Watson Lortab Formula Change (Page 3)
UpdatedDoes anyone know what Watson did or why they changed their formula for Lortab 10/500? It used to be blue and when I picked up my refill today they are now white. I still have a few days of my blue left but I swapped a few so I can try the white. I'm waiting for it to start working and I took it over 2 hours ago. My rx is 1-2 every 3 hours not to exceed 7 in a day. (my pm dr wants me on a stronger med but anything above hydrocodone makes me euphoric and I can't function) The blue color lortab starts to work within 15 mins. I took my first white color lortab 2 hours ago, waited an hour and took the 2nd and nothing. I will wait 30 mins longer and switch back to the blue until I run out. This sucks. I'm a full time law student, disabled, single mom and can't use my dominate arm because the pain level is too high. (My shoulder dislocates every time I move my arm, even after 3 surgeries the last one being a bone transplant to the shoulder.) Sorry about any typos, I am typing with my left hand and don't have the coordination in this arm/hand that I do with my right. Thank you for any information that you can provide me.
I'm sorry but the DEA is Now Making Lots Of Healthcare Choices For Us All. I live In Florida And The DEA is doing Raids On Pharmacies. The DEA Won't let The Pharmacies Order But A Small Amount Of Pain Medication, So When You Go To Fill Your, Legal Prescription They Won't Have It.The DEA Is Telling Doctors What Kind Of Medication Not To Give If You Get Some Other Medicine. Just Look At Florida And Expect This To Come To Your State. And It Is Only Getting Worse.
End war on drugs, where did you get your info? I have spoken to DEA and have been assured they do not have the ability to tell a drug company to change its' formula and they cannot tell a pharmacy how many of a drug they carry, unless maybe the pharmacy has so much on hand it is suspicious. Many pharmacy workers will tell people anything to cover up their inability to make timely orders, and many pharmacies are limiting themselves on pain meds on hand in order to not be a target for thieves. Watson changed their formulas because they bought Activas and Activas makes cheap drugs.
My Aunt Is The Owner Of A Pharmacy. She Told Me That the New Laws Only Allow Them To Order So Many Schedule 2 pain Medication Each Month So When They Run Out Of The Medication They Have Got To Wait Intel The Next Month. This Is All New Laws and My Doctor I've Been Seeing For 8 years Told Me I Can no longer Get SOMA Because Im on Valium. He Said He Gets Pages Every Month From The DEA With The New Laws. In Florida It's Bad. I Live In North Florida ( Jacksonville ) last month it Took Me 6 Days Of Driving From Pharmacy To Pharmacy Before I Got Lucky And Found A Pharmacy That Had Enough Of My Pain Medication To Fill My Legal Prescription. The DEA Has Been Treating Pharmacies and pharmacist Like Drug Dealers. Doing Raids Checking Their Records. Going back 2 years. Making sure They Have Been Following Their new Rules. If This Isn't Happening Where You Live. GET READY IT'S COMING.
I don't know what part of the country you live in, but go to Kroger if you have one and get the PINK 10/500 they are made by Quailitist and better than the Watson Blue or white ones. Have a nice day. PAIN SUCK!!!!!
Hydrocodone IS the schedule 2 med...it is the active pain ingredient in all of those NAME BRAND meds (lorcet,lortab).
i have been on hydrocodone for years,back injury,had friends on it and all kinds of problems,perinoid,sleep problems,i switched phar.got the same manufacture as my friends and with in 2 weeks i was sleeping with my pistol thinking someone was breaking into my house. i use to take watson brand,but the new ones ,white didnt do anything for pain ,just made me feel high,pharmacy said they had alot of complaints on them.when watson stopped making yellow ones same thing,i have to take 2 x as many and dont last long. most people including the pharmacist dont know that hydrocodone is a mixture of opiates,there are many opiates ,10/325 just means any combination of 10 mg can be used to make up the 10 mg of opiates in the pill. any first year chemist will tell you any addition of any fillers colors can change how a drug works,such as it can bind with fillers make it more slow to release or faster.
Ow my god and I thought I was going CRAZY.I went from Yellow 10 to10 Whites and BELIVE me they don't work like my others did it is not in my DAME HEAD.They did somthing to them.I live GA.
There is a difference in the pills they do not work nothing like the others
Hydrocodone isn't a schedule 2, Yet the DEA Has been Asking The FDA To move it To A Schedule 2. All Schedule 2 pain Medications Can't Have Refills, Or The Doctor Cannot Call in A Prescription of Schedule 2 Narcotics. You Have To Go To The Doctor Every month To Get A Schedule 2
Kevin, I am a nurse & never knew this about hydrocodone! Un-flippin-believable! And, I am also on hydro....just started back on them. Watsons are terrible now & every patient needs to call the fda about it. If there are enough complaints, they will run an investigation. The new pharm, Actavis, is using inferior products in these new watsons. I just got Amneal ones & they suck! I never had a prob w them before.....don't know what is going on with these companies! But, we all need to complain to them & the fda. We are having this convo on another thread as well.
On my Hydro I get 3Refills so I just call them in. But I too go back to the doc every 3 months.
they DONT WORK dumbo..i have given them to family members who are not on narcotics daily and they all AGREED THERE IS NOTHING IN HERE for pain relief. i contacted an attorney and there is something that PROTECTS generic drugs from being liable for anything so NOTHING CAN BE DONE TO THESE MFERS i having same issue with the yellow ones that are now white they do NOT WORK. i too am upset because that was the ONLY drug that aCTUALLY HELPED ME and able to function since the change i am back to having no life but bed and internet a few min a day. worsened my depression because this paid is unbearable..they did a LOT MORE THEN TAKE OUT THE DYE for sure. i was searching to see if vicodin would help me but i see the same s*** they did w all watson meds i wish they could be sued. this is bs.
