Watson Or Mylan Pharmaceutical, Which One Is The Best For Oxycodon? (Top voted first)
UpdatedI take 7.5-325 Oxycodon and always get it from the Watson Co., well my pharmacy is out of them, and with it being Thanksgiving tomorrow, some pharmacies are closed. I get my 'script on the 28th and found a pharmacy that finally had the amount my script calls for but they are made by Mylan. My question is, "Is Mylan a good company?" Better/Same or worse then Watson? I know there use to be one company that supposely wasn't good but can't spell the name of it... think it started with, "Meck"....something. I'm sorry that's all I know. I don't know what to do with it being Thanksgiving and the Doctors office is closed. I just don't know which Company to trust. I know it's late, just hoping it's not to late to get an answer. Thanks for any help!
5 Replies
Hello, SoConfused! How are you? Sorry that you're so confused! :-)
Personally, I've always gotten good results from Mylan and Watson medications, I've never had trouble with either, but that's just me. It can really vary from person to person. The only thing you can do is try it and see how it works for you.
Learn more Oxycodone details here.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
As to the one you didn't like, was it possibly Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals? There have been a lot of complaints about their products.
I've had great relief from, Mylan. My pharmacy recently changed me to a new manufacturer called "ALV" for my Oxycodone 7.5/325. I find that I get no relief from this new manufacturer at all, PERIOD!!! I wonder if this is a new ploy from our government system to get those of us off pain meds, entirely? For most of us, (that are not abusing pain meds and have actual chronic pain diagnosis) this is just NOT humane practice!!!! I can't find motivation of any sort, to be able to get through simple daily tasks. My pain levels are just too excruciating!!! I just want to be able to continue daily chores; like washing my dishes, being able to walk to a nearby grocery store, etc. I want to be able to have a quality of life, and maintain my independence like any person without disabilities. I just want mobility, rather than immobility..which creates unwanted weight gain, making my life more complicated! You are very lucky to have the choices of Mylan and Watson.
Thanks for the replies you two and am so sorry for just now getting back to ya'll, I wbet is to google them), I know the INR has to do with the blood thinning and the PT, seconds it takes for blood to clot. Anyway my INR number one time was 18! Way to high!
Looks like I'm going to have to find another Pharmacy as CVS told me they're still backed up on my Percocet! Strange how one has them and the other doesn't! I get my 'script filled the 28th of this month and will have to have all of my meds moved to one place as I'm under contract with my pain management...Wish my CVS could get mine transferred from the CVS that does have them as the one I use is within walking distance to me where as the other one is across town! Plus the other Pharmacy close to me uses, 'Mallinckrodt' and I've heard nothing but bad things about them!
BigCatOuttaTheBag, I SO agree with what you said on those that abuse them!! They make it so hard for those of us that need them to help with our pain! And now that I'm on blood thinner meds, I can no longer have that shot in my back!! If it's not thing, it's another....sigh....confused? Yes, I'm SoConfused! Take care and hope all can be painfree as possible~
Wow, don't know what happen to the message I just posted! "I wbet is to google them)"???... I had said I ended up in the hospital in Nov. and again the early part of Dec. because my INR/PT was to high....that's where the "google" part came in, I just said it'd be easier to google INR & PT to get more info as it's way to long to explain them. Sorry about that everyone! Take care~
Well great, I called CVS today and now they've switched the 7.5-3.25 genetic per.s to a company called, Alvogn. (don't know what happen to the Watson Co.) From the little I've read about them, I don't know if I'd like them or trust them enough to help with my pain. My question...is anyone familiar with this company? Are they new? And if not here, where could I get more information on them? Thanks in advance and, Merry Christmas~
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