Watson 932 Opposed To Endocet 10 325 Mg
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Do any of the members of this forum have an opinion as to the effectiveness of Endocet v. Watson 932 equivelant?
I put a couple drops of water on the back of a white Watson 932 pill to see what would happen, after about a minute I grabbed it and the side I got wet just crumpled off and the inside of the pill was yellow.
I want to know if that's normal or if these are fake??
I didn't read this whole article but I read enough to know what she said or that person said is so true I could take like 6 Watsons to one Endocet. And the problem is not the Endocet the problem is the Watson all Watson's. I have noticed across-the-board they are completely filled with fillers and they are going to end up killing people because of the Tylenol not because of the pain medication. People who suffer from chronic pain should not have to deal with the bulls*** that's going on with politics.
So did they ever make white endo oblong (10/325 percocet imprinted)
Oh Brother, another one blaming his life on the former President.. You deserve Trump, you redneck, uneducated hick. You loving the Indian garbage now?? You still alive??
I am a former drug and alcohol counselor and also love pharmacology as a hobby for many many years I have chronic back and hip pain that I've been on Percocet for many many years I have noticed over the years that the Endocet 10 325 yellow pills are stronger and work far better than the oval round Watson's or any other manufacturers of Percocet 10 325 I have called all over Denver trying to find the Endocet 10 325 the little yellow pills because when I get my prescription every month of Percocet and though my doctor writes the script for Endocet 10 325 The white Ones always crumble as the month goes on and they are not as strong I wish someone in the Denver area could please tell me where I can get Endocet 10/325. Endocet 10 325 the little yellow pills instead of these white ones because as my tolerance grows toward these white ones the yellow ones never did build up a tolerance. I have sat down with the phone book and called every Pharmacy that I can drive to within the Denver metro area and no one seems to have the Endocet 10 325 I do wish that someone could leave a message and tell me where I can get them I used to get them at the Safeway pharmacy and I used to get them in a couple of the pharmacies but they just don't carry them but I want to call the manufacturer of the pharmaceutical company and see where they ship their Endocet 10 325 the little yellow pills it seems like they could tell me I realize people want to hold up a pharmacy and rob them of all their Percocet but I do wish someone could tell me where I can get the Endocet 325 in the Denver metro area. For those of us and there are many many many who are on Percocets for probably the remainder of Our Lives because they do work well and you can function although you may be physically addicted to them we really need the the yellow Endocet 10 325 it seems like there is a consensus among those of us who have to take them probably for the rest of our lives is we don't want to take Oxycontin in we prefer to take the yellow Percocets we can use fewer of them which should make the DEA and our physicians extremely happy and sidering the multitude of overdoses or if somebody can find out where in Denver I can get some Endocet 10 325 or from the pharmaceutical company it would be greatly appreciated. We just wanted to manage our pain and not have to take a whole bunch of The Quiet Ones for instance of course I haven't told my doctor was for several years I have been able to take three of the 10 325 at one time and it manages my pain but I'm talking about three of those every 4 to 6 hours now with the yellow ones I'm able to take 2 every 6 hours and that manages my pain and I know that that would make the DEA and the pharmaceutical company and my doctor so very happy because I am a lot less likely to overdose on 2 Endocet 10 325 every 6 hours than I am taking 3 Percocet 10/325 of Watson and whoever else makes the little white ones every 4 hours help people!!!!! There is a big place some place in the state of Colorado and I would be willing to drive to the mountains some Pharmacy has Endocet 10 325 the little yellow pill......
NO not psychological, because sure enough just some of a 10mg. with the endocet put the same feeling as Watson had in the beginning, didn't last as long; like any narcotic it always takes more after awhile. Why was Watson told to stop making the 10/'325 was because it contained to much oxy. and would last longer. to many overdose's with it etc is what I understand the reason to be. So the power of suggestion can work quite well when put in the right format for that particular patient.
Does the Watson now avtivas work for you? The endo do not work. I love my lab but can't find
Actually ette, Endocet comes in 2.5/325, 5/325, 7.5/325 and 10/325. Oxycodone HCL/Acetaminophen
Endocet has 7.5 mg of Oxycodone where Watson actually had 10. This is NOT the same in any universe. And they do NOT work like the watsons. I WANT MY EFFECTIVE MEDCATIONS BACK!!!
any two people are not the same. each is unique. far more people find problems with generics that give you 7.5 mg instead of the expected 10. If you are having good luck with whatever you take, good for you. Not for us.
