Weight Gain On Pristiq? (Page 3)
UpdatedI have been on Pristiq now since November of 2008...not quite 5 months...and I have put on 15 lbs since starting it. DESPITE working out with a trainer at the gym twice a week weight training, 3 days a week of cardio AND counting calories. My doc assured me that I would also have a decreased appetite on Pristiq, which I have yet to find true...so he has now increased my dosage to 400 mg. Does anyone have anything to add to this?? I'm just frustrated!
I have been taking Pristiq 50mg since August. Over the holidays, I gained 10 lbs, but it was because I stopped exercising & ate everything in sight. I was just upped to 100 mg this week and so far, I feel fine.
I exercise regularly & count calories and that Christmas weight is coming right off.
Side effects for me:
Trouble sleeping, sluggish and tired for the first three weeks. A script for Ambien took care of that. Now I am fine in that department.
If I forget to take my Pristiq I feel jittery and dizzy about 48 hours after I stop taking it. This has happened twice & it's very uncomfortable. You can't just quit.
I have had no decrease in sex drive, no appetite loss, no extra appetite and no other side effects.
I used to cry at the drop of a pin and now I cannot remember the last time I cried. I am living a healthy life & am enjoying it.
Good luck to you!
I was on Zoloft and gained a lot of weight then was put on Pristiq and the weight has piled on very quickly which has made my depression so much worse it consumes me everyday how much weight I have put on. I came off Pristiq for a month and that was a nightmare and felt worse so am now back on it and have put on more weight I hardly eat anything but salads but the weight piles on. No libido whatsoever
Hi i have been off of Pristiq50 since last sunday was my last dose. Got off cold turkey know i shouldn't have done it that way. Been sick since yesterday vomiting and extreme headache feel somewhat better today. Hoping i am on down side of this does anyone know how long it takes to get out of your system? Taking it for depression but last few months feeling numb no ambition, lethargy. Before was always energetic and walked everyday. I needed it for awhile but feel like I can handle things on my own.
To Redhead, I had to get off pristiq 50 because of weightgain. Tried to do it gradually, 3days on, 2days off for 2 weeks. Kept on feeling sick as soon as I missed one day, so decided to go cold turkey. I was sick for at least 3 weeks after that, but feel fine now. So persevere. There is light at the end of the tunnel !
Thanks Laurette was wanting to hear would be better by tomorrow. I do feel somewhat better yesterday was worst day so far. I do have to work hoping I can keep it together at work got a little emotional friday!! Thanks again
I was on Prozac and told my doctor that I suddenly gained weight, despite diet and exercise. She assured me that if I switched to Pristiq I would lose that weight. NOT TRUE! I have put on 8 pounds in the last few months and I am tired with no libido or interest in anything. I want to quit, but I am scared of the side effects.
I was on Pristiq for 7 weeks and packed on 10lbs. I went off of it, counting calories, writing down everything I eat and trying to walk as much as I can. I've dropped a couple of lbs which has given me hope of being able to wear my jeans again.
I also take pristiq 100mg a day and have definitely gained weight. When I asked about it I was told that, pristiq can lower your appetite, but it also lowers your metabolism - so now I can't lose weight as easily as I used to. I have a number of disabilities so I can't exercise by walking, or running, etc. So I got a stationary bike because it's supposed to be low inpact on my back. Has anyone else used a bike for exercise, and was it helpful? And, thanks for all of your really helpful information...it's like hearing all the stuff you need to know about your meds that the doctor is afraid to tell you!
Yep, I have gained weight, too. I've been on pristiq for a year and a half (after my Dr. switched me from Effexor XR) and I have gained over 40 pounds. I have been thin all of my life and it has been very difficult for me to handle. My Dr. swears that it's not the Pristiq, so I just keep taking it. It really does work well and it was very difficult for me to find something that actually worked for me. I am running out of options. My husband tells me not to worry about the weight gain because I am finally stable and happy. I am struggling to figure out what to do!!!
I was reading some clinical studies about the correct doses of Pristiq.They said that doses from 50-400mg were effective, BUT no additional benefits were demonstrated at doses greater than 50mg. But, the report did say that there were more adverse effects at the higher doses, but not more benefits. Anyone hear of this? I take 50mg a day. I used to take effexor, and to me that one is a miracle drug! But the weight gain for me was out of this world!
I too read about the fact that there was no benefit to taking a dose over 50mg. My advice to all is to not take anything over 50mg. Otherwise, you will possibly see weight gain. Because this drug is new, doctors do not know everything about it. Trust yourself. If you feel the weight gain is from the meds, you are probably right. For those of you who switched from Effexor. Why the switch? I was told the side effects were less on Pristiq than Effexor. I disagree.
You do experience weight gain even with 50mg. I had put on 5kg (10lbs) after being on that for 6 months, and I was eating less than before being on medication !
My dr took me off Effexor and put me on Wellbutrin because I was gaining so much weight with the Effexor. I got so depressed on the Wellbutrin, I couldn't stand it! So my dr then put me on pristiq which he said would cause less weight gain. Ha. Since I have disabilities in my back and legs, there are very few exercises I can do. But, I did buy a stationary bike that I use every night. I don't know what else to do. Does anybody know that if weight is gained because of medications, will exercising help? Has it helped anyone else?
I have to add that ALL the docs seem to insist that Pristiq doesn't cause weight gain but all of us here have experienced it and know it does. I am on 50mg and the weight gain has been enormous even though I hardly eat as I am ill with other things and hardly have an appetite. I was on Zoloft for 4 years before and put on weight too but not as quickly as with Pristiq. Docs only say what the drug compnaies tell them, they really have NO idea and try to blame us the patient for the weight gain. We can't ALL just be putting on weight for no reason. I now take a half tablet every 2 two days. I decided this on my own. Emotionally I get a bit edgy when it's nearly the 2nd day but I feel better in my body. The weight gain was starting to make my depression much worse.
Just changed today to Pristiq50mg from lexpro20mg and i gained some weight on that but have maintined it for a year, i was told that i should not have any problem i sure hope,it looks to me that is about half gained and half didn't. will up date in about 2 weeks.
I hope i don't gain anything.
I definitely gained weight from pristiq and had night sweats that I thought were hormonal. The night sweats were not hormonal and the weight gain is slowly coming off. It made me very depressed because I was exercising 5 days a week and eating healthy yet gaining weight.
Well i have been on pristiq for a week and i find it is helping and i am not hungrey i have to remember when i eat last, i hope i don't gain in weaight i will see. my doctor said that the higher it dose the better chance i will gain.
I've been using my exercise bike for 4 weeks now and have lost 9 pounds, and I'm still taking the 50mg Pristiq. I wonder if the weight will continue to go away. I guess I'll have to wait and see. OH,, Linda, I agree that alot of times the doctors think our weight gain is our fault and has nothing to do with the medication we take. We should tell all our doctors, that we get together for a huge 7 course meal every Friday. We eat everything in sight, BUT, we do not take our Pristiq, and our weight loss has been stupendous! ;-)
OK I am 35 and have been on Pristiq for about 7 months I have gained 15 ponds or so...Before Pristiq I was on welbutrin the reason for the change was constant mouth ulcers (sometime I could have 3 or 4 at a time). Very hard stool which was uncomfortable and a bother & low sex drive. Since going off welbutrin and going on Pristiq no more ulcers woohoo!! Softer stool yahoo!! But NO sex drive at all and I have gained 15 pounds. So what to do take welbutrin have ullcers or pristiq and gain weight. Is there another drug out there that could help me without the side effects???
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