Watson 932 Opposed To Endocet 10 325 Mg (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedDo any of the members of this forum have an opinion as to the effectiveness of Endocet v. Watson 932 equivelant?
God Bless, Michael ! I'd like one of my Dr's to walk in my shoes for one hour - I'd say a day, but they wouldn't know how to handle the pain ! My wife is a saint, putting up with my pain the past 23 years, she seems to be the only one who understands what I go thru daily.
Why do these pain Docs seem to know what's best for us, but don't know anything - same goes for pharmacists, they all think we are deadbeat drug heads looking for a fix ! I'm almost ready to give up, having to live on these meds is no pleasure !!
i just got watson 932 a week ago, from walgreens. & this pharmacy didn't have them last month, so it's not left over stock in that particular pharmacy. there are still some in existence, clearly.
This whole situation is sad - I'd love for one of my Dr's to live in my shoes for just one day. My family GP suggested that I take up yoga, and that would ease my joints to get me off the meds. (I'm on MS Contin 100mg 3x daily, Endocet 6 pills daily as needed). I was injured back in '91, and since 1995, I've had 6 cervical spine surgeries & 3 lumbar surgeries. My daily pain is a 7 to 8, and that is on the meds !
My Pain Doc has been treating me for 9 yrs now, and won't change nor increase my regiment, even though he's the one telling me, "Wow, you're neck & back have gotten worse, you've got almost no disc left in either cervical or lumbar". "By the way Joe, make these 90 pills last for the month this visit, you should feel better taking less meds". Maybe it's time to move to CO & smoke myself pain-free !!
Living with this pain really sucks, try to understand that, Doc !!
True The NB Percocet does work best over any generic. But it just really bothers me that these novice pharmacist will back up the sale of generics saying, "well it's all the same because they are regulated and tested to all contain 10/325 strength & you're just wasting your money buying the NB Percocets". It's like they're in a d@_n trance or something. I learned a long time ago that you get what you pay for except dealing with generics from mom & pop stores, true they are cheaper than the Larger Rx's but All or most of them suck. I prefer Watson 932 (where are they) but Endocet E712 are not garbage! Site members *the Qualitest 5/325 hard round pills with a 4839|V are GOOD! I'd rather one 5mg Qualitest over those AlvogenC 230 10/325 ANYDAY! They also make a yellow capsule shape 10/325 with a 4829|V enscribed on them. They must be bomb but I have never had one, I got the Qualitest 5/325 @ Fred's Rx, it's a hit or miss with Fred's because more than less their 10/325's are Mallinkrot. I hear Caraco has a white capsule shape pill with a C 10/325 enscribed on it, Caraco makes good Promethezine tablets so + I heard they have a good rep. The rest you will NEVER catch me with that garbage I wouldn't pay $0.50 for any of them: Amneal, Alvogen, Mallinkrot they all cut corners.
Hey I have alot of Info on pharmaceuticals. Figured id let you in on some Info! Even though this won't make you any happier the REASON that the pharmacies aren't carrying Watsons anymore is because they are discontinued. Once Actavis bought Watson they picked which drug they would prefer so with the oxycodone 2.5s, 7.5, 10 mg they are now using Actavis A332 A333 A331. Although I believe they have chose the 5mg Actavis brand as well I have not heard or seen any. My source is the company themself and street research as well as internet.
Jay.....because we take pain meds doesn't mean we're high or reaching euphoria as u put it. Ive never felt euphoric when I take my meds....NEVER! And the same goes for many here. My meds help take the severity of my pain down a few notches...not completely. ....but enough so im able to move without crying.....these meds are controlled by our doctors so taking more than prescribed wouldn't make any sense since we would be out of meds before our doctor will give us another script and we would be crippled with pain. I dont know if your a pain management patient. ..or familiar with how our meds are given but Dr s will only prescribe enough meds for 30 days....u have to see him again to get another script for another 30 days...etc..etc.. pharmacies will only refill ur script when ur coming up on ur 30th day so they wont give u more meds than prescribed by ur dr either so when ur in pain management. ...U MAKE SURE ur meds last u that 30 days so u don't do without! Now im no fool...I know there are those out here who r abusers which make them illegal users....but they're few n easily spotted. Theres other sites that have blogs for people who use this or that recreationally n discuss it openly among each other (as crazy as that sounds) so they dont really need our blog....its not like we re going to tell them how to feel high or whatever. ..we are here to help each other with legit issues and questions. I hope that made sense n maybe opened ur eyes a little to see that most of us dont and cant abuse or feel high with what we're given.
Oh Brother, another one blaming his life on the former President.. You deserve Trump, you redneck, uneducated hick. You loving the Indian garbage now?? You still alive??
