Ways To Get Fentanyl Patch Out Of My Body?
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How can I get the Fentanyl patch 75 mcg the f*** out of my system? I have approx. 70-80 hours to get this s*** out of my body. Was prescribed it for pinched nerve in lower back area. Been taking it for about a month. Now I have a pre-employment drug screen this Fri. Today is Tues. Last used this morning. (Tues.) What do you think?

Many thanks!

3 Replies

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I would bring your script with you and be honest. Even if you went cold turkey which I don’t recommend. Fentanyl builds up in your body especially in fat and even your hair opioids will light up a red flag. With a script they can’t descriminate. Best of luck on the job!

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It only stays in your system for about 18 hours

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Dazed and Confused--as long as you have a valid prescription for the fentanyl you should be ok. They'll probably ask you to list your meds down before the test. Put down that you have been using the drug. That way when you test positive they'll know why. I don't see a problem--????

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