Iam on morphine and it a schedule 2.I go to the the doc every 3 Months and Iam also on Hydro which sucks since they chage.So you can't say it is because it is a #2.
Can you please give us all as I'm sure lots would benefit from this & the amount of forums as well as my own testimony about this change, is two things. First it's not a psychological thing to the guy who says that, I see where you are coming from but if ones not thinking in that matter & knows his medicine & then notices the difference as thousands are also & side effects as well, it's also not Watson anymore, they sold their name, stocks, etc. Out to the big generic makers called Actavis, & they have just put watsons name on them, when we all know darn well that they were made by a different company. Second, this company is now after buying up Watson and a few of it's New Jersey based people, OVERSEAS, & in particular to Ireland. This will allow them to save hundreds of millions in taxes. This will also make the FDA ( if they can't be paid off anyways) go away & thus they will be allowed to operate under much less strict & PROPER guidelines. It's a real shame to those of us that need the medication to live a more functionabke pain free life. It is not fun to have to take medicine for anything, but I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs ( username has nothing to do w/ what many are likely thinking, lol) I would also think that in Ireland their limited on importing & having good quality access to the proper needed chemicals & products needed both natural & synthetic. The company that supplies WallMarts generic medications, Ranbaxy got sued AGAIN, but this company making wanna be Watsons are getting help & they are likely never going to be inspected, if the country allows & protects them from US taxes, Obviously were not welcome over there, & any big pharmaceutical company would rob the peoples blind if they to could get away w/ it. I think it was changed on a much larger scale than the yellow # whatever & the aluminum as well, this cannot be the cause of so many peoples having complaints & bad side effects as well, my stomach & head are both as I write both very uncomfortable. I got this refill of " new Watsons" last week or so & I went into it positive as I went back up to the pharmacy & had a chat w/ them on it, even the label still read yellow in color, so I asked if anything please fix that, & they did, no big deal. I took them & even said on here on another thread that I would give them the benefit of the doubt, this is before I noticed the extreme difference & thus had to research & thus how I became aware of all I just shared. We just must ALL ( if possible ) demand a different Brand & NOT BUY THE ACTAVIS brand Watson wanna be's. I wish I could call on an immediate investigation on the issue, I'm calling everyone even the FDA to report bad side effects. Well I need to rest, but please everyone, don't support them & don't take your RX to any pharmacies that carry this poo. I hate going to corporate pharmacies, I like to support local & family ran business. Please Actavis, come on here & respond to everyone, then you could address many, as were all using google to find this anyways & you can't say you not aware of the issue. Seems like all good things eventually come to an end, that goes w/ all things in life, stop playing with our medications. We pay you all our hard earned monies, please have some respect & at least have a quality control person write a post, Theirs nothing your hiding from, right??????? Good luck to all, is their anyone who sees no problem w/ these so called dye/aluminum free better for us white copies of another companies drug?
I think that this also is one of the major influences. They are really fighting & making a fuss over them releasing this pure hydrocodone called zohydro er. They want to make this a schedule 2 drug, making it just like oxycodone & me like many of us do not wish to become addicted to that stuff, I'm not saying hydrocone is not addictive, but it doesn't need to be labeled a scheduled. Thus is documented, they claim hydrocodone is the most abused drug in the United States, I think everyone knows that our rights both constitutional & other our other rights as noted in the bill of rights, are being slowly stripped away daily. This company is based in Florida the state under the most attack from the DEA & narcotic medications & all of us that suffer from true legit pain must suffer from this BS, & it's not cool at all. I would like to see if someone could reference this law to remove all the dyes & in watsons case the aluminum as well, please. Ok, done writting on multiple posts about this, just bothers me. Everyone should stop buying from them, that's how you send the message they are a newbie ( ACTAVIS ) to being a fortune 500 company, so let's take that from them, seems only fair till they get their s*** together & give us our monies worth in what we pay, funny that you guys are saying you script was cheaper as well, not mine but I don't do large pharmacies like them, but regardless this is just not cool, I would say that they are around 50% as effective & in strength to the old the REAL watson 10/325 norcos, as they have done this to all of Watsons pills, seems strange that Watson is no more, yet someone is still printing their meds, wonder how this is possible, maybe it's an excuse to get all their old customers & let Watson take the blame before their chemists get their things together and the make the own named generic version. As of now SCREW ACTAVIS.
WHY IS NOBODY POSTING MESSAGES ANYMORE? SINCE THIS NEW PILLS THAT DO not work have ben waking up crying in excruciating back pain..this has never happened to me but a few times when i slept like 12 hours or so and i have not been coming close to sleeping that long these last few weeks. these pills r a joke.and someone needs to do something about it.
ANGELA do u go to a pain dr or a primary care? my pain dr says i have to been EVERY 28 days for hydrocodone or any pain med..maybe this is only for pain clinics?and not regular doctors?
I am wondering if anyone is having any other problems since they changed the Loratab to white....I have been getting abcesses...one on my c-section scar not going away with amoxicillian...and today I have one in my mouth...my friend who also started taking the white has one in his mouth...worried since we had the bad injections that killed many if possibly they are poisoning us...any ideas???
an excuse totally. It's the same for the Norco 835. I've tried the generic, it doesn't relieve any pain but causes a lot of new side effects. It's the pharmacy. Dropping the color (suggesting that's the healing power) is ridiculous. I would like to see a report where the color has been the problem. If it works, stop trying to fix it. Watson is paying out millions of dollars to the mfg but not there long time patients. They should also be forced to supply medical treatment to overcome the "color". I believe it's called Obama care. I need help now
Hey,K I do go to pain management, and also for the rest of you HYDOCODONE are a Schedule 2 Drug if they cannot call it in then it is a 2.That is what they told me.
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