mg dosage and you can't cut a 150 mg XL pill in half. She suggested that I try one of the generics which was available in 75 mg dosage. The only generic I was tolerant of was TEVA Budeprion XL. But the FDA pulled it from the market an...

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Is this the same as Wellbutrin? ## To answer your question, yes, Bupropion is the generic version of Wellbutrin (the brand name). You can view more information about this drug by visiting the link below: Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Yes, Bupropion is the active ingredient in Wellbutrin, so it's the generic for it. Most generics are just called by the name of the active ingredient, rather than a trade name. It enables the manufacturers to save money, since doing it that way doesn't require them to file any patents or trademarks. You can learn more here: Is there anything else I can help with? ## How do you ease off Buprop. I think it's time to ween off

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I was on Wellbrutrin about 12 years ago and experienced severe nausia for weeks before giving up. A subsequent doctor convinced me to try it again. I has frequent nausea that seemed to ease after a few weeks. Shortly thereafter I experienced cyclical vomiting about every 4-5 weeks. It would last from a few hours to a few days. The doctor said it didn't make sense that Wellbutrin is the cause. I went on that way for a year until I began a clinical trial requiring me to stop Wellbutrin. The vomiting stopped. Months later, after the clinical trial, I restarted Wellbutrin. The vomiting began again within 3 weeks. Has anyone else had a similiar experience? ## Hello, Citygirl! How are you doing? This has been known to happen as a side effect in various medications for some people that try...

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Teva brand Welbutrin 100 mg SR has worked like magic for 4 years (no more depression!!) but they just stopped making it. Does anyone have experience switching to another gneneric? What do you recommend instead of Teva 100 mg SR? Thanks! ## Hello, Roseyposey! How are you? There's really no way to say, much of it depends on the person. The best thing you can is try one and find out. Which does your pharmacy carry, now?

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Generic for Wellbutrin 150 mg SR ## Sorry, I cannot find this listed anywhere. ## What country did you get this medicine from? Does not appear to be a U.S. brand name. ## Bupropion HCL SR manufactured by WATSO is the generic for Wellbutrin SR. Bupropion HCL ER by EONLB is another substitute. A new drug was approved a few weeks ago but I believe it is in direct competition with Wellbutrin. Regards. ## Actavissou: sold by Walmarts as a generic for Wellbutrin SR Bupropoin 150MG. Help? Can Not find where it is made..it is not WATSON asc earlier posted stated. ## I recently got Bupropion SR 2/150 mg in the morning at Walmart, Actavissou maker. I was on 300 mg in the morning, maker Watson. The Watson worked great, now on this Actavissou brand I'm a basket case. I'm worse than before I...

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Has anyone here tried Aplenzin? If so, what were the results? This appears to be a very close alternative to Wellbutrin XL; however it uses bupropion hydrobromide in lieu of bupropion hydrochloride. URL: aplenzin.com ## Hello, Matt! How are you? When it comes down to the basics, the hydrobromide and hydrochloride only mean something on a chemical level and aren't relevant to the actual action and efficacy of the medication. They just denote the chemical salt that the medication is derived from. Thus, it's not really an alternative to Wellbutrin, because it is still the same medication, just formulated slightly differently and made by a different company. Is there anything else I can help with?

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First off, Merry Christmas to all of you! :-) For bipolar type 2, I am talking Wellbutrin 600mg), Celexa (20mg) and Ritalin (20mg) in the morning. Also, I am taking Lamotrigine (150mg) in the evenings. I have started working out and am wondering whether there might be any problems caused by the amino acid supplementation, sweetening (stevia) or other ingredients present in my chocolate-flavored protein powder (a whey isolate variety). I am 50-year-old male who is in generally pretty good health, with no known health problems other than the bipolar. One family I know had problems. A mother (who has had some sort of mental health problem) and her adult son (who is bipolar) both had to discontinue using protein powders (apparently for her it was an amino acid issue, and I'm not exactly...

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Hello, I'm a journalist writing a piece about antidepressants that can cause weight loss (ie Wellbutrin / Celexa / Effexor) and am looking for British women aged 30 plus who are taking antidepressants specifically to lose weight. If you are happy to be named and pictured and would like to talk about this please contact me at antoniahoyle.com - asap. I can pay you a fee on publication and offer quote approval. Thanks, Antonia


I have been on Wellbutrin for a month and a half. My doctor started me with the regular release bupropion 75mg twice a day and then three weeks ago changed it to Wellbutrin XL (generic) and it has been great for those three weeks. Little anxiety and very productive and motivated again. However the past two days I have started to feel in a slump again. I find it hard to keep myself doing these things I've started doing while on my motivational spree. Is the wellbutrin calming down in my system or something and showing how it is actually going to be working from now on or could it be something else? I also take 150 to 300mg of gabapentin daily, depending on my anxiety level, if that info is something to take into consideration. Can anyone give me some insight on this? ## I forgot to m...

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I took 300mg of generic wellbutrin for about two years and lost about 10 lbs in the process. Over a few months of tapering off it (and going on the nuvaring) I've gained about 25 lbs. Now I've been off of it for 3 weeks and the depression has come back. I plan on going back on it once it's been a full month off and I want to know if I can expect the same kind of weight loss the second time around or if my body is already used to it? ## Hello, Jill! How are you doing? It's kind of hard to say. If the weight gain is solely related to the Nuvaring, then no, you may not lose it on the Wellbutrin. Learn more Wellbutrin details here. The best thing to do would be to consult your doctor and get their input on the situation. It is possible that the weight gain is just related to...