They are both supposed to contain 10mgs of Oxycodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen, but since there can be fluctuations in the amount of the active ingredients in generics, as well as in the fillers used, how they work for anyone can be different.
While others may have gotten good or bad results from one of the other of them, the only way to find out how they work for you is to actually try it.
This is a narcotic pain reliever and may cause side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and constipation.
Are there any comments or questions?
Been taking Endocet 10/325 for 10 yrs now after several failed spinal surgeries. If I take Watson brand, I'm sure to be needing Nexium within hours, & suffer some serious GERD ! Also, I do have much better pain relieving results with either nb Percocet or Endocet, as compared to any of the generic brands.
Yes, there is a difference in the inactive ingredients in all of them, from all the research I've done. Have not been able to get Endocet here in GA for 2 months now, and don't know what to do,.... Do I try going without my meds & wind up in the ER, or take a diff. generic & wind up in the ER anyway with some serious GERD issues ?!!
Jeremy, there's a new issue with Endocet now - had a script filled last week & my local 'Mom & Pop' pharmacy told me that the cost of this medication went up, significantly !. Instead of the usual $5.00 co-pay, they would have to charge me $50.00, as my insurance co. Would only pay $XX amount - seems they want the patient to use the less expensive generics. They showed me on paper, and they would actually lose $49.88 if they just accepted what the insurance paid - not fair to either the pharmacy or the patient !!. Yet back in Dec. 2012, what was paid was acceptable, and even then, the pharmacy was only making a profit of less than $4.00 ! Things are going 'to hell in a hand basket' !! Living on a disability retirement from 1992, don't know how much longer my checkbook can hold out - mail-order Rx is no better, as I've been told that they Cannot get Endocet, just whatever their contracts allow.
I so wish I never was injured, nor that I really need to take this crap - another hoop to jump thru !!
Ladyjustice50, I hate to burst your bubble but today I filled my script at Walgreens and when I got home I found the Alvogen Oxycodone 10/325 brand in my sack. Beware and always ask, especially with Walgreens and CVS and Target. Their longevity and effectiveness is definitely noticeable.
Endocet is better. It is the equivalent of brand name Percocet and is produced by whatever company that is. The fails me at this moment but I've looked it up before because this is one of my prescriptions. For a period of time, it was almost impossible to get Endocet. It is now back. I took Watson's and found that though it relieved my pain, it made my hands shake and there were vague jittery sensations and some crankiness. I don't know how it will react with your body. Personally, if you are going to take this drug, why not take the real thing which is Endoce, the absolute generic equivalent of Percocet. If you find yourself on the 10/650mg, I recommend having a liver function analysis at least every other year. In large doses, it can hurt your liver. I only take two per day, but still have the liver function analysis. Hope this helps.
It was two different pharmacies. Walgreens in my area all carry Watson. I had to use CVS today. My Watson script paper always said: "INS: $262.68. PAY: $3.65". For this Endocet script from CVS it says: "INS: $74.69. PAY: $3.65". For the same exact # of pills, from the same exact doctor.
Underneath the name, it says "ENDO GEN PROD". Then underneath it says: brand names: Percocet, Tylox." So my pharmacy must have it listed as a generic. The medical assistant at my doctor's office told me it was a generic. They said that if this medication ends up not working like my normal script does, that I can bring the bottle to their office, & they will destroy the pills & give me a new script. That my insurance should cover it, because it's a different medication, that I only got because my normal was unavailable, & that it isn't working like my normal one. I hope so, because I can't afford the normal price of my Watson script.
I've found the white, round Watson pills work better than any other pills I've ever taken. I've been offered stronger drugs, in other forms, like continuous release pills or patches for the skin, but I always refused, because the Watson pills worked so well. I've been on the same exact dosage for over a year now, & it still works just as good as it did back when I switched to it.
This is only the first day of trying the Endocet, but it's not working very well at all so far. I don't have hardware pain (from the rods & screws in my lumbar spine) at the present minute, but my thoracic pain is worse today than it's been in years. The only thing I can think of that's changed is my medication.
I can't imagine why the Endocet was so cheap, compared to my Watson script. I don't know how my pharmacy would have made a mistake, because they don't hand write these things. It's all computerized, printed out.
Could not be in more agreement with U, p\but those kind of putzzes are the least of our issues. Not to offend, but I sometime forget that their are so many people worse off than me:( So we keep on keeping on. I got switched just of recent to an oblong pill with the stamp of A333 it Oxy 10/325. My tummy hasn't been the same, as to the Psyche play on it : Us chronic Painers have just a tad of experience in all the mind games we encounter from within, as well as all the external we try to minimize. Best to U my Friend, may our new year be less painful, allowing us any pieces of Peace we can grab. I've know idea how my wife handles me? Such a blessing within my turmoil.