I have been on 10 mg Percocets for 7+ years now. I can't say I have tried them all, but when I can tell you, is the only pill that I will do is an IP 204. The pharmacist special orders them for me. I have add absolutely no issues with them. Keep in mind, I have a very high tolerance obviously. I have also done the M523 from Wally World and I will take those as an alternative and see no difference between those and the IP 204 I don't know how they compare with brand Percocets nor the E712. But I can tell you the IP 204 has been extremely consistent over the seven years and they work just perfectly fine for me. I am on here looking because the pharmacist recently told me they are going to be no longer available. So I am looking for a good alternative. I may go with the E712 but I can tell you the M523's are fine, but they are bigger than the 204's and I can't get as many in the bottle :)
The endo712 are the best. The Watson are probably second best. I have since been put on 30mg er and these are the best for long term chronic pain. One pill every 10-12 hours is best of all. It truly works for degenerative joint disease and every other pain. Truly helps to live a normal life.
I have also been having the same problem finding the generic Endocet 10/325. I live in west central area of ga and information on this would be extremely helpful. Wish everyone the best with same situation because different generics definitely don't work same.
The endo 712 is the best. I have tried everything for chronic military injuries and arthritis. The Watson 932 were probably 2nd best. My pain was so severe, I finally had to go to a pain clinic to address my pain level. The Oxycontin 30er is by far the best if you are in real pain with fewest side effects. It's nice to take one pill every 10-12 hours and be pain free. Side effects from morphine and oxymoron were to much for me. However, the Oxycontin are expensive, but for the pain I am in, it's worth the cost. I do get roxy 30s for break through pain, but I almost don't need them very often.
I've taken both the Actavis generic and Endocet 10/325 from Endo labs. Both don't work near as well as the brand name which is made by Endo labs, but costs alot more and works about 25% better. About 6 years ago the Endocet 10/325 started to not work as well for me. I tried the Mallinkrodt generic which was completely worthless, zero pain reduction.
After the weakend state of the 10/325 Percocet generics I got my doctor to switch me to Roxicodone 15mg for my breakthrough pain medication and used the Actavis 15mg generic which worked alot better than any Percocet 10/325 generic. Not because it was 5mg more of the active ingredient, but because the quality of the active ingredient was alot better.
You can read all over MedsChat forum about all the different opiates having a weakend state and not working on pain anywhere near as well as they did years ago. The government has gotten big pharma to some how tamper with the way all opiates are made now so they can't be abused as easily, but the down side to that is they don't work on your pain very well at all anymore. Another Odumbo gift to suffering Americans with severe debilitating chronic pain because drug abusers are more important than suffering human beings in Odumbo world. Oh!, and don't forget you're going to be prescribed less of these inferior opiate analgesics because of Odumbo too...
I need to know what pharmacy in Brunswick Georgia carries Activestbrand oxycodone 10-325 besides Walgreens. Or endocet brand same medicine. Please help.
Endo 712 is the best perc 10 in my opinion. When you get up on the morning, take one with a cup of coffee to really kick it in. I had these when I had knee surgery and I have tried the Watson and about every other perc. These are by far the best made.
things have gone Down hill since they took Watson off the market, oxycodone I could be in a happy mood with the white ones, and get more stuff done with the tellow ones, oxycodne 10/325 the 10mg added/imediate release tears up the stomach justt breaking off a peace of the 30mg. does not hurt the stromach as long as I eat with it. trying to amplyfye the effect with a couple of mg. of valum, yes they do that in the hospital. My apolgies the side effect of valum is crankingness. be more possitive on the next letter
Cvs, Heb and riteaway out of San Antonio Tx ordered them for me. Good luck as this is absolutely no joke...l have gone thru hell and back trying to get this taking care of without having to take meds that do not work or make you extremely sick!! God Bless everyone having to fight this never-ending bull crap!!! I pray for each and every one of you every night<3
Endocet so the closest thing to Percocet you will find, believe me, I e been injured for the past 20 years and have tried them all. Some CVS stores will order them for you if you explain to them that it's a medical thing. I have a Mom & Pop pharmacy in town that keeps it in stock for me - nothing else works, or gives me a serious GERD ISSUE ,
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