Weight Gain Multaq
UpdatedI have been on Multaq for 2 years, I have gained 23 lbs., I want to stop taking it, doesn't anyone know if the weight will come off if I stop taking it?
3 Replies
If the weight gain was solely caused by the Multaq then yes, you will most likely lose the weight once you stop taking it.
However, if the weight gain was just due to natural aging, being sedentary, a bad diet or etc. then there will likely not be any change, unless the situation is changed and, unfortunately, aging is something we can't change.
Do you eat healthy and get proper exercise?
Learn more Multaq details here.
And before you stop taking it, it is vital that you talk to your doctor, because stopping abruptly could result in rebound effects that may be dangerous.
Are there any other questions or comments?
Yes, I do eat healhly, I go to Weight Watchers, I had lost 19 lbs, and then my heart went into A-Fib, I went to the ER and the doctor put me on Multaq, that was in March of 2010, I started gaining weight and still am, also have lost a lot of my hair on the top of my head..That's why I think it's the Maltaq that's caused me to gain with, I have swollen legs, ankles and feet. I also take a water pill. I was going to stop taking the Multaq tonight, I will now want and get in to see the DR. Thank You for your advise.
Verwon, I forget to mention that I do go to the gym 3 to 5 times a week, I ride the bike for 30 mins, and then to the weight machines, so I'm still thinking it's the Multaq that has put the weight on me.
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