Watson Hydrocodone Pills - Which Pharmacy Carries Them? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I live in northern ky and walgreens quit carrying watson brand and their new brand makes my whole body hurt. I want to find what pharmacies carry watson?

150 Replies (8 Pages)

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I was just recently prescribed hydrocodone 5/325. My name on the tablets are WES301. They literally make my body ache. Shoulders, legs, jerking, and everything. What was that manufacture pharmaceutical name on yours?

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Re: Comatose (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Mallindkcrotd aren't any good for pain. Lupin is the best that I have taken. CVS switch me the past two times and they don't work for my pain.

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I do but I live in lakeside CA. San Diego county.

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I have same problem we all need to contact Walgreens headquarters I think you can google it

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Anybody know what pharmacy has Watson Percocet 10mg Cant take that Ap33? or that ip204? Need Watson 932's??? Anybody know?

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Does that include CVS or Rite aid? I live in Lebanon, TN!!

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You can find Watson's 10 over 325 at Walgreens Pharmacy in Nashville, Tennessee on the corner of Old Hickory and Dickerson Road. The phone number is 615-868-5633.

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I live in Bmt, Tx. and Walgreens doesn't carry any Watson in Narco's or any pain medicine. They gave me some bunk Narco's manufactured by Acteva. Don't barely phase me..if anyone knows where I can find a better Pharmacy that doesn't use this or Qualtest (sp?) Please let me know...thanks!

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Re: Herman (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Call around and ask. You are paying for your medicine and you deserve to know what you are putting into your body.

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Re: Honeybee (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I heard that the Walgreens in Mount Juliet still carries the Watson's! A friend of mine gets them. Also, Publix can order them. It just may take a day or two. Hope this helps!

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Walgreens doesn't do Watson anymore and the new ones suck. I can not find Watson brand Vicodin. I have been on them for 10 yrs and they don't mess my stomach up. They gave me ipp 15 and they are awful. They do nothing but mess up my stomach. Where can I get Watson brand? Please help. I'm not young.

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Re: sirenity (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

I am telling you that the Walgreens on Lebanon Road in Mt. Juliet, TN carries the Watsons Lortabs. My Husband got his filled there last week. I hope this helps.

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Just went to Walgreens in Virginia to two different walgreens actually and one said “Watson manufacturing backorder” and the actual pharmacist at the other store said “no more Watson, company’s changing manufacturers”. So, I believe the pharmacist knows correct and walgreens is dropping them, only thing I even go to Walgreens for, anyway who is carrying Watson Brand now? Was only Walgreens, sounds silly but with my body chemistry something seems to work better.

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Re: Lula (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Have the same problem in Illinois. Walgreens no longer carries Watson, (doctor has prescribed 7.5 Norco, by Watson) for years for debilitating pain. I cannot take Vicodin even though the main ingredients, hydrocodone and acetaminophen are the same, it's the BINDER that is the issue. Walgreens was backordered and now carries the generic by Amneal. Makes me SOOO sick, I cannot take one without having the entire room spin, nausea also sets in. Great.

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I was taking Watson 325 / 10 because I had several back surgeries in the last year and Walgreens pull a fast one and they're given their patients a different manufacturer of pain medication and the pain medication they gave me is getting me very sick what could we do could we get it through Watson manufacturer directly let me know

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It is my understanding that Watson was bought out by another company and the name is only being used in certain places and for specific medications.

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Re: Apple (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

It's not just your city. I'm in Dallas TX and can't find the Watson's. All I'm getting is "IP", which don't help at all.

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Re: Paloma (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I get a 120 Norco 325-10’a a month. I don’t use my insurance and it’s only $34.67 without insurance.

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Re: Apple (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

They are out as well in Louisiana. All the Walgreens!!

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Re: Apple (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Georgia too, all Walgreens, Riteaid, Publix don't have a contract with Watson! Call Watson at 862-261-7000.

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