Watson Is Now Actavis Generic Percocet 5/325 What Is Up With This (Page 33)
UpdatedI had been taking 5/325 generic Watson percocet for 4 years. Suddenly I get notified by Walgreens which I have insurance that there is no more Watson brand and I was given generic percocet 5/325 by Actavis. It is not the same at all. It has no pain relief for me. I used to break the watsons in half sometimes and never had a funny taste. I just broke one of the actavis white tablets in half and it immediately tasted like salt or alka seltzer? Has anyone had any issues with this drug too. Also, along with it not working right it has made my GI tract and stomach so ill feeling and cramping. This is not right how can they take away a medicine that someone has been on for 4 years without any problems and tell them to suddenly switch. Would a peson who has been on a certain heart medication for years be told to suddenly switch that he can't get that medicine anymore? I don't think so. I don't know what I am going to do but when it comes time to have my rx re-filled it will not be with Actavis and I will have to pharmacy shop I guess to see if I can find Watson. I am very depressed now and so unhappy I can't believe it.
I'm stuck with my crappy brand as well because the pharmacy gets a contract with a drug company to get the medication cheaper so until the contract expires they won't switch to a different brand. The bad thing is that waiting for the contract to expire could be years. The best thing we all can do is complain to the FDA. When they get enough complaints, something will happen on that level.
Just because that was YOUR story does not mean it belongs to everyone else! My 200 count Percocet used to last 4-6 months because I only took it when needed. As soon as the pharmacy switched to a new brand, my consumption went up because the new generic does not work! Patients began coming in complaining about it as well. Dismissing people out of hand saying they are addicts does nothing to address the problem that some of these brands are ineffective. Chronic pain is not all in people's heads! My husband had his ribs broken twice to have a lung removed and 7 surgeries on his leg after being hit by a car because his leg got bent back up behind his head. These things have left him with chronic pain that is physical in nature and not all in his head!
This is what happens my friend when all of these greedy corp ba$tard firms get together and merge/buyout each other...NOTHING at all you can do about it!! Some generics have up to 20% LESS of the active ingredient, that is not good at all and can make a very big difference and if you think about it, guess what, it saves the greedy company a ton of $$$$...once again, all about the dollar and screw people and america.
I have to remind the wal-mart pharmacists every month not to give me activas percocet. I switched all my meds from Walgreen's to wal-mart and have been getting my 120 percocet 10's because I was stuck on activas for 4 months. I thought it was my tolerance at first but detoxed off it and it still did nothing. I hope something is done about that actavis because I am in real pain due to bilateral calcaneus fractures in my feet. Rhodes helps much better but what happened to mallincroft or endocet or roxicet? Hmmm anyway if they try to ever give me actavis again I will withdrawal till next order comes in.
Endocet and Mallincroft are still available through Walgreens but you will have to ask the pharmacist to order it they don't stock it on the shelves. Before I switched to Vicodin I was taking Watson percocet and then when they stopped making it I had to get the actavis - only took a few pills and got extremely sick so never took one of those ever again. I did have the pharmacist order endocet for me and it worked pretty well but no where near as good as the watson percocet did. Now my pm dr. switched me to Vicodin about a year ago and I have just decided to stick with that since it is brand name. I am tired of all these different generics that don't touch my pain.
I've noticed for many years that generic pain meds weren't as effective. I had to quit taking some generic oxycodone a few years ago. I was nauseated, bloated & generally felt awful. I can take generic beta blockers & antibiotics but benzos & pain meds just don't work for me. I don't know if it's the fillers or what. I have painful bladder syndrome or (IC). Magnesium stearate, in particular really sends my bladder pain into overdrive. The generics use larger amounts. Facilitates pills coming off conveyer belt. They can make more in less time. Ever notice how generics leave powdery residue in the bottle compared to brand, which leaves little residue?
chilli just because you are an addict does not give you the right to judge or call others addicts that are in severe pain! It is not in peoples heads OK actavis is junk for percocet! You really sound like a fool that does not even know the subject at hand.
I thought l was crazy too! I use Walgreens also and was switched to Actavis. I feel like my skin is crawling and burning. At least now I will be able to talk with my Dr. I am so glad I went on line. Thanks to all of you for your comments. Have a blessed day!
Actavis Oxy 10's suck. I've noticed a lot of generics are getting weaker. My PM gives me 180 a month but they are needed. Bad fillers. Hell, holla if you miss the round watsons. Awesome generic. I'm on a Actavis month cuz no one but s***ty Walgreens agreed to fill it and gave me white oval morphine ERs. I hope I make it. Pray for me. Thanks.
Stevo - you can get endocet, just ask your pharmacy to order it as they usually don't carry that in stock but I know they will order it as they have for me in the past. I also believe Mallinkrofdt is available as well and a friend was getting that one filled at Target but your area might be different. But they are available if you ask the pharmacist to order them.
Felix or administration: is endocet the same company who makes brand Percaset? Thanks and be well brother.
High five to Chili!! The only solution to this merry-go-round of addiction, is to detox OFF pain medication. Read Withdrawal Ease online and what George days!! He has helped thousands detox at home. Try it. For your sanity, do it. Life is so much clearer without pills.
I found a good Oxy generic since Actavais is at Walgreens now. Ask for round white pills from Ralph tagged 10/325 on one side and RP on the other. I found this brand at a mom & pop pharm but they Work better than the defunct Watson's! Glory!!!!!!
Oh Gosh I sure hope George can help. I just took my last Norco and am extremely sick and very moody. I want to get off these so bad but I don't have the strength to do it myself. Thank you so much for the info to reach George on line.
Sorry. That brand of Oxy's is Rhodes and not the Pharmacy at Ralph's Supermarket here in Los Angeles. Stay pain free and blessed all. It has very few fillers and is as effective as Watson Oxy's were. :-) Stay Blessed!!!
Actavis does suck and it seems like everyone carries that crap, now.
What about the generic brand Mall? Is it any good or at least better than Actavis?
Yes Mall is much better than Actavis but anything is for that matter nobody should take that actacrap it is so bad and doesn't do one thing in controlling pain. It should be taken off the shelves because there are still so many people in pain that are getting Actavis and getting sick from it and having no pain relief at all - it's the worst generic out there.
Aunderstand totally not all generics are good. You need to go to Wal-Mart or something because Walgreen obviously they are making more money from that generic than the Watson. On another note at least you get them, Cuz I have spinal stenosis and can hardly walk or stand very long without debilitating pain and my arms going to sleep and they burn and hurt to the bone and all I can get is 6 ultram day and I've been on those for 17yrs! You want to talk about depressed! I have 3 kids but my youngest is 3 and the only one that lives with me but his dad isn't around and I live with my narcissistic siopath dad that's the most selfish lazy abusive man I've ever met and I take care of him and my cousin that had stage 5 lung disease and crohns disease with a colostomy bag and on oxygen 24/7. I also have arthritis and fibro,.And narcolepsy. So it could be a lot worse for you believe me , just find someplace else to get the Watson's .
They don't make percocet by Watson anymore they are now Actavis that is the problem leading everyone to try and find other meds to help control our chronic pain. Some people have found relief from endocet and most pharmacies will order it for you as they don't usually keep it in stock.
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