Today 1/04/14 new news. My regular and only Rx I know of for a thousand miles that carries Endocet. Today my pharmacist told me that Endocet has gone up almost double what it was. I have no insurance so I've always paid cash around $65 for 93 pills. Now My price is $149 for 100 pills. And the worse part......she said people with medicaid and insurance probably will get denied to purchase something that high. And eventually I asked her where is this heading, will it eventually be discontinued. She replied I don't know but I told her can you try to keep a bottle ordered for patients like me that are willing to pay an extremely high price and getting 100 pills, the full bottle right out of stotage. She said she would try. I almost cried but I asked her please try. Endocet believers; things are about to get tougher than leather! And I don't even know where around here to get Watson 923, which is my personal 2nd choice except Walgreens. And they notoriously are the high drug store on the Market!
I had to LOL @ the "endometriosis 712". Hahahaha.
But yes, you're right. Watson is much better.
Endocet is cheap, where I live. My Watson script costs my insurance $266... whereas the Endocet cost my insurance $74! & whatever they use to make Endocet sucks....... because I had a horrible allergic reaction to it. Thank God my doctor's office had me come in the following morning & they had me bring in the Endocet to destroy it, & they wrote me a new script for my meds with a notice RIGHT ON the script, "Allergies: Endocet".
People who keep saying Endocet is brand name Percocet, YOU ARE INCORRECT. Right ON the bottles, it says, "Endocet, GENERIC FOR PERCOCET". Endocet is a GENERIC version of Percocet. Brand name percocet would cost me upwards of $1,000.00 a month. Endocet is $74! BIG difference.
Walgreen's is no longer carrying the Watson 10/325 Oxycodone. Got mined filled 12/23/13 and they gave me M523 - each pill one is in individual packaging which makes it extremely difficult for someone with arthritis and carpel tunnel to open.
I called Walgreen's and they said that their distributor Amerisouce chooses which brands they receive. I stopped going to Medicap because they stopped carrying Watson. Now I have to find another pharmacy.
A friend of mine works at the Hy-Vee pharmacy and she just told me that they will be discontinuing the 10/325's. I can't believe this would be all brands. My doctor lowered my script from 500's to 325's because too much acetaminophen isn't good for your liver.
@William - Psychological? Really? The M523's definitely aren't as powerful and their affects wear off faster. I take mine at the same time every day and my pain WAS under control until they switched brands. I'm having trouble sleeping because either I can't get to sleep because I'm in pain or I wake up in the middle of the night hurting.
With Watson 3/day was fine, but I would occasionally take the 4/day I'm prescribed. This month I'm taking all 4/day and taking Tylenol and Advil for the "breakthrough" pain. Funny, I didn't have breakthrough pain when taking Watson's brand.
Guess I'll be going pharmacy shopping....
That is 100% correct as I read my medicine bottle right now everything is a generic if it says anything other than percocet my brand name percocet is more than 10x the price of most all generics I have taken and their is a reason it cost more it actually works like it was suppose to to make most medicines affordable you cut corners that is how it all works it sucks but is a fact
My local Mom & Pop pharmacy ran low on my Endocet 10/325 last month,so they gave me about 20 or so real, honest to God, name brand Percocet to hold me over for a few days - WOW, did it wipe the pain out like no one's business !! I was in (almost) 7th Heaven for a couple of days there ! I didn't have to watch the clock either, they lasted more than 4 hours - Amazing, just amazing. So I priced out NB Percocet, and it would have cost me $609.00 for one month supply - what am I buying here, a top shelf Lexus or something ?!! I know 99% positively that Endocet 10/325,has the same exact ingredients as NB Percocet, so why don't they work the same ?!?!
I recently did some research on generic meds., (actually, a lot), and folks, here's a sad fact -- the active ingredient in pain meds is allowed to fluctuate by 8% to 10%, but only in the generic versions, Not the NB ! So now you wonder why some of the pain meds out there aren't doing squat for us - sure, it may only be 8 or 10%, but to some of us that have been taking this stuff for years and years and have built up a tolerance to it, that % will make a difference ! And imagine the amount of money the drug mfr's are saving if they actually do withhold 8 or 10% of AI from each pill - well, that would be an extra pill to every 10 that they make, ergo more profit !!
Question here, has anyone ever gotten their health insurance co., (or worker's comp), to pay for the NB Percocet ? I know if a Dr contacts them & advises that NB must be taken for either allergic or other health reasons that they will sometimes bend & spring for the big bucks, but wondering if they will do it for pain meds !! Endocet has been giving me the itchies every once in a while, and while they do work better than any other I've tried, Nothing, but Nothing works better than NB Percocet ! Keep the Faith Y'all !!
I switched my script from Walgreens to Hy-Vee (a grocery store chain on the Midwest) and they have the Watson 932's.
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