Weight Gain On Toprol Xl (Top voted first)


I've been on Toprol XL 50mg for a little over one year. Since then I have gained 20lbs and have notice an overall increase in my appetite. Has anyone else had this reaction?

6 Replies

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ABSOLUTELY! Started taking this drug in the 230s. Shot up to the 250s. Rode my bicycle 1,000+ miles during the summer to get back to the 240s. Now pushing 260 as I am not riding in the winter. Doctor does not believe Toprol is the problem. WRONG-O. Lokking for a new doctor!

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I started taking topprol xl 100mg about 6 mos. ago and have noticed a weight gain also. I quit smoking yr. ago and went to exercise classes and they said my weight would metabolize in 6 mos. Wrong, taking toprol has made me gain more weight and I'm so hungry all the time. I don't know what to do. I see my Doc. in Nov. and I wonder what she will say!

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This is not listed as a common side effect for this medication, but there are many things that medications can cause in individuals that never make that list, because medications will affect everyone differently.

I suggest talking to your doctor about your options, together you should be able to come up with some solution or perhaps an alternative medication that will not cause this same issue.

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I have been on Metoprolol Succ ER for 3 months and have gained 12 lbs. I never had to worry about my weight before. I have done everything ...and can't seem to shed the pounds...I keep gaining....I think this med has to go.....

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I noticed immediately when going onto this drug that i had major food cravings, which i didn't on my prior medications (anti-arrhythmics: Multaq, Flecainide, Sotolol) I haven't gained that much weight yet, but it certainly could happen with my appetite.

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I am on toprol xl too, between that and the allopurinol I have gained 50# in 2 years. I am definitely switching after reading this. Ty

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