I have never heard of this pill before, and it was in my daughters room. What is it? I have been told it is generic for Vicodin 1000 mg. Is this true? How do I keep her from getting them?
Unfortunately you can purchase many drugs online, so she could be getting them from there. Or maybe she is getting them somewhere else. You could take her to the doctors every month for a random test, that way she can't hide it. Have you talked to her about it? There are support groups to help with this situation.
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watson Says:
are the white watson 540's and blue watson 540's the same mixture
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avonldy Says:
Unfortunately, kids get into their parents medications and share with their friends. Sometimes guys give drugs to girls to get them into bed. The only things you can do is talk to the kids and explain how serious this can be, or you can try to supervise more. It's hard to keep kids away from drugs. Did you ask her where she got the pill? A long talk would be a good start.
We solved the problem when started our girls in a Christian School, where all the other kids were from God loving families. Some friends Homeschool. The most important thing is to know who their friends are and try to spend as much time together as a family.
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Interlineal Peruser Says:
Concerning anyone whom you love and care about, it's always worth a "shot" to try getting them hooked on happy hugs instead of dreary drugs. Hugs always give you a lift and tend to flow through you just like healthy fruit juice does, and the best method of serving fruit juice and hugs is to ensure that they're both squeezed fresh every day. You'll find that the very best hugs tend to come in reusable "wrappers", and if you slowly [p]unwrap them with all due care then it'll be so [squ]easy for you to always keep both the hugs and their wrappers in good condition.
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avonldy Says:
First, you ned to ask her where she got it, then ask why she thought she needed it. Explain that it is dangerous to take any medication that was not prescribed by her Dr. and that you OK'ed.
Sometimes girls share pills for cramps and things like that. Sometimes they take them to get "high". You need to have a long talk with her. Don't put this off, the next pill could be something worse.
These pills are addicting, she can get hooked on them. You need to stop this now!
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el siego Says:
to stop her from takin drugs you better beat that ass swear thats what my pops did and no damn lie ihavent used dope since ...iwas 21 at the time smh
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Feel Good Says:
let it go... its pain reliever.. dont be a snob about it or you will make it worse.
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Nickie Says:
Unless she has a legal prescription from a doctor or dentist please take it seriously. I am an addict and have been for over ten years. It is a vicious cycle starting out with one here and one there. It can quickly escalate to one a day, then two, then before you realize it takes 10+ a day just to keep the "maintenance" and not suffer the withdrawals. I am getting better, however, it is one hell of a battle and I completely regret ever starting. This is the hardest addiction to overcome and my heart is telling me to tell you this IS serious or can quickly become serious! Get informed about opiod addiction and do what you can now. You do not want to regret this possible red flag later down the road. This may not yet be an issue, but I'm all to familiar with the cravings, withdrawal, the lies, the vicious circle of it all and would try to save everyone from it if I could. God bless and good luck, please use all resources and get informed first. Research warning signs, addictive behavior, everything you can just incase it may be a problem :-)
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Nickie Says:
I completely disagree. It is a red flag! I am assuming you are an addict for the simple fact you are on this page, and if not I apologize. If so you are completely in denial. I wish there would have been just one friend, just one family member to try to open my eyes at the very beginning..... would have saved ten years of my life!
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christina Says:
Let it go its a pain reliever...yea tylenol is but not codiene and especially not vicodin..its not a joke nowhere close.I was hooked for 12 yrs and went from 1 to 30 a day takin 5 at a time.they are dangerous. You musy be some addict yourself to say such a thing.its no laughing matter and nothing to let go of.stop this asap. And take her to a doc they can tell you how much and what is in her system and where to get addiction help.take it from someone who knows.
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Riley Says:
Ya but you also have to watch out for them churchy types don't get me wrong there are still good church kids but alot of them try to break free from that setting
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Painislife Says:
Do NOT miss this opportunity to educate your child and teach her the danger of addiction. Addictions have ruined my personal life, my professional life, cost me more than just money and I've lost things that can't ever be replaced. Take her to a rehab facility and let her see the addicts shaking, vomiting, screaming, crying from withdrawal. Prescription pills are no less dangerous than black tar heroin and so much easier to obtain.
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Sunset Says:
Those Innocent pills CAN lead to a heroin addiction!Please anyone listening(reading) ha BEWARE!!!! Stop Now, they lead me to HELL! Im out of it but will forever be behind cause of it! God Bless & Pray-it does WORK!
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Jeanerbeaner Says:
Doing nothing is the worst!!! who were your parents?!? I'm sorry but I think this is a shameful post!
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Spyz Says:
what the heck is a "snob" when it cones to your kids illicit pills. im 52 now. through the ages of 15-25 I loved opiates in any way, shape or form ingested of course IV. I was more into the needle than the substance. Then I spent another 25 yrs doing coke starting with the powder then iv then crack. even though i knew the Lord crack was tough to pull away from until until a few years ago, He simply took all desire for it away; the same way He took away my H use about 40 yrs ago. About 5 yrs ago I put myself on opiate therapy because I noticed it prevented me from having vertigo which had escalated to a daily debilitating condition. I never noticed I had MS because I always had some sort of anesthetic rinning through my blood. Anyhow, I am currently in pain management and of course I never mentioned my prior substance use. I am now on a very mild pain reliever known as oxycodone. I believe due to my former years of use, they dont really phase me one way or the other. They are great for pain but the first time I had them, since there was all the criminal hoopla about them I swallowed 6 of the 30mgs. Nothing happened but I did manage to clean the apartment, climb the stairs with ease (live on 2nd floor) and got in and out of my truck with no problem. Of course that is not my prescribed dosage, its only 4 of the 30mg per day along with the ER oxymorphone 20 mg. On the other hand I can feel hydrocodone when I take 40 mg but they do a lousy job of relieving pain. When I complained to my doctor, he said," im not giving them to you for pain." The office staff looked at each other and then one of the girls said, they are to make you feel better until you can get into pain management. Ok, who doesn't love a nice opium buzz? Afterall they were legal for 6000 years until fair skinned, blue eyed, flaxen haired women began to take up with chinamen and negroes. Addiction took 6000 to bother the authorities huh? Now my roommate is a 6 foot 3" 284 poind man also in pain management on Tramadol. Occasionally I may give him 1/4 of a pill since 1) he is not prescribed them, 2) 1/2 a hydrocodone knocks him out, and 3) if something were to happen, I would be legally liable. So allow that mamma to be a snob if there is such a thing. She and her child need to learn the potential dangers of ANY substances which could possibly harm them. There are safe ways to take them AND enjoy them as well which of course are not in the medical books but just because you, I or others do that doesnt mean a young woman or teen can. While that child is in her mothers home, mother should go at her pace which may be to get the child help, call the police, throw her in rehab, pray for her, get godly counsel, etc. I f I could, I would slap you. Lord forgive me and bless the lil starving children in africa. Your attitude is why legitimate folks cant get adequate pain relief.
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Scarletredd Says:
You cant just let it go, obviously she has no perscription for it so most likely like most children ( adults too Im sure) only take it for the high They can get addicted and they could OD so I woul dhave a very straight forward ong tal and explain to her/him what it can do and what is side affects are in all the situations that lie ahead