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My husband was in need of a liver transplant. During his pre test he tested possitive for ecstasy, a false possitive. He is on Wellbutrin - this drug will give that possitive for ecstasy. Luckily his Dr. knew him well enough to know he was not on ecstasy. He had a chemical test done and it was negative. Since my husbands false possitive the liver transplant team has had 5 more people test possitive. I feel badly for those people out there who may be suffering consequences because of this issue.


stomach upset after taking wellbutrin sr for 3 years I started getting sick to my stomach when I take it now. Does anyone else have this problem with Wellbutrin sr? ## Hello, Anna! How are you feeling? Sorry about the stomach upset. Our bodies change with time, so it is possible to experience something new like this, even if you've managed to take something for quite awhile, without a problem. Learn more Wellbutrin details here. Have you been eating or drinking anything different recently? Are you taking it at a different time of day? Have you consulted your doctor?

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Hi I am hoping to start wellbutrin xl next monday..I'm rather nervous & I hope you guys dont mind if I ask some questions.. 1- I have pretty much accepted that brand name is out of the question..I have the option of going to CVS that has watsons brand, Walgreens that has Mylan, or Wal Mart that has Activas (ps..I'm not looking at my notes & am trying my best to remember the names so please ignore my bad spelling :] ) Which off brand has worked best for you..so far I'm leaning towards the Watson..but would love some more feed back 2- I do not think I will be able to function at all if this makes me gain weight, especially since most of my depression & issue is my weight...has anyone had any weight gain from the generic? 3- I live in TX & have blue cross..I cal...

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Do anti depressants in general cause weight gain? ## Yes, most of them do cause it as a side effect, there are some that are known to cause it less frequently than others, but as whole, it's usually expected of most antidepressant medications. If you want to avoid it happening, you can talk to your doctor about prescribing the ones that cause lower instances of it and you can also try to increase your activity levels, as well as being very careful about your diet. Are there any other questions or concerns?

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I am a scientist working in pharmaceutics and I want to make sure we have the best generics as Wellbutrin is expensive! To do that I need really straightforward feedback! (specifically on 300mg XL) If you could list the makers/name of the formulation and your experience: (ie.) Wellbutrin XL : works Mylan: works, some pain Anchen: doesn't work. lots of pain This will be greatly appreciated! ## Wellbutrin contains the active ingredient Bupropion, which is an atypical antidepressant that's also used as a smoking cessation aid, so I am not sure what you are going for with the pain aspect here, since it's not an analgesic of any type. Thus, you may want to list the generic name and what you're actually looking for, since it seems you aren't talking about considerations th...

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I took Wellbutrin and Wellbutrin XL for several years. It worked well for depression. I was then switched to the generic, Bupropion Hcl XL. This also worked well. I was then switched to "Buprop 24 XL". After a month or so, I had serious side effects. (Muscle spasms, increased depression, and my hands shook such that it affected my writing and the use of a keyboard.) About 2 months ago I switched back to the brand drug, Wellbutrin, and am almost back to normal. If Buprop 24 XL is identical to Wellbutrin (and to Bupropion), why the side effects? What companies make each of the three different drugs? ## Well to be honest, the generics and name brands aren't necessarily identical. I know they tell you that and they do so because for most people, it doesn't make a difference....

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Im a 35 year old lady and i was diagnosed with major depression in November 2010 and i've been on different meds that didnt work. Im now on 150mg of Wellbutrin (since June 2012) plus 10mg of Lexamil (since April 2013). Since i added Lexamil to my meds about a month ago i've noticed that i'm having a thick, foamy light-greenish smelly vaginal discharge. The smell is not too bad but it is there and i dont like it. The are no other symptoms that im experiencing like itching, pain while urinating, swelling etc. When i google for more info the only thing i find thats a bit related to this is Trichomoniasis, which is a sexually transmitted infection which shows up in women between 5-28 days after infection. I'm currently not sexually active, the last time i had sex (unprotecte...


I was recently posed the question if you can take yeduc and Wellbutrin together. Can you? Are there side effects? ## All medications carry the risk of causing side effects, what I think you're actually meaning to ask about are possible interactions. And no, there are none listed, but you should double check this information to be sure. You can learn more Wellbutrin details here and you can learn more Yeduc details here. Additionally, the Sibutramine in the Yeduc has been removed from the market in most countries, because of the risk it caused of cardiac issues, some of which were fatal. Is there anything else I can help with?

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white round pill with number 141 ## found a small round white pill with 141 on one side ## ITS WELLBUTRIN OR BUPROPION ## That is correct and to be specific, it contains 150mgs of Bupropion in an extended release formulation. It is an antidepressant that's also used as a smoking cessation aid. Learn more Bupropion details here. Side effects may include nausea, drowsiness, weight changes and hypertension. Are there any comments or questions?

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I just found a pharmacy discount card that gave me 80% off of my Wellbutrin prescription! The card was free to sign up for and was super easy to work. advorx.com is the site. Has anyone had a bad experience with a rx discount card like this? It says it works at all major chain pharmacies and even works to get discount diabetes supplies. But my question is if there are any strings attached that I will realize later and if the card will continue working? ## To my knowledge, most of these types of cards are legitimate with no strings attached and should work (continuously) at any of the well-known pharmacies in your area. Have you gone into any pharmacies yet to try it on your prescription